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Multi-purpose and generic Helm chart to deploy any application to Kubernetes

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Cloud agnostic Kubernetes Helm charts

Cogito Group's cloud agnostic and generic Helm charts to help businesses securely scale with minimal DevOps overheads.

Source repository

  • ingress-nginx Kubernetes Nginx ingress controller using pure Nginx for deploying to all environments, local, on-premise and/or cloud
  • common Kubernetes Generic Helm Chart for deploying all applications with a single parameter file using a single Helm chart

Table of contents:

1. Ingress-nginx


  • Uses pure native Nginx configuration
  • WebSocket, SSL and TCP streaming backend support
  • Healthcheck endpoint for Kubernetes lifecycle management
  • Custom 40x.html and 50x error pages
  • Basic username/password authentication for each proxied application
  • IP Whitelisting for each proxied application
  • Zero-downtime upgrades using preStop hook SIGQUIT signal
  • Cloud agnostic deployment exposing HostPort or NodePort

See values.yaml for full list of features

See raw-yaml-output directories for example outputted Kubernetes YAML

Successfully tested on:

  • AWS EKS using NLB and ALB
  • Kind download
  • Rancher K3s
  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

1.1. Example - Ingress-nginx with custom conf.d file injection

See example-raw-output.yaml for example files outputted by helm templating.

cd helm-chart-boilerplate
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ./charts/ingress-nginx --namespace default --values ./examples/ingress-nginx-confd/values-override.yaml

1.2. Example - Ingress-nginx using 80/443 HostPorts

  1. Install the nginx ingress controller
cd helm-chart-boilerplate
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ./charts/ingress-nginx --namespace default --values ./examples/ingress-nginx-hostport/values-override.yaml
  1. Install Sample application hosted on

NOTE: Namespace field must match up to value of $backend in configmap-confd.yaml

kubectl apply -f ./charts/ingress-nginx/_sample-pod.yaml
  1. Test connectivity

See output from step 1

1.3. Example - Ingress-nginx using NodePorts with self-signed SSL certificate termination

See example-raw-output.yaml for example files outputted by helm templating.

  1. Create Kind cluster
cd helm-chart-boilerplate
kind create cluster --name kind --config ./examples/ingress-nginx-ssl-selfsigned/cluster.yaml
  1. Create self-signed certificate files
cd helm-chart-boilerplate/examples/ingress-nginx-ssl-selfsigned
mkdir -p certs
cd certs
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout ca.key -out ca.crt -days 356 -nodes -subj '/CN=Self-Signed Cert Authority' 
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout sample.key -out sample.csr -subj '/'
#Remember this password for step 2

#Generate the Client Key, and Certificate and Sign with the CA Certificate
openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 730 -in sample.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 01 -out sample.crt 
  1. Store the encryption password in the configMap

Edit the content of ssh_password_file in configmap-conf.yaml. "hello" is used as an example default.

  1. Create K8s secrets with certificates and key
cd helm-chart-boilerplate
kubectl delete secret --ignore-not-found=true "ingress-nginx-certs" -n default ; kubectl create secret generic "ingress-nginx-certs" -n default --from-file=tls.key=./examples/ingress-nginx-ssl-selfsigned/sample.key --from-file=tls.crt=./examples/ingress-nginx-ssl-selfsigned/sample.crt ; 
  1. Install the nginx ingress controller
cd helm-chart-boilerplate
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ./charts/ingress-nginx --namespace default --values ./examples/ingress-nginx-ssl-selfsigned/values-override.yaml
  1. Install Sample application hosted on

NOTE: Namespace field must match up to value of $backend in configmap-confd.yaml

kubectl apply -f ./charts/ingress-nginx/_sample-pod.yaml
  1. Test connectivity

See output from step 3

1.4. Example - Ingress-nginx using 3306 HostPort for mysql TCP backend

See example-raw-output.yaml for example files outputted by helm templating.

  1. Create a new mysql.conf file with TCP listener in configmap-confd.yaml

  2. Install the nginx ingress controller

cd helm-chart-boilerplate
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ./charts/ingress-nginx --namespace default --values ./examples/ingress-nginx-tcp/values-override.yaml
  1. Install Sample application hosted on

NOTE: Namespace field must match up to value of $backend in configmap-confd.yaml

kubectl apply -f ../../charts/ingress-nginx/_sample-pod.yaml
  1. Test connectivity

See output from step 2

1.5. Example - Ingress-nginx AWS NLB with NodePorts and IP whitelisting

See example-raw-output.yaml for example files outputted by helm templating.

  1. Enable PROXY_PROTOCOL on the AWS NLB so we can use IP whitelisting for Jenkins
  • First retreive the ARN of the HTTPS target group using the AWS console

  • Configure NLB to use proxy_protocol with a TargetGroup attribute

For example:

aws elbv2 modify-target-group-attributes --attributes Key=proxy_protocol_v2.enabled,Value=true --target-group-arn arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:304793330600:targetgroup/eks-cluster-nlb-https-tg-80db4d8/0f41d883eebbc37e

  1. Install ingress-nginx
cd helm-chart-boilerplate
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ./charts/ingress-nginx --namespace default --values ./examples/ingress-nginx-whitelisting/values-override.yaml
  1. Install Sample application hosted on

NOTE: Namespace field must match up to value of $backend in configmap-confd.yaml

kubectl apply -f ../../charts/ingress-nginx/_sample-pod.yaml
  1. Test connectivity

See output from step 2

2. Common

A generic helm chart to deploy a multitude of applications to Kubernetes using just a single input file values-override.yaml.


  • Secrets mounted environment variables .Values.secenv
  • Secrets mounted in-line .Values.secret.files
  • ConfigMap mounted environment variables .Values.configenv
  • ConfigMap mounted in-line .Values.configMap.files
  • Services specified in-line
  • Redis side car container .Values.RedisSidecar
  • InitContainers .Values.initContainers
  • Helm Hooks .Values.hook
  • PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim creation in-line .Values.persistence

See values.yaml for full list of features

2.1. Example - Helm Chart for SSH bastion server

See for more information

cd helm-chart-boilerplate
helm upgrade --install sshd ./charts/common --values ./examples/common-sshd/values-override.yaml

2.2. Example - Autoscaling backend service

See for more information

cd helm-chart-boilerplate
helm upgrade --install myrelease ./charts/common --values ./examples/common-backend-autoscaling/values-override.yaml

2.3. Example - Complete deployment of full common features

See for more information


  • Runs initContainer to sync contents of AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME to runtime container /app/data
  • Runs a Helm webhook prior to starting runtime container
export AWS_ACCOUNT=123
export AWS_REGION=
kubectl delete secret regcred --ignore-not-found && \
kubectl create secret regcred \
  --docker-server=${AWS_ACCOUNT}.dkr.ecr.${AWS_REGION} \
  --docker-username=AWS \
  --docker-password=$(aws ecr get-login-password) \
  • Example 1 install command
cd helm-chart-boilerplate
helm upgrade --install myrelease ./charts/common --values ./examples/common-complete/values-override.yaml
  • Example 2 install command
 export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY # AWS credential for initContainer s3 copy job
helm upgrade --install myrelease ./charts/common --values ./values-override.yaml --namespace app --set secenv.RABBIT_PASSWD=NadmapyefHybIdviGlyilguvminorcAu  --image.pullPolicy=Always --set "initContainers[0].env[1].value=${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}"

2.4. Example - Simple NodeJS express server with rawYaml injection

See for more information

cd helm-chart-boilerplate
export DB_PASSWORD=pass123
helm upgrade --install node-express ./charts/common --values ./examples/common-node-express/values-override.yaml --set secenv.DB_PASSWORD=${DB_PASSWORD}

2.5. Example - Helm Chart for Orleans Kubernetes application

See for more information

cd helm-chart-boilerplate
export DB_PASSWORD=pass123
helm upgrade --install node-express ./charts/common --values ./examples/common-orleans/values-override.yaml --set secenv.DB_PASSWORD=${DB_PASSWORD}

2.6. Example - Simple Nginx with static file mounts

cd helm-chart-boilerplate
helm upgrade --install common-nginx ./charts/common --values ./examples/common-nginx-static/values-override.yaml

2.7. Example - Tekton helm chart