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501 lines (381 loc) · 19 KB

File metadata and controls

501 lines (381 loc) · 19 KB

ChangeLog for PSScriptTools


  • Added a new command called Get-MyAlias with an alias of gma.
  • Added a custom formatting file for alias objects with new views of Options and Source.
  • Revised the help PDF to include command help.
  • Help documentation cleanup.
  • Updated
  • Fixed bug in Test-Expression that was importing the wrong module.
  • Modified New-PSDriveHere to not write the new PSDrive object to the pipeline. Added a -Passthru parameter. This is a BREAKING change to the command.
  • Modified Get-ParameterInfo to write a custom PSParameterInfo object to the pipeline and added a default list formatted view.
  • Modified psscripttool.format.ps1xml to display Verb in color using ANSI.


  • Cleaned up bad links and code fence re-formatting in
  • Created new base version of
  • Generated new help manual with a table of contents and nicer formatting. (Issue #87)
  • Renamed help pdf to PSScriptToolsManual.pdf.


  • Replaced links in PSScriptToolsHelp (Issue #86)
  • Updated PDF style when exporting PSScriptToolsHelp
  • Removed Table of Contents from There is a bug when rendering to PDF that doesn't follow the relative links in the document. Hopefully I can add this back in the future.
  • Minor changes to



  • Added a Documents type to PSAnsiFileMap.json.
  • Added a parameter to Convert-HashtableToCode to output an inline string. (Issue #85)
  • Added an alias chc for Convert-HashtableToCode.
  • Added Copy-HelpExample command with an alias of che.
  • Added Open-PSScriptToolsHelp to open a PDF version of as a help manual.


  • Fixed duplicate entry in PSAnsiFileMap.json.
  • Revised regex patterns in PSAnsiFileMap.json. (Issue #83)
  • Cleaned up code in filesystem-ansi.format.ps1xml.
  • Modified Convert-HashtableToCode to (hopefully) better handle scriptblocks. (Issue #84)
  • Updated


  • None



  • None


  • Fixed incorrect sequence for BlackRectangle in $PSSpecialChar. (Issue #82)
  • Fixed incorrect ANSI for System files in PSAnsiFileMap.json.


  • None



  • Added a set of ANSI mappings for temporary files and system files in psansifilemap.json.
  • Added additional file extensions to psansifilemap.json.
  • Added pointers, section sign, and black rectangle to PSSpecialChars hashtable.


  • Modified Show-Tree to make the InColor parameter always available. (Issue #80)
  • Modified Add-Border to use ANSI escape codes that will work in both Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7.
  • Updated New-PSFormatXML to better handle empty or null property values. (Issue #81)
  • Help Updates


  • None



  • Added parameter alias of tb for -TextBlock in Add-Border.
  • Added parameter alias of border for -Character in Add-Border.
  • Added New-ANSIBar command.
  • Added New-RedGreenGradient command.
  • Added Write-ANSIProgress command with an alias of wap.
  • Defined a global variable called $PSSpecialChar which is a hash table select special characters you might want to use with Add-Border or New-AnsiBar.
  • Added a table view to modulecommand.format.ps1xml and made it the default.
  • Added a new table view called verb to modulecommand.format.ps1xml.
  • Added Get-PathVariable with its own custom format file. (Issue #74)
  • Added sample script Get-Status.ps1.
  • Added global variable $PSSamplePath to point to the sample script location


  • Modified Add-Border to adjust line length when ANSI escapes are part of the text. (Issue #79)
  • Modified Get-PSWho to trim when using -AsString.
  • Fixed bug in New-PSFormatXML what was writing an XML element to the pipeline when using -Wrap.
  • Updated Get-ModuleCommand output to include the module name.
  • Updated serviceansi.format.ps1xml and filesystem-ansi.format.ps1xml to use an escape sequence available to both Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7.
  • Fixed wrong type name in serviceansi.format.ps1xml.
  • Help updates.
  • Updated sample scripts.
  • Updated


  • Removed duplicate line of code in New-PSFormatXML.


  • Updated New-PSFormatXML to include an option to wrap tables. (Issue #78)
  • Updated Add-Border to include parameters to specify an ANSI sequence for the border and one for the text.
  • Revised Add-Border to better support inserting blank lines.
  • Updated


  • Modified Set-ConsoleTitle to move parameter validation into the Process script block. (Issue #75)
  • Modified Get-FolderSizeInfo to fix an enumeration bug when used in Windows PowerShell. (Issue #77)
  • Added online help links for Get-GitSize, Get-ModuleCommand and Remove-MergedBranch.
  • Updated foldersizeinfo.format.ps1xml to include a view called TB to display values in TB.


  • Updated Set-ConsoleTitle and Set-ConsoleColor to display a warning if not in a console session. (Issue #75)
  • Added Get-GitSize and format file gitsize.format.ps1xml
  • Added a default ANSI color map file psansimap.json.
  • Modified module to use a copy of psansimap.json in $HOME if detected. Otherwise, use the module's version.
  • Create a global variable called PSAnsiFileMap from importing the psansimap.json file.
  • Updated Show-Tree to use an ansi color map. (Issue #69)
  • Added FileSystem-ansi.format.ps1xml which adds a custom view called ansi. This colorizes files based on $PSAnsiMap.
  • Updated Show-Tree to resolve child paths using -LiteralPath.
  • Updated


  • Restructured Get-FileSizeInfo to better handle Windows PowerShell. (Issue #70)
  • Added Remove-MergedBranch with an alias of rmb. (Issue #71)
  • Added Get-ModuleCommand with an alias of gmc.
  • Added modulecommand.format.ps1xml to format Get-ModuleCommand results.
  • Added an alias of shtree for Show-Tree because pstree is a Linux command.
  • Added parameter alias files for -ShowItem in Show-Tree.
  • Added parameter alias properties for -ShowProperties in Show-Tree.
  • Added parameter alias ansi for dynamic parameter InColor in Show-Tree. (Issue #73)
  • Set the default parameter value for -Path in Show-Tree to the current directory.
  • Modified Show-Tree to allow the user to specify an array of properties. This is a breaking change as the parameter has been changed from a switch to string[]. (Issue #72)
  • Removed PROPERTY label in Show-Tree output when displaying properties.
  • Corrected errors in module manifest.
  • Added auto completer for Runspace parameter in Remove-Runspace.
  • Added alias rfn for New-RandomFileName.
  • Added alias cfn for New-CustomFileName.
  • Updated
  • clean up.


  • Modified Get-FolderSizeInfo to use [system.collections.arraylist]` to improve performance. (Issue #68)
  • Fixed bug in Get-FolderSizeInfo running in PowerShell 7 that wasn't including System files.
  • Updated help for Get-FolderSizeInfo.
  • Added online help link for Get-PSScriptTools.
  • Added better error handling to Test-EmptyFolder.
  • Added Computername property to passthru output from Test-EmptyFolder.
  • Added alias fcc for Find-CimClass.
  • Added alias pstree for Show-Tree.
  • Revised Show-Tree to use splatting for internal commands.
  • Added a dynamic parameter InColor for Show-Tree to display results in ANSI color if running PowerShell 7.
  • Added format file serviceansi.format.ps1xml to display service status colored when using PowerShell 7.
  • Updated


  • Fixed missing ReleaseID property in Get-WindowsVersion. (Issue #67)
  • Added BuildBranch property to Get-WindowsVersion.
  • Updated windowsversion.format.ps1xml to include new properties and not use Autosize.
  • Added Name property to output from Get-FolderSizeInfo (Issue #66)
  • Added a new table view called name for Get-FolderSizeInfo.
  • Added Get-PSScriptTools function to display summary information about commands in this module.
  • Added psscripttools.format.ps1xml to define a default table view for Get-PSScriptTools.
  • Help updates.
  • Added online help link for Test-EmptyFolder.
  • Updated


  • Updated Get-FolderSizeInfo to handle directory names like [data]. (Issue #65)
  • Updated Get-FolderSizeInfo to show a TotalSize of 0 for empty directories. (Issue #64)
  • Cleaned up code in Get-FolderSizeInfo script file now that it is part of this module.
  • Added Test-EmptyFolder.
  • Updated


  • Fixed bug in New-CustomFileName when using a 24 hour value. (Issue #62)
  • Updated Test-ExpressionForm to clear the text results. (Issue #61)
  • Updated Convertto-WPFGrid to display a refresh message. (Issue #43)
  • Updated foldersizeinfo.format.ps1xml to include a KB formatted view.


  • Fixed bug in Get-FolderSizeInfo that was returning incorrect data. (Issue #60)
  • Updated newer help with online links.
  • Updated


  • Added Get-FolderSizeInfo and its alias gsi along with a corresponding format.ps1xml file.
  • Fixed IsWindows bug in New-WPFMessageBox. (Issue #59)
  • Fixed IsWindows bug in Convertto-WPFGrid, Find-CimClass, Test-ExpressionForm, Get-WindowsVersion,Get-WindowsVersionString and Invoke-InputBox by using a new function Test-IsPSWindows.
  • Updated Get-PSWho to better work cross-platform.
  • Help updates.
  • Updated


  • Fixed bug in Save-GitSetup that relies on $IsWindows (Issue #58). Now this command should work on Windows PowerShell 5.1 as well.
  • Updated help for Save-GitSetup.
  • Updated help files with missing online links.


  • Updated New-PSFormatXML to support Wide table formats. (Issue #55)
  • Updated Test-ExpressionForm to better handle non-Windows platforms.
  • Added Save-GitSetup to download the latest x64 version of git.
  • Modified New-CustomFileName to support a new template element, %hour24. (Issue #57)
  • Added tv alias to Out-VerboseTee.
  • Added ConvertTo-LexicalTimespan.
  • Added ConvertFrom-LexicalTimespan.
  • Updated manifest description.
  • Updated help for Get-PowerShellEngine.
  • Updated


  • Added New-RunspaceCleanupJob command to be used with WPF commands running in a new runspace.
  • Modified ConvertTo-WPFGrid to clean up runspace when closed. (Issue #25)
  • Modified ConvertTo-WPFGrid to attempt to run on all platforms and gracefully fail where it won't work. (Issue #56)
  • Added 'Convert-EventLogRecord' function and its alias clr.
  • Added Rename-Hashtable function and its alias rht.
  • Updated Convertto-Markdown to include options to format as a table.
  • Updated module manifest to export ConvertTo-WPFGrid to all hosts. Code in the command will determine compatibility.
  • Updated Find-FileItem to work better cross-platform.
  • Updated New-WPFMessagebox to work on PowerShell 7 on Windows platforms.
  • Help Updates.
  • Modified module and manifest to export all functions regardless of edition. Any OS limitations will be handled on a per command basis.
  • Updated


  • Help updates.
  • Replaced GitHub online help links with short links.
  • Minor updates to
  • Updated Out-More to work better with output from Get-Help.


  • Added a grouping feature to New-PSFormatXML. (Issue #54)
  • Modified New-PSFormatXML to open the XML file if the command is run in VS Code as part of -Passthru.
  • Help updates.


  • Added Test-WithCulture.
  • Fixed typo in Copy-Command help.
  • Created yaml formatted help files.
  • Updated
  • Updated help documentation with online links.
  • Updated


  • Added ConvertFrom-Text and its alias cft. (Issue #53)
  • Updated ConvertTo-UTC to include an option to format result as a sortable string. (Issue #52)
  • Added Get-WhoIs and whoisresult.format.ps1xml.
  • help documentation clean up.
  • Updated and reorganized


  • Added Get-FileItem with an alias of pswhere.
  • Renamed timezonedata.format.ps1xml to all lower case.
  • Replaced using Out-Null to use [void] in Convertto-WPFGrid, New-PSFormatXML, Copy-Command,New-WPFMessageBox, Write-Detail, Test-Expression,Invoke-Inputbox. (Issue #47)
  • Revised warning message in New-PSFormatXML. (Issue #50)
  • Fixed icon path error in New-WPFMessageBox.


  • Modified ConvertTo-LocalTime to allow for locations supporting Daylight Saving Time. (Issue #44)
  • Fixed bug in New-PSFormatXML that wasn't using auto detected property names. (Issue #45)
  • Added Get-TZList and Get-TZData commands.
  • Added format file timeZoneData.format.ps1xml.
  • Modified ConvertTo-WPFGrid to allow the user to control which gridlines are displayed
  • Modified New-CustomFilename to improve parameter help.
  • Modified New-CustomFilename to add %seconds.
  • Modified New-CustomFilename so that %month, %day and %minute will use a leading zero if necessary.
  • Added new help examples for New-CustomFilename.
  • Help updates.
  • File re-organization.
  • Updated


  • Modified Convertto-WPFGrid to set maximum size equal to total available working area. (Issue #36)
  • Modified Convertto-WPFGrid to change cursor on refresh and display a refresh message in the title bar
  • Added InitializationScript option for ConvertTo-WPFGrid. (Issue #42)
  • Added ConvertTo-LocalTime with an alias of clt.
  • Updated
  • Help updates.


  • fixed bug which was hiding the horizontal scroll bar in ConvertTo-WPFGrid. (Issue #40)
  • fixed bug which prevented status bar from updating when manually refreshing in ConvertTo-WPFGrid. (Issue #34)
  • Changed time display in ConvertTo-WPFGrid as a timespan instead of raw seconds. (Issue #41)
  • Markdown help cleanup.
  • Added Set-ConsoleTitle.
  • Added Set-ConsoleColor.
  • Updated


  • Made datagrid in ConvertTo-WPFGrid read-only. (Issue #38)
  • Modified datagrid in ConvertTo-WPFGrid to better handle resizing. (Issue #36)
  • Modified statusbar in ConvertTo-WPFGrid to better handle resizing. (Issue #37)
  • Modified form in ConvertTo-WPFGrid to better fit in the screen and not exceed the screen area. (Issue #39)
  • Added parameter to allow usage of local variables in ConvertTo-WPFGrid. (Issue #35)
  • Help updates.
  • Reorganized


  • Fixed bug in ConvertTo-WPFGrid that wasn't updating last update time. (Issue #30)
  • Modified ConvertTo-WPFGrid to allow user to load their profile scripts into the runspace. (Issue #29)
  • Modified auto sizing code in ConvertTo-WPFGrid.
  • Modified ConvertTo-WPFGrid to automatically display scroll bars when necessary.
  • Modified New-PSFormatXML to display a warning on invalid property names. (Issue #33)
  • Added Get-myTimeInfo, ConvertTo-UTCTime and ConvertFrom-UTCTime (Issue #31)
  • help updates.
  • Updated


  • Code revisions in ConvertTo-WPFGrid (Issue #27)
  • Updated Get-ParameterInfo to reflect dynamic parameters. (Issue #28)
  • Updated Get-PSLocation to better reflect locations and use a custom format file.
  • Updated Get-WindowsVersion with custom type for format file. Also better handling of non-Windows platforms.
  • Updated Get-WindowsVersionString to include the computername.
  • Updated New-WPFMessageBox to gracefully exit if running on PowerShell Core.
  • Updated Test-ExpressionForm to gracefully exit if running on PowerShell Core.
  • Updated New-RandomFilename to better reflect locations using [environment].
  • Modified manifest to be more aware of PSEdition and only load compatible commands.
  • Help updates.
  • Updated


  • Added parameter to allow user to specify a type name with New-PSFormatXML. (Issue #26)
  • Added Get-ParameterInfo command with an alias of gpi.
  • Updated help for Optimize-Text.
  • Help updates.
  • Updated


  • Added New-PSFormatXml and its alias nfx.
  • Raised minimum PowerShell version to 5.1.
  • Modified manifest to support both Desktop and Core.
  • Added Remove-Runspace.
  • Modified ConvertTo-WPFGrid to autosize the display and support an automatic refresh.
  • Modified ConvertTo-WPFGrid to use a runspace. (Issue #22)
  • Updated
  • Updated help documentation.
  • Raised version number to reflect a number of potentially breaking changes.


  • minor corrections to Compare-Module. (Issue #21)


  • fixed typo in Write-Detail. (Thanks @AndrewPla)
  • Added Compare-Module function. (Issue #19)
  • Added Get-WindowsVersion function. (Issue #20)
  • Added Get-WindowsVersionString function.
  • Updated
  • Updated module manifest.
  • reorganized module.
  • Updated Pester test for Test-Expression.
  • Updated external help file.


  • Added New-WPFMessagebox function. (Issue #11)
  • Added alias nmb for New-WPFMessageBox.
  • Added icon files for WPF Message box.
  • Updated


  • Added Optimize-Text and its alias ot.
  • Added Show-Tree.
  • Help and documentation updates.


  • code cleanup for the published module in the PowerShell Gallery.


  • Added Select-First and its alias first.
  • Added Select-Last and its alias last.
  • Added Get-MyVariable and its alias gmv.
  • Added New-PSDriveHere and its alias npsd.
  • Updated


  • Added hashtable tools.
  • Updated
  • minor code cleanup.


  • Fixed documentation errors for Out-ConditionalColor. (Issue #13)
  • Added alias definitions to functions.
  • Added my Test-Expression commands. (Issue #14)
  • Added my Find-CimClass function. (Issue #16)
  • Added my ConvertTo-Markdown function. (Issue #17)
  • Added ConvertTo-WPFGrid. (Issue #15)
  • help cleanup and updates.
  • Code cleanup and formatting.


  • Updated Write-Detail.
  • Updated


  • Cleaned up ToDo code. (Issue #12)
  • Updated
  • Help cleanup.


  • fixed version number mistake.
  • updated


  • initial release to the PowerShell Gallery.


  • Added Get-PSLocation function. (Issue #4)
  • Added Get-PowerShellEngine function. (Issue #5)
  • Added Out-More and alias om. (Issue #10)
  • Added icon to manifest.
  • Added Invoke-InputBox and alias ibx.
  • Added code to insert ToDo comments for the ISE and VSCode. (Issue #7)
  • Updated
  • Updated documentation.


  • Added Copy-Command. (Issue #2)
  • Updated Copy-Command to open new file in the ISE or VSCode.
  • Added Format functions. (Issue #3)
  • Updated help.
  • Added new sample files.


  • Added help documentation.
  • Updated
  • Added samples.
  • Reverted Get-PSWho to not trim when using -AsString.
  • Added code to New-CustomFileName to preserve case for non-placeholders.
  • Modified Out-VerboseTee to turn on VerboseTee.


  • Modified verbose output to use Write-Detail.
  • Expanded aliases to full cmdlet names.
  • Modified Get-PSWho to trim when using -AsString.
  • Added Out-ConditionalColor.
  • Added Get-RandomFileName.
  • Added New-CustomFileName.


  • initial module files