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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 19, 2022. It is now read-only.


Daniel edited this page Jun 9, 2020 · 3 revisions

General information

Translations for this project are created via gettext. This means the app creates input POT files (Portable Object Template) for the translators and uses then the PO files created by the translators with the localized strings.

POT creation

The creation of the POT is automated via shell scripts.


Used to create / update the apps POT source file: translations/oxcoi.pot.
As this script is executed locally an installation of gettext is required to run this script. The created POT file then must be transferred to the translators.

Platform specific steps


For iOS additional steps are required as this part of the project contains strings which explain the usage of permissions for the app. Those strings aren't in the POT / PO format, they are located in native InfoPlist.strings files. Two additional scripts will take care of this. The mentioned scripts are only usable for Open-Xchange employees.


Creates a POT file from the en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings file and uploads it to our translation service.


This script downloads a ZIP file with all relevant translations and extracts it. Afterwards it copies the InfoPlist.strings files into the different .lproj folders.