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Class jboss

Cezary Morga edited this page Jan 29, 2016 · 3 revisions

The jboss install class

The jboss main class is used to install the application server itself. It can install it on default parameters but you can use then to customize installation procedure.

To install JBoss Application Server you can use just, it will install Wildfly 8.2.0.Final by default:

include jboss

To install JBoss EAP or older JBoss AS use:

class { 'jboss':
  product => 'jboss-eap',
  version => '6.4.0.GA',

or use hiera:

jboss::params::product: 'jboss-as'
jboss::params::version: '7.1.1.Final'

###Parameters for jboss class:

class jboss (
  $hostname         = $jboss::params::hostname,
  $product          = $jboss::params::product,
  $jboss_user       = $jboss::params::jboss_user,
  $jboss_group      = $jboss::params::jboss_group,
  $version          = $jboss::params::version,
  $download_url     = $jboss::params::download_url,
  $java_autoinstall = $jboss::params::java_autoinstall,
  $java_version     = $jboss::params::java_version,
  $java_package     = $jboss::params::java_package,
  $install_dir      = $jboss::params::install_dir,
  $runasdomain      = $jboss::params::runasdomain,
  $controller_host  = $jboss::params::controller_host,
  $enableconsole    = $jboss::params::enableconsole,
  $profile          = $jboss::params::profile,
  $prerequisites    = Class['jboss::internal::prerequisites'],
  $fetch_tool       = $jboss::params::fetch_tool,


It is used to name jboss main host.xml key to distinguish from other hosts in distributed environment. By default is equals to $::hostname fact.

Applicable Hiera key: jboss::params::hostname


Name of the JBoss product. Can be one of: jboss-eap, jboss-as or wildfly. By default this is equals to wildfly.

Applicable Hiera key: jboss::params::product


The name of the user to be used as owner of JBoss files in filesystem. It will be also used to run JBoss processes. Be default it is equal to jboss for jboss-eap and jboss-as server and wildfly for wildfly server.

Applicable Hiera key: jboss::params::jboss_user


The filesystem group to be used as a owner of JBoss files. By default it is equal to the same value as $jboss::jboss_user.


The complete download URL from which JBoss zip file will be downloaded. By default it is equal to<product>/<version>/<product>-<version>.zip. You can also change just the URL base (the part) by setting jboss::params::download_urlbase Hiera key.

Applicable Hiera keys: jboss::params::download_url, jboss::params::download_urlbase


This parameter is by default equal to true and if so it will install default Java JDK using puppetlabs/java

Applicable Hiera key: jboss::params::java_autoinstall


This parameter is by default equals to latest and it is passed to puppetlabs/java module. You can give other values. For details look in Puppetlabs/Java dodumentation

Applicable Hiera key: jboss::params::java_version


The name of Java JDK package to use. Be default it is used to undef and it is passed to puppetlabs/java. Possible values are: jdk, jre. For details look in Puppetlabs/Java dodumentation

Applicable Hiera key: jboss::params::java_package


The directory to use as installation home for JBoss Application Server. By default it is equal to /usr/lib/<product>-<version>

Applicable Hiera key: jboss::params::install_dir


This parameter is used to configure JBoss server to run in domain or standalone mode. By default is equal to false, so JBoss runs in standalone mode. Set it to true to setup domain mode.

Applicable Hiera key: jboss::params::runasdomain


This parameter is used to enable or disable access to JBoss management web console. It is equal to false by default, so the console is turned off.

Applicable Hiera key: jboss::params::enableconsole


JBoss profile to use. By default it is equal to full, which is the default profile in JBoss server. You can use any other default profile to start with: full, ha, full-ha.

Applicable Hiera key: jboss::params::profile


The class to use as a JBoss prerequisites which will be processed before installation. By default is equal to Class['jboss::internal::prerequisites']. The default class is used to install wget package. If you would like to install wget in diffrent way, please write your class that does that and pass reference to it as this parameter


This parameter is by default equal to jboss::internal::util::download. This is a default implementation for fetching files (mostly JBoss zip files) with wget. If you would like to use your own implementation, please write your custom define with the same interface as jboss::internal::util::download and pass it's name to this parameter.

Applicable Hiera key: jboss::params::fetch_tool