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pm svn branches

Stefan Vigerske edited this page Feb 24, 2019 · 1 revision

The detailed description of this topic in the subversion book can be found here.

A _tag_ is a name that is given by the project maintainer to a particular revision of the code in a repository, so that one can easily retrieve it without having to specify a revision number. Typically, one might want to give tags to stable versions of the code.

A _branch_ is a specific "line" of code development. One always has a main branch, which contains the main development branch. In subversion, this main development branch is by convention called _trunk_. But it is a very good idea, and we highly recommend this, to maintain stable branches, which allow the common user to work with a recent version of the code, without being disturbed by every single change and intermediate unstable version. The recommended way to handle a project's repository in terms of stable branches and official point releases is discussed here.

In the trunk development branch one can safely continue to work, possibly sharing the changes with other developers, and if a new stable version has been obtained, the changes can be _merged_ to a stable branch.

If you have used CVS before, you know the notion of "branches" and "tags". In CVS, there are specific commands to organize tags and branches, which can sometimes be confusing. It is important to understand that subversion works in a different, much easier way.

Subversion itself does not know about tags and branches. Instead, one can use the fact that subversion (in contrast to CVS) also keeps revisions of directories, just as for files, and that an svn copy retains the change history for copied files and directories.

Project managers are encouraged to follow the COIN-OR release management policy. In this case, the directory structure in the svn repository at the very base of a project (say, Prjct), is

Prjct ---- trunk
  |------- stable
  |------- releases
  |------- branches
  |------- tags
  -------- conf

Here, stable contains subdirectories x.y with 2-digit release numbers, indicating a stable branch, and releases contains subdirectories x.y.z with 3-digit release numbers, indicating tags for stable point releases. The latest development is meant to take place in trunk. The directories branches and tags are meant for further branches and tags, respectively, and conf contains some configuration files.

You can find out more about the subversion commands used here by typing svn help command, or look at our short documentation here.

Creating New Branches and Tags

In the trunk directory should be the current main development version of the project, i.e., the stuff that the project manager and other developers work on. If you want to create a new branch, say a new stable branch called stable/2.5 from the current trunk version, you use svn copy to create a copy of trunk in a new subdirectory (in the svn repository) under stable.

You can do this without having to use a local copy of the entire repository by specifying URLs for both the source and the destination of the copy. For the Prjct example project, you would do this with

svn copy \ \
         -m "Creating branch stable/2.5 from revision 450"

Since this is a write action to the repository, you will need to provide a message that logs the change you are doing (this is what the "-m" flag is for). If you omit this flag, your default editor will open and ask you to provide the log message. Here it is highly recommended to include the current repository revision number of the repository in the commit message. You can use the svn info command to determine this number; in case of the above example you can do:

>$ svn info
Path: trunk
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: ef2a96d0-92f8-0310-a3c1-cdaa70078a94
Revision: 450
Node Kind: directory
Last Changed Author: johndoe
Last Changed Rev: 443
Last Changed Date: 2006-07-20 10:49:03 -0400 (Thu, 20 Jul 2006)

Look for the line starting with "Revision:" in the output.

If you now want to check out the stable branch stable/2.5 to be able to make changes and submit them back to the branch, you specify the corresponding directory in the repository in your svn checkout command, such as

svn co Coin-Prjct-stable-2.5

This will create a subdirectory Coin-Prjct-stable-2.5 (or however you name it) in which you can work.

At a later point you probably want to transfer changes between branches, for example, from the development branch trunk to a stable branch. For this you use svn merge as described further below.

Just as you create new branches with svn copy, you can create a tag by copying the version you want to tag into a subdirectory in the tags subversion repository directory. For example, say, you decided that what you want to make a new point release (number 2.5.6) from what you have currently in your stable branch stable/2.5. Then you could issue the command

svn copy \ \
         -m "Creating releases/2.5.6 from stable/2.5 (from rev 457)"

In contrast to CVS, you could now make modifications to the tagged version of your code (since subversion handles tags by convention simply as internal directories), but since tags are supposed to be a snapshot of the code at a particular time, that would be very bad practice.


The subversion repository is essentially a large file system with revision control. One can check out directories (including subdirectories) at any level of that file system. By convention, the root of the file system has the structure as in the above diagram. The trunk is the main development branch of the project, subdirectories in the stable and branches directories correspond to branches, and subdirectories in the releases and tags directories correspond to tags.

Merging Branches

Please make sure you read the page about the COIN-OR policy of handling releases and stable branches.

Synchronizing two branches

After you worked on your development branch (trunk) for a while, you might want to merge the changes you made into a stable branch, say stable/2.5. For this, you use the svn merge command.

An svn merge conceptually does an svn diff to get the difference between two copies of the code, and applies the difference as patch to the work copy, in which svn merge is performed, but it is more powerful than just obtaining the diff output and applying the patches yourself, since it will also rename and create files and directories, when this was within the changes that were done between the two copies.

As an example, assume that the current content in stable/2.5 was the content of the development trunk corresponding to the repository revision 450 (e.g., you copied the trunk to stable/2.5 at that revision, or you synchronized the two with a previous merge operation). Now you want to update stable/2.5 to the current state of trunk. First, you need to have a local working copy of stable/2.5. In the base directory of this working copy, you would then type

svn merge -r 450

This will merge then changes that occurred in trunk since revision 450 into your local copy (of stable/2.5). If you have made no local modifications in stable/2.5 (and it is a good idea do keep it that way), everything should just work fine. If you have local modification in your trunk copy, you might encounter conflicts that you have to resolve, just as if you have done an svn commit and encountered conflicts (see the description of svn commit here).

Note: Once you have successfully synchronized stable/2.5 with trunk, you should commit the changes in stable/2.5 and include the current repository number in your commit message, so that you know the beginning point for your next merge operation.

Applying a changeset to a different branch

Another typical example is that you are working on some branch (say, trunk), and you are committing a change to this branch (such as a bugfix), which you also want to apply to another branch (say, you stable branch stable/2.5). If the committed change for trunk brought your subversion repository revision number from N to N+1 (say, from 465 to 466), you can then type

svn merge -r 465:466

in your local working copy of stable/2.5. This will try to merge the changeset 466 into your local copy. If the files to which changes are applied have not diverged too much, this should work without problems, but you should check in any case if the patch is applied correctly.