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graham jenson committed Oct 13, 2017
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Showing 9 changed files with 593 additions and 0 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
## How to Open a Ticket

* Before you open a ticket or send a pull request, search for previous discussions about the same feature or issue. Add to the earlier ticket if you find one.

* Before sending a pull request for a feature or bug fix, be sure to have the existing tests passing, and additional tests for your feature or fix.

* Use the same coding style as the rest of the codebase.

* All pull requests should be made to the `master` branch.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Copyright 2016 Coinbase, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
# assume-role

<img src="./assets/assume-role.png" align="right" alt="assume-role logo" />

`assume-role` is a command line tool that makes it easy to assume IAM roles through an **AWS Bastion** account with **MFA**.

**AWS Bastion** accounts store only IAM users providing a central, isolated account to manage their credentials and access. Trusting AWS accounts create IAM roles that the Bastion users can assume, to allow a single user access to multiple accounts resources. Under this setup, `assume-role` makes it easier to follow the standard security practices of MFA and short lived credentials.

## Installation

### via Homebrew (macOS)

brew tap coinbase/assume-role
brew install assume-role

You can then upgrade at any time by running:

brew upgrade assume-role

### via Bash (Linux/macOS)

You can install/upgrade assume-role with this command:

curl | bash

It will ask for your sudo password only if necessary.

## Getting Started

Make sure that credentials for your AWS bastion account are stored in `~/.aws/credentials`.

Out of the box you can call `assume-role` like:

eval $(assume-role account-id role mfa-token)

If your shell supports bash functions (e.g. zsh) then you can add `source $(which assume-role)` to your `rc` file (e.g. `~/.zshrc`), then you can call `assume-role` like:

assume-role [account-id] [role] [mfa-token]

`assume-role` this method can be used with arguments or interactively like:

<img src="./assets/assume-role.gif" alt="assume-role usage" />

### Account Aliasing

You can define aliases to account ids in `~/.aws/accounts` which assume-role can use, e.g.

"default": 123456789012,
"staging": 123456789012,
"production": 123456789012

With this file, to assume the `read` role in the `production` account:

assume-role production read
# OR
assume-role 123456789012 read

## AWS Bastion Account Setup

Here is a simple example of how to set up a **Bastion** AWS account with an id `0987654321098` and a **Production** account with the id `123456789012`.

In the **Production** account create a role called `read`, with the trust relationship:

"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::0987654321098:root"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Condition": {
"Bool": {
"aws:SecureTransport": "true",
"aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent": "true"
"NumericLessThan": {
"aws:MultiFactorAuthAge": "54000"

The conditions `aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent` and `aws:MultiFactorAuthAge` forces the use of temporary credentials secured with MFA.

In the **Bastion** account, create a group called `assume-read` with the policy:

"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [ "sts:AssumeRole" ],
"Resource": [ "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/read" ],
"Condition": {
"Bool": {
"aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent": "true",
"aws:SecureTransport": "true"
"NumericLessThan": {
"aws:MultiFactorAuthAge": "54000"

Attach this group to **Bastion** users that should be able use `read`'s policies in the **Production** account.

You can assume the `read` role in **Production** by running:

assume-role 123456789012 read

Then entering a MFA token on request.

## Prompt

If you are using `zsh` you can get a sweet prompt by adding to your `.zshrc` file:

function aws_account_info {
[ "$AWS_ACCOUNT_NAME" ] && [ "$AWS_ACCOUNT_ROLE" ] && echo "%F{blue}aws:(%f%F{red}$AWS_ACCOUNT_NAME:$AWS_ACCOUNT_ROLE%f%F{blue})%F$reset_color"

# )ofni_tnuocca_swa($ is $(aws_account_info) backwards
PROMPT=`echo $PROMPT | rev | sed 's/ / )ofni_tnuocca_swa($ /'| rev`

## Testing

assume-role is tested with [BATS]( (Bash Automated Testing System). To run the tests first you will need `bats`, `jq` and `shellcheck` installed. On macOS this can be accomplished with `brew`:

brew install bats
brew install jq
brew install shellcheck

Then run `bats test/assume-role.bats`;
Binary file added assets/assume-role.gif
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Binary file added assets/assume-role.png
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