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Branching ArgParsers.
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Set up ArgParser to allow branches like:

a <-
   <|> do
   <|> do

As in Parsec.
  • Loading branch information
colah committed Dec 5, 2012
1 parent 8ecde3e commit 15cb3b4
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12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions Graphics/Implicit/ExtOpenScad/Definitions.hs
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Expand Up @@ -79,17 +79,19 @@ collector s l = Var s :$ [ListE l]
data ArgParser a
-- | For actual argument entries:
-- ArgParser (argument name) (default) (doc) (next Argparser...)
= ArgParser String (Maybe OVal) String (OVal -> ArgParser a)
= AP String (Maybe OVal) String (OVal -> ArgParser a)
-- | For returns:
-- ArgParserTerminator (return value)
| ArgParserTerminator a
| APTerminator a
-- | For failure:
-- ArgParserFailIf (test) (error message) (child for if true)
| ArgParserFailIf Bool String (ArgParser a)
| APFailIf Bool String (ArgParser a)
-- An example, then next
| ArgParserExample String (ArgParser a)
| APExample String (ArgParser a)
-- A string to run as a test, then invariants for the results, then next
| ArgParserTest String [TestInvariant] (ArgParser a)
| APTest String [TestInvariant] (ArgParser a)
-- A branch where there are a number of possibilities for the parser underneath
| APBranch [ArgParser a]
deriving (Show)

data TestInvariant = EulerCharacteristic Int
Expand Down
63 changes: 40 additions & 23 deletions Graphics/Implicit/ExtOpenScad/Util/ArgParser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,60 +8,68 @@ import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Util.OVal
import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Control.Monad

instance Monad ArgParser where

-- return is easy: if we want an ArgParser that just gives us a, that is
-- ArgParserTerminator a
return a = ArgParserTerminator a
return a = APTerminator a

-- Now things get more interesting. We need to describe how (>>=) works.
-- Let's get the hard ones out of the way first.
-- ArgParser actually
(ArgParser str fallback doc f) >>= g = ArgParser str fallback doc (\a -> (f a) >>= g)
(ArgParserFailIf b errmsg child) >>= g = ArgParserFailIf b errmsg (child >>= g)
(AP str fallback doc f) >>= g = AP str fallback doc (\a -> (f a) >>= g)
(APFailIf b errmsg child) >>= g = APFailIf b errmsg (child >>= g)
-- These next to is easy, they just pass the work along to their child
(ArgParserExample str child) >>= g = ArgParserExample str (child >>= g)
(ArgParserTest str tests child) >>= g = ArgParserTest str tests (child >>= g)
(APExample str child) >>= g = APExample str (child >>= g)
(APTest str tests child) >>= g = APTest str tests (child >>= g)
-- And an ArgParserTerminator happily gives away the value it contains
(ArgParserTerminator a) >>= g = g a
(APTerminator a) >>= g = g a
(APBranch bs) >>= g = APBranch $ map (>>= g) bs

instance MonadPlus ArgParser where
mzero = APFailIf True "" undefined
mplus (APBranch as) (APBranch bs) = APBranch ( as ++ bs )
mplus (APBranch as) b = APBranch ( as ++ [b] )
mplus a (APBranch bs) = APBranch ( [a] ++ bs )
mplus a b = APBranch [ a , b ]

-- * ArgParser building functions

-- ** argument and combinators

argument :: forall desiredType. (OTypeMirror desiredType) => String -> ArgParser desiredType
argument name =
ArgParser name Nothing "" $ \oObjVal -> do
AP name Nothing "" $ \oObjVal -> do
val = fromOObj oObjVal :: Maybe desiredType
errmsg = case oObjVal of
OError errs -> "error in computing value for arugment " ++ name
++ ": " ++ concat errs
_ -> "arg " ++ show oObjVal ++ " not compatible with " ++ name
-- Using /= Nothing would require Eq desiredType
ArgParserFailIf (Maybe.isNothing val) errmsg $ ArgParserTerminator $ (\(Just a) -> a) val
APFailIf (Maybe.isNothing val) errmsg $ APTerminator $ (\(Just a) -> a) val

doc (ArgParser name defMaybeVal oldDoc next) doc =
ArgParser name defMaybeVal doc next
doc (AP name defMaybeVal _ next) newDoc = AP name defMaybeVal newDoc next

defaultTo :: forall a. (OTypeMirror a) => ArgParser a -> a -> ArgParser a
defaultTo (ArgParser name oldDefMaybeVal doc next) newDefVal =
ArgParser name (Just $ toOObj newDefVal) doc next
defaultTo (AP name oldDefMaybeVal doc next) newDefVal =
AP name (Just $ toOObj newDefVal) doc next

-- ** example

example :: String -> ArgParser ()
example str = ArgParserExample str (return ())
example str = APExample str (return ())

-- * test and combinators

test :: String -> ArgParser ()
test str = ArgParserTest str [] (return ())
test str = APTest str [] (return ())

eulerCharacteristic :: ArgParser a -> Int -> ArgParser a
eulerCharacteristic (ArgParserTest str tests child) χ =
ArgParserTest str ((EulerCharacteristic χ) : tests) child
eulerCharacteristic (APTest str tests child) χ =
APTest str ((EulerCharacteristic χ) : tests) child

-- * Tools for handeling ArgParsers

Expand All @@ -79,7 +87,15 @@ argMap args = argMap2 unnamedArgs (Map.fromList namedArgs) where

argMap2 :: [OVal] -> Map.Map String OVal -> ArgParser a -> (Maybe a, [String])

argMap2 unnamedArgs namedArgs (ArgParser name fallback _ f) =
argMap2 uArgs nArgs (APBranch branches) =
foldl1 merge solutions where
solutions = map (argMap2 uArgs nArgs) branches
merge a@(Just _, []) _ = a
merge _ b@(Just _, []) = b
merge a@(Just _, _) _ = a
merge (Nothing, _) a = a

argMap2 unnamedArgs namedArgs (AP name fallback _ f) =
case Map.lookup name namedArgs of
Just a -> argMap2
Expand All @@ -91,23 +107,24 @@ argMap2 unnamedArgs namedArgs (ArgParser name fallback _ f) =
Just b -> argMap2 [] namedArgs (f b)
Nothing -> (Nothing, ["No value and no default for argument " ++ name])

argMap2 a b (ArgParserTerminator val) =
argMap2 a b (APTerminator val) =
(Just val,
if length a + Map.size b > 0
if not (null a && Map.null b)
then ["unused arguments"]
else []

argMap2 a b (ArgParserFailIf test err child) =
argMap2 a b (APFailIf test err child) =
if test
then (Nothing, [err])
else argMap2 a b child

argMap2 a b (ArgParserExample str child) = argMap2 a b child
argMap2 a b (APExample str child) = argMap2 a b child

argMap2 a b (ArgParserTest str tests child) = argMap2 a b child
argMap2 a b (APTest str tests child) = argMap2 a b child

-- | We need a format to extract documentation into
data Doc = Doc String [DocPart]
deriving (Show)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,4 +165,4 @@ getArgParserDocs (ArgParserFailIf _ _ child ) = getArgParserDocs child
-- To look at this one would almost certainly be death (exception)
getArgParserDocs (ArgParserTerminator _ ) = return []


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