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use abstraction to make operators easier to use, add more tests, and …
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Julia Longtin committed May 19, 2018
1 parent 556b451 commit 2ff0313
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95 changes: 59 additions & 36 deletions tests/ParserSpec/Expr.hs
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Expand Up @@ -4,19 +4,31 @@

module ParserSpec.Expr (exprSpec) where

import Test.Hspec
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Parser.Expr
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Parser.Statement
import ParserSpec.Util
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (State)
import Data.Either
-- Be explicit about what we import.
import Prelude (String, Bool(True, False), ($), (<*), )

-- Hspec, for writing specs.
import Test.Hspec (describe, Expectation, Spec, it, shouldBe, pendingWith, specify)

-- parsed expression components.
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (Expr(Var, ListE, (:$)) )

-- the expression parser entry point.
import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Parser.Expr (expr0)

import ParserSpec.Util (fapp, num, bool, plus, minus, mult, modulo, power, divide, negate, and, or, gt, lt, ternary, append, index, parseWithLeftOver)

import Data.Either (Either(Right))

import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (parse, eof)

-- An operator for expressions for "the left side should parse to the right side."
infixr 1 -->
(-->) :: String -> Expr -> Expectation
(-->) source expr =
parseExpr source `shouldBe` Right expr
parse (expr0 <* eof) "<expr>" source `shouldBe` Right expr

-- An operator for expressions for "the left side should parse to the right side, and some should be left over.
infixr 1 -->+
(-->+) :: String -> (Expr, String) -> Expectation
(-->+) source (result, leftover) =
Expand All @@ -25,22 +37,28 @@ infixr 1 -->+
ternaryIssue :: Expectation -> Expectation
ternaryIssue _ = pendingWith "parser doesn't handle ternary operator correctly"

negationIssue :: Expectation -> Expectation
negationIssue _ = pendingWith "parser doesn't handle negation operator correctly"

logicalSpec :: Spec
logicalSpec = do
it "handles not" $ "!foo" --> app' "!" [Var "foo"]
describe "not" $ do
specify "single" $ "!foo" --> negate [Var "foo"]
specify "multiple" $
negationIssue $ "!!!foo" --> negate [negate [negate [Var "foo"]]]
it "handles and/or" $ do
"foo && bar" --> app' "&&" [Var "foo", Var "bar"]
"foo || bar" --> app' "||" [Var "foo", Var "bar"]
"foo && bar" --> and [Var "foo", Var "bar"]
"foo || bar" --> or [Var "foo", Var "bar"]
describe "ternary operator" $ do
specify "with primitive expressions" $
"x ? 2 : 3" --> app' "?" [Var "x", num 2, num 3]
"x ? 2 : 3" --> ternary [Var "x", num 2, num 3]
specify "with parenthesized comparison" $
"(1 > 0) ? 5 : -5" --> app' "?" [app' ">" [num 1, num 0], num 5, num (-5)]
"(1 > 0) ? 5 : -5" --> ternary [gt [num 1, num 0], num 5, num (-5)]
specify "with comparison in head position" $
ternaryIssue $ "1 > 0 ? 5 : -5" --> app' "?" [app' ">" [num 1, num 0], num 5, num (-5)]
ternaryIssue $ "1 > 0 ? 5 : -5" --> ternary [gt [num 1, num 0], num 5, num (-5)]
specify "with comparison in head position, and addition in tail" $
ternaryIssue $ "1 > 0 ? 5 : 1 + 2" -->
app' "?" [app' ">" [num 1, num 0], num 5, app "+" [num 1, num 2]]
ternary [gt [num 1, num 0], num 5, plus [num 1, num 2]]

literalSpec :: Spec
literalSpec = do
Expand All @@ -59,7 +77,6 @@ exprSpec = do
it "accepts valid variable names" $ do
"foo" --> Var "foo"
"foo_bar" --> Var "foo_bar"
describe "literals" literalSpec
describe "grouping" $ do
it "allows parens" $
"( false )" --> bool False
Expand All @@ -69,38 +86,44 @@ exprSpec = do
"( 1, 2, 3 )" --> ListE [num 1, num 2, num 3]
it "handles generators" $
"[ a : 1 : b + 10 ]" -->
app "list_gen" [Var "a", num 1, app "+" [Var "b", num 10]]
fapp "list_gen" [Var "a", num 1, plus [Var "b", num 10]]
it "handles indexing" $
"foo[23]" --> Var "index" :$ [Var "foo", num 23]
"foo[23]" --> index [Var "foo", num 23]
describe "arithmetic" $ do
it "handles unary +/-" $ do
"-42" --> num (-42)
"+42" --> num 42
it "handles +" $ do
"1 + 2" --> app "+" [num 1, num 2]
"1 + 2 + 3" --> app "+" [num 1, num 2, num 3]
"1 + 2" --> plus [num 1, num 2]
"1 + 2 + 3" --> plus [num 1, num 2, num 3]
it "handles -" $ do
"1 - 2" --> app' "-" [num 1, num 2]
"1 - 2 - 3" --> app' "-" [app' "-" [num 1, num 2], num 3]
"1 - 2" --> minus [num 1, num 2]
"1 - 2 - 3" --> minus [minus [num 1, num 2], num 3]
it "handles +/- in combination" $ do
"1 + 2 - 3" --> app "+" [num 1, app' "-" [num 2, num 3]]
"2 - 3 + 4" --> app "+" [app' "-" [num 2, num 3], num 4]
"1 + 2 - 3 + 4" --> app "+" [num 1, app' "-" [num 2, num 3], num 4]
"1 + 2 - 3 + 4 - 5 - 6" --> app "+" [num 1,
app' "-" [num 2, num 3],
app' "-" [app' "-" [num 4, num 5],
"1 + 2 - 3" --> plus [num 1, minus [num 2, num 3]]
"2 - 3 + 4" --> plus [minus [num 2, num 3], num 4]
"1 + 2 - 3 + 4" --> plus [num 1, minus [num 2, num 3], num 4]
"1 + 2 - 3 + 4 - 5 - 6" --> plus [num 1,
minus [num 2, num 3],
minus [minus [num 4, num 5],
num 6]]
it "handles exponentiation" $
"x ^ y" --> app' "^" [Var "x", Var "y"]
"x ^ y" --> power [Var "x", Var "y"]
it "handles *" $ do
"3 * 4" --> app "*" [num 3, num 4]
"3 * 4 * 5" --> app "*" [num 3, num 4, num 5]
"3 * 4" --> mult [num 3, num 4]
"3 * 4 * 5" --> mult [num 3, num 4, num 5]
it "handles /" $
"4.2 / 2.3" --> app' "/" [num 4.2, num 2.3]
"4.2 / 2.3" --> divide [num 4.2, num 2.3]
it "handles precedence" $
parseExpr "1 + 2 / 3 * 5" `shouldBe`
(Right $ app "+" [num 1, app "*" [app' "/" [num 2, num 3], num 5]])
"1 + 2 / 3 * 5" --> plus [num 1, mult [divide [num 2, num 3], num 5]]
it "handles append" $
parseExpr "foo ++ bar ++ baz" `shouldBe`
(Right $ app "++" [Var "foo", Var "bar", Var "baz"])
"foo ++ bar ++ baz" --> append [Var "foo", Var "bar", Var "baz"]
describe "logical operators" logicalSpec
describe "application" $ do
specify "base case" $ "foo(x)" --> Var "foo" :$ [Var "x"]
specify "multiple arguments" $
"foo(x, 1, 2)" --> Var "foo" :$ [Var "x", num 1, num 2]
specify "multiple" $
"foo(x, 1, 2)(5)(y)" --> ((Var "foo" :$ [Var "x", num 1, num 2]) :$ [num 5]) :$ [Var "y"]
specify "multiple, with indexing" $
"foo(x)[0](y)" --> ((index [(Var "foo" :$ [Var "x"]), num 0]) :$ [Var "y"])
16 changes: 9 additions & 7 deletions tests/ParserSpec/Statement.hs
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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Test.Hspec (Spec, Expectation, shouldBe, shouldSatisfy, it, pendingWith,

-- import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec ()

import ParserSpec.Util (bool, num, app, app')
import ParserSpec.Util (bool, num, minus, mult, index)

import Graphics.Implicit.ExtOpenScad.Definitions (StatementI(StatementI), Symbol, Expr(ListE, LamE, Var), Statement(NewModule, ModuleCall, If, (:=)), Pattern(Name, ListP))

Expand All @@ -36,32 +36,34 @@ single st = [StatementI 1 st]
call :: Symbol -> [(Maybe Symbol, Expr)] -> [StatementI] -> StatementI
call name args stmts = StatementI 1 (ModuleCall name args stmts)

-- test a simple if block.
ifSpec :: Spec
ifSpec = it "parses" $
"if (true) { a(); } else { b(); }" -->
single ( If (bool True) [call "a" [] []] [call "b" [] []])

-- test assignments.
assignmentSpec :: Spec
assignmentSpec = do
it "parses correctly" $
"y = -5;" --> single ( Name "y" := num (-5))
it "handles pattern matching" $
"[x, y] = [1, 2];" --> single (ListP [Name "x", Name "y"] := ListE [num 1, num 2])
it "handles function definitions" $
"foo (x, y) = x * y;" --> single fooFunction
it "handles the function keyword" $
it "handles the function keyword and definitions" $
"function foo(x, y) = x * y;" --> single fooFunction
it "nested indexing" $
"x = [y[0] - z * 2];" -->
single ( Name "x" := ListE [app' "-" [app' "index" [Var "y", num 0],
app "*" [Var "z", num 2]]])
single ( Name "x" := ListE [minus [index [Var "y", num 0],
mult [Var "z", num 2]]])
fooFunction :: Statement st
fooFunction = Name "foo" := LamE [Name "x", Name "y"]
(app "*" [Var "x", Var "y"])
(mult [Var "x", Var "y"])

emptyFileIssue :: Expectation -> Expectation
emptyFileIssue _ = pendingWith "parser should probably allow empty files"

statementSpec :: Spec
statementSpec = do
describe "assignment" $ assignmentSpec
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51 changes: 35 additions & 16 deletions tests/ParserSpec/Util.hs
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Expand Up @@ -10,11 +10,22 @@
module ParserSpec.Util
( num
, bool
, app
, app'
, parseWithEof
, fapp
, plus
, minus
, mult
, modulo
, power
, divide
, negate
, and
, or
, gt
, lt
, ternary
, append
, index
, parseWithLeftOver
, parseExpr
) where

-- be explicit about where we get things from.
Expand All @@ -37,27 +48,35 @@ num :: ℝ -> Expr
num x
-- FIXME: the parser should handle negative number literals
-- directly, we abstract that deficiency away here
| x < 0 = app' "negate" [LitE $ ONum (-x)]
| x < 0 = oapp "negate" [LitE $ ONum (-x)]
| otherwise = LitE $ ONum x

bool :: Bool -> Expr
bool = LitE . OBool

-- Operators and functions need two different kinds of applications
app :: String -> [Expr] -> Expr
app name args = Var name :$ [ListE args]
plus,minus,mult,modulo,power,divide,negate,and,or,gt,lt,ternary,append,index :: [Expr] -> Expr
minus = oapp "-"
modulo = oapp "%"
power = oapp "^"
divide = oapp "/"
and = oapp "&&"
or = oapp "||"
gt = oapp ">"
lt = oapp "<"
ternary = oapp "?"
negate = oapp "!"
index = oapp "index"
plus = fapp "+"
mult = fapp "*"
append = fapp "++"

app' :: Symbol -> [Expr] -> Expr
app' name args = Var name :$ args
-- we need two different kinds of application functions
oapp,fapp :: String -> [Expr] -> Expr
oapp name args = Var name :$ args
fapp name args = Var name :$ [ListE args]

parseWithLeftOver :: Parser a -> String -> Either ParseError (a, String)
parseWithLeftOver p = parse ((,) <$> p <*> leftOver) ""
leftOver :: Parser String
leftOver = manyTill anyChar eof

parseWithEof :: Parser a -> String -> String -> Either ParseError a
parseWithEof p = parse (p <* eof)

parseExpr :: String -> Either ParseError Expr
parseExpr = parseWithEof expr0 "expr"

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