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Cold Amphibian edited this page Aug 25, 2014 · 2 revisions

##Balancing in Dota 2 vs LoL From the conversations I've had with various people, there have been 3 major ways to balance the champions with heroes, they are as follows.


  • LoL gets AP scaling, spells reliant on enemy AP etc. assume 0 AP when working with heroes
  • AP items do not affect heroes


  • Heroes get AP scaling on spells


  • Champions have no AP scaling, instead spells are changed slightly to fit Dota's theme

Personally, as Cold, I'd like to work on my own style of balancing, but if anyone wants to work on these ones, feel free to do so... I'll have to change the style to differentiate the 3 but whatever. This project is about mandatory fun >:(

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