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An application that allows a user to create and store personal journals

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To use this project, first clone the repo on your device using the command below:

  • Create a git repository git init

  • Clone Memorecall application git clone

  • Install dependencies from root directory pipenv install --dev -r dev-requirements.txt && pipenv install -r requirements.txt

  • Create a .env file using the following template:

>SECRET_KEY=((Insert your own secret key here))  
>DATABASE_URL=postgresql://((Admin Username)):((Admin Password))@((Host Address))/((Database Name))
  • Set up a PostgreSQL database user with a username, password and database name that you provided in the .env file.

  • Follow sqeuence to go into the pipenv shell and migrate, then seed the database:

pipenv shell

flask db upgrade

flask seed all

flask run

  • Once you have the database set up and the flask app running, you should be able to install the react app and run it to connect to the backend. On a new terminal, change from the root directory into the ./react-app directory and run the following:

npm install

  • Once dependencies are installed, create a .env file here with the following template:

REACT_APP_BASE_URL=((Host Address, such as http://localhost:5000))

  • You should be able to run the following:

npm start


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Demo Login

Every User has there own bookcase where they will be able to add/delete/view there journals. Once you have created your own personalized journal, You can start creating entries!!

Creating a journal

Now lets create some entries! Select a journal and view your journal to add entries by clicking add on the journal nav bar. App uses react-modern-calendar-datepicker library, more info @ github link - so you can find your journal entries easier, so make as many as you want!

Memorecall App