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Sketch Plugins Cookbook

A collection of recipes for Sketch App plugins developers.

I will be posting daily updates in my twitter. Follow me @turbobabr to stay tuned.

CocoaScript: Don't use '===' operator

At first glance CocoaScript seems to be a just fancy name for JavaScript with some syntactic sugar, but in reality many things work differently and it's better to know them.

Don't use strict equal operator

One of the caveats are === and !== operators best known as strict equality and strict not equal. The very brief suggestion about them is:


To understand the problem, try to run the following script:

var strA = "hello!";
var strB = @"hello!";

if(strA == strB) {
    print("They are EQUAL!");
} else {
    print("NOT EQUAL!")
// -> "They are EQUAL!"

if(strA === strB) {
    print("They are EQUAL!");
} else {
    print("NOT EQUAL!")
// -> "NOT EQUAL!"

It will produce true for == operator and false for ===. The string values are equal, both are assigned with "hello!" string but their types are different. Now run this script to check their types:

function typeOf(obj) {

var strA = "hello!";
var strB = @"hello!";

// -> [object String]

// -> [object MOBoxedObject]

As you can see, variables strA & strB are of different types. strA is a JavaScript string, but strB is a mysterious MOBoxedObject. The problem is in definition of strB - @"hello!" is equal to NSString.stringWithString("hello!") and it produces boxed instance of NSString class instead of JS string.

When developing Sketch plugins, you usually deal with the data that is produced on Sketch Runtime side. And most of the property getters and class methods return boxed Objective-C objects instead of native JS objects.

To demonstrate a real world problem you can easily encounter with: (1) Create a rectangle shape, (2) Select it, (3) Run the following script:

var layer=selection.firstObject();
if(layer) {
    // -> Rectangle 1

    var isNameEqual = === "Rectangle 1";
    // -> false

Note: The usage of === and !== isn't forbidden, you can use them whenever you want to, but always pay attention to types of variables you compare. It's especially important when you try to port an existing JavaScript library or framework to CocoaScript. But anyway, I insist to forget strict equal/not equal operators and use '==' and '!=' + manual type check if needed.

Play Sound

Usually sounds bound to commands are annoying and useless, but sometimes they are very helpful when used with care.

Play Sound

Since Sketch plugins have access to all the APIs of AppKit Framework, we are able to do really crazy & cool things with plugins.. for example play a bump! sound when plugin shows an error message using -MSDocument.displayMessage: method to make the message more noticeable to the user.

To play a sound we can use a simple interface of NSSound class. Here is the example how to use it:

var filePath = sketch.scriptPath.stringByDeletingLastPathComponent()+"/assets/glass.aiff";

var sound = NSSound.alloc().initWithContentsOfFile_byReference(filePath,true);
doc.displayMessage("I'm Mr Meeseeks LOOK AT ME! :)");

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to play audio files located outside of the plugins folder in MAS version of Sketch App, you have to use sketch-sandbox library to authorize access to the files, since this version of Sketch is sandboxed and prohibits access to files located outside of the sandbox.

Complete examples:

  • [Play Sound.sketchplugin](./Samples/Play Sound.sketchplugin)

Works in:

  • Sketch 3.0 +

Center Rectangle in Canvas

To center canvas on a certain point or region, you can use a handy -(void)MSContentDrawView.centerRect:(GKRect*)rect animated:(BOOL)animated instance method, where rect is a rectangle to be centered, animated is a flag that turns on/off animation during the scrolling process.

Create Custom Shape

The origin and size of the rectangle you provide to this method should be in absolute coordinates.

The following example centers viewport by x:200,y:200 point:

var view=doc.currentView();
var rect=GKRect.rectWithRect(NSMakeRect(200,200,1,1));

The example below shows how to center a first selected layer using the same method:

var layer = selection.firstObject();
if(layer) {
    var view=doc.currentView();

Works in:

  • Sketch 3.1 +

Create Custom Shape

To create a custom vector shape programmatically, you have to create an instance of NSBezierPath class and draw whatever shape or combination of shapes you want to. Then create a shape group from it using +(MSShapeGroup*)MSShapeGroup.shapeWithBezierPath:(NSBezierPath*)path class method.

Create Custom Shape

This technique is very similar to creation of custom paths described in previous recipe. The only difference is that you have to close the path before converting it to the shape group.

The following example create a simple arrow shape:

var doc = context.document;
var path = NSBezierPath.bezierPath();

var shape = MSShapeGroup.shapeWithBezierPath(path);
var fill =;
fill.color = MSColor.colorWithSVGString("#dd0000");


Complete examples:

  • [Create Custom Shape.sketchplugin](./Samples/Create Custom Shape.sketchplugin)

Works in:

  • Sketch 3.2 +

Create Line Shape

In order to create a line shape programmatically, you have to create an instance of NSBezierPath class and add two points to it. Then create a shape group from it using +(MSShapeGroup*)MSShapeGroup.shapeWithBezierPath:(NSBezierPath*)path class method.

Create Line Shape

To make Sketch recognize the provided path as a line shape, you have to add only two points using moveToPoint & lineToPoint methods of NSBezierPath.

The following example creates a simple line shape with two points:

var doc = context.document;

var path = NSBezierPath.bezierPath();

var shape = MSShapeGroup.shapeWithBezierPath(path);
var border =;
border.color = MSColor.colorWithSVGString("#dd0000");
border.thickness = 2;


The same way, you can easily create a multi segment line using methods provided by NSBezierPath class. Whenever you add more than two points into the path, Sketch treats such shape as a vector path similar to what can be created using standard V - Vector tool.

The following example demonstrates how to create a curved path with four points:

var doc = context.document;

var path = NSBezierPath.bezierPath();
[path curveToPoint:NSMakePoint(166,79.5) controlPoint1:NSMakePoint(129.5,161) controlPoint2:NSMakePoint(166,124.5)];
[path curveToPoint:NSMakePoint(84.5,-2) controlPoint1:NSMakePoint(166,34.5) controlPoint2:NSMakePoint(129.5,-2)];
[path curveToPoint:NSMakePoint(3,79.5) controlPoint1:NSMakePoint(39.5,-2) controlPoint2:NSMakePoint(3,34.5)];

var shape = MSShapeGroup.shapeWithBezierPath(path);
var border =;
border.color = MSColor.colorWithSVGString("#dd0000");
border.thickness = 2;


Complete examples:

  • [Create Line Shape.sketchplugin](./Samples/Create Line Shape.sketchplugin)
  • [Create Curved Line Shape.sketchplugin](./Samples/Create Curved Line Shape.sketchplugin)

Works in:

  • Sketch 3.2 +

Set Border Radius for Specific Corners

Starting from version 3.2 Sketch allows to set custom border radius for specific corner of rectangle shape. It was possible prior to 3.2, but there was no direct API.

Set Custom Border Radius

In order to set custom radiuses you use -MSRectangleShape.setCornerRadiusFromComponents:(NSString*)compoents instance method, where components is a string that represents radius values for every corner separated by / sybmols. The sequence is following: left-top/right-top/right-bottom/left-bottom.

The following sample sets left-top and right-top corners of a selected rect shape to 15 points:

var selection = context.selection;
var layer = selection.firstObject();
if(layer && layer.isKindOfClass(MSShapeGroup)) {
    var shape=layer.layers().firstObject();
    if(shape && shape.isKindOfClass(MSRectangleShape)) {

Complete examples:

  • [Set Border Radius From Components.sketchplugin](./Samples/Set Border Radius From Components.sketchplugin)

Works in:

  • Sketch 3.2 +

Scaling Layers

You can scale any layer using -MSLayer.multiplyBy:(double)scaleFactor instance method, where scaleFactor is a floating-point value that is used to multiple all the layers' properties including position, size, and all the style attributes such as border thickness, shadow, etc. Here are some example scale factors: 1.0 = 100%, 2.5 = 250%, 0.5 = 50%, etc.

This method produces the same result as a standard Scale tool. Since all the layer type classes are inherited from MSLayer class, you can use this method to scale any type of layer including Pages and Artboards.

Note: After the call of the method, x and y position values will also be multiplied. If you need the layer to remain in the same position after scaling, you'll have to change its position to the appropriate values.

Finding Selection Bounds

The following sample demonstrates how to scale first selected layer:

var selection = context.selection;
var layer = selection.firstObject();
if(layer) {
    // Preserve layer center point.
    var midX=layer.frame().midX();
    var midY=layer.frame().midY();

    // Scale layer by 200%

    // Translate frame to the original center point.
    layer.frame().midX = midX;
    layer.frame().midY = midY;

Works in:

  • Sketch 3.1 +

Finding Bounds For a Set of Layers

If you want to quickly find a bounding rectangle for selected layers or any set of layers, there is a very handy class method for that +(CGRect)MSLayerGroup.groupBoundsForLayers:(NSArray*)layers. It accepts a list of layers and returns CGRect structure.

Scaling Layers

A quick sample that demonstrate how to use it:

var selection = context.selection;
var bounds=MSLayerGroup.groupBoundsForLayers(selection);

print("x: "+bounds.origin.x);
print("y: "+bounds.origin.y);
print("width: "+bounds.size.width);
print("height: "+bounds.size.height);

Works in:

  • Sketch 3.3 +

Create Oval Shape

In order to create an oval shape programmatically, you have to create an instance of MSOvalShape class, set its frame and wrap with MSShapeGroup container.

Create Oval Shape

The following sample demonstrates how to do it:

var doc = context.document;
var ovalShape = MSOvalShape.alloc().init();
ovalShape.frame = MSRect.rectWithRect(NSMakeRect(0,0,100,100));

var shapeGroup=MSShapeGroup.shapeWithPath(ovalShape);
var fill =;
fill.color = MSColor.colorWithSVGString("#dd2020");


Complete examples:

  • [Create Oval Shape.sketchplugin](./Samples/Create Oval Shape.sketchplugin)

Works in:

  • Sketch 3.1 +

Create Shared Style Programmatically

In order to create a shared style programmatically you use -MSSharedLayerStyleContainer.addSharedStyleWithName:(NSString*)name firstInstance:(MSStyle*)style method, where name is a name of shared style being created, style is a reference style used as a template for future shared style.

You can create a shared style from the existing style that is bound to some layer or create it from scratch with a custom MSStyle instance.

Create Shared Style Programmically

Create shared style from selected layers' style:

var selection = context.selection;
var doc = context.document;
var layer=selection.firstObject();
if(layer) {
    var sharedStyles=doc.documentData().layerStyles();
    sharedStyles.addSharedStyleWithName_firstInstance("Custom Style",;

Create shared style from scratch:

var doc = context.document;
var sharedStyles=doc.documentData().layerStyles();

var style=MSStyle.alloc().init();
var fill=style.fills().addNewStylePart();
fill.color = MSColor.colorWithSVGString("#B1C151");

sharedStyles.addSharedStyleWithName_firstInstance("Custom Style 2",style);


Complete examples:

  • [Create Shared Style From Selected Layer.sketchplugin](./Samples/Create Shared Style From Selected Layer.sketchplugin)
  • [Create Shared Style Programmatically.sketchplugin](./Samples/Create Shared Style Programmatically.sketchplugin)

Works in:

  • Sketch 3.1 +

Missing 'MSColor.colorWithHex:alpha:'? :)

Prior to Sketch 3.2 there was a really nice and handy class method called MSColor.colorWithHex:alpha: that allowed to create instance of MSColor class with hex string, but unfortunately with the release of Sketch 3.2 version it was removed from the API.

Good news everyone! The replacement for this method does exist:

// Create color without alpha.
var color = MSColor.colorWithSVGString("#FF0000");
// -> (r:1.000000 g:0.000000 b:0.000000 a:1.000000)

// Create color with alpha.
var color = MSColor.colorWithSVGString("#FF0000");
color.alpha = 0.2;
// -> (r:1.000000 g:0.000000 b:0.000000 a:0.200000)

Works in:

  • Sketch 3.0 +

Flatten Vector Layer

If you want to flatten a complex vector layer that contains several sub paths combined using different boolean operations into single layer, you can use +MSShapeGroup.flatten method.

Flatten Vector Shape

This sample code flattens a first selected vector layer:

var selection = context.selection;
var layer=selection.firstObject();
if(layer && layer.isKindOfClass(MSShapeGroup)) {

Complete examples:

  • [Flatten Vector Layer.sketchplugin](./Samples/Flatten Vector Layer.sketchplugin)

Works in:

  • Sketch 3.2 +

Flatten Layers to Bitmap

Note: This example currently doesn't work in Sketch 3.3

In order to flatten one or several layers of any type to a single MSBitmapLayer, use -MSLayerFlattener.flattenLayers: method. It accepts one arguments which is an array of layers to be flattened.

Flatten Layers to Bitmap

The following example flattens all the selected layers to a bitmap layer:

var flattener = MSLayerFlattener.alloc().init();

Complete examples:

  • [Flatten Selection to Bitmap.sketchplugin](./Samples/Flatten Selection To Bitmap.sketchplugin)

Works in:

  • Sketch 3.2 +

Convert Text Layer to Outlines

In order to convert an existing MSTextLayer to MSShapeGroup layer, you have to get texts' NSBezierPath representation and then convert it to a MSShapeGroup layer.

Convert Text Layer to Outlines

The following source code demonstrates how to get text layers' vector outline and use it to create a vector shape from it:

function convertToOutlines(layer) {
    if(!layer.isKindOfClass(MSTextLayer)) return;

    var parent=layer.parentGroup();
    var shape=MSShapeGroup.shapeWithBezierPath(layer.bezierPathWithTransforms()); =;
    if(!style.fill()) {
        var fill=style.fills().addNewStylePart();
        fill.color = MSColor.colorWithNSColor(;

    var isSelected=layer.isSelected(); =;


    return shape;

var selection = context.selection;
var layer=selection.firstObject();
if(layer) {
    var vectorizedTextLayer=convertToOutlines(layer);

Complete examples:

  • [Convert Text Layer to Outlines.sketchplugin](./Samples/Convert Text Layer to Outlines.sketchplugin)

Works in:

  • Sketch 3.1 +

Get Points Coords Along the Shape Path

If you want to distribute some shapes along a path there is a convenient method -pointOnPathAtLength: implemented in NSBezierPath_Slopes class extension.

This method accepts a double value that represents a position on path at which you want to get a point coordinate. It returns a CGPoint struct with coordinates of the point.

Ge points coords along shape path

The following example divides shape path into 15 segments and prints out their points coordinates:

var selection = context.selection;
var layer=selection.firstObject();
if(layer && layer.isKindOfClass(MSShapeGroup)) {

    var count=15;
    var path=layer.bezierPathWithTransforms();

    var step=path.length()/count;
    for(var i=0;i<=count;i++) {
        var point=path.pointOnPathAtLength(step*i);

Complete examples:

  • [Get Points Coords Along Path.sketchplugin](./Samples/Get Points Coords Along Path.sketchplugin)
  • [Create Dots Along Path.sketchplugin](./Samples/Create Dots Along Path.sketchplugin)

Works in:

  • Sketch 3.2 +


A collection of recipes for Sketch App plugins developers







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