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Products.remember is a full implementation of the default Plone member configuration using content to represent membership accounts. It is built on top of Products.membrane. Out of the box, Products.remember should work very much like a regular Plone membership accounts, except that member information is stored in Member objects that are (by default) stored in the portal_memberdata tool.

Products.remember 1.9+ works with Plone 4+ and Products.membrane 2+. It does not suppport Plone 3 and Products.membrane 1 - for that, see instead versions of Products.remember before 1.9, eg 1.1b3. Visit for the index of all available Products.remember releases.

Products.remember is a successor to CMFMember, which will not work with PluggableAuthService-based user folders, and thus will not work with a contemporary Plone (2.5 and greater) installations. Products.remember 1.1b3 provides a migration path for existing CMFMember-based sites.

For questions and support, please see the Remember mailing list:

Release Notes - 1.9

Tested with: Plone 4.2 and 4.3.

State: Final release

License: GPL

Release Manager: Ken Manheimer, Maurits van Rees

Compatible with/requires Plone 4.1+ and Products.membrane 2+.

There is very preliminary support for Plone 5 since version 1.9.5. At least Plone can now start without error. And if you first install "Archetypes Content Types for Plone", then you can install Products.remember. We cannot recommend it yet and do not support it, but if you are brave then you at least have a place to start. But you may want to have a look at dexterity.membrane instead.

Products.remember is now undisruptive when present but not installed, not affecting operation of non-remember sites in the same instance. Sites that have Products.remember installed can now quick-uninstall to revert to plain operation. (The uninstall is not complete, however - see change log notes.)

Products.remember membership now provides for email-address based logins and respects "Use email address as login name" Site Setup / Security setting.

Many internal changes for Plone 4 and Membrane 2 compatibility, JS schemata/filedsets, and modernized GenericSetup and update configuration.


Products.remember is packaged using Python's setuptools package management infrastructure. Remember can be made available to your Zope instance by installing the Products.remember package into your Zope's python environment, using either buildout from pypi and/or using easy_install or 'python install'.

Products.remember is installed into a Plone site by the application of a GenericSetup extension profile. You can do this when creating a new site by selecting remember from the list of available setup profiles when you are creating the site. In an existing site, you can use Plone's regular product installation interface.


  • Plone 4.1+
  • Products.membrane 2+
