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collective.carousel is the package that lets you add "carousels" of items in your Plone site. More than one carousels on one page are supported.

collective.carousel is based on Scrollable plugin for JQuery Tools library.

How to get a carousel?

Work of carousel is based on one assumption — you already have a collection that returns results for showing in the carousel.

Carousel can be added in 2 ways:

  • as a viewlet above page's title (content carousel);
  • as a portlet to any portlet manager in your site.

Carousel above page's title (Content carousel).

  • Go to Edit tab on a page where you want to add a carousel;
  • go to Settings;
  • add a collection that will provide content for carousel to Carousel object field;
  • if you want to add more than one carousel, add more collections to the same field;
  • after saving your page, you should see the carousel(s) above your page's title if the collection(s) you chose for the carousel(s) returns any elements.

Carousel in a portlet.

  • On a page where you want to add a carousel click Manage portlets in one of the columns of your site;
  • choose Carousel portlet from Add portlet... menu;
  • collection portlet is a derivative from standard collection portlet in Plone, hence the same fields are available for this type of portlets as well;
  • fill out the fields in the form specifying a collection that will provide content for the carousel portlet.

NOTE content carousels are not inheritable while carousel portlet is inheritable as any other portlet in a Plone site. This means that when you add a content carousel to a folder, the same carousel will not be shown on any object within that folder. At the same time if you add a carousel portlet on a folder, that portlet will be shown for all objects within the folder that don't explicitly block parent portlets.


What if I want to move carousel to another place?

Content carousel is defined with a regular viewlet. This lets you to move that viewlet to any place in your site the same way you would do with any other viewlet. Read Moving a viewlet from a viewlet manager to another one for more info on how to move viewlets from one viewlet manager to another.

How do I customize carousel's view?

collective.carousel provides a flexible way of customizing the look of items, shown in a carousel based on a content type of the item. collective.carousel comes with 2 bundled views that are available for items, rendered in a carousel:

  • browser/templates/ — defines how News Items should be rendered in a carousel;
  • browser/templates/ — how all the rest content types should be rendered in a carousel.

If you need to either override one of the existing views or define a new view for any content type you can do this from your package using ZCML registartion. Please take a look at browser/configure.zcml and testing.zcml for examples of such registrations. Note that there are pages with 2 different names:

  • carousel-view — defines a view for a content type in content carousel;
  • carousel-portlet-view — the view for a content type when shown in a carousel portlet.

So if you need to override/register a view for any specific content type for content carousel, your <browser:page /> has to have carousel-view name. In case you want to override/register a view for carousel portlet, name should be carousel-portlet-view.

I need to do something once the carousel is fully loaded.

The simplest use-case — you have some content carousels placed in a row side by side. Most probably your carousels have different heights and that doesn't look nice when they are placed side by side. So you want to equalize the heights of these carousels with Javascript so that your carousels have the same height. Since collective.carousel already binds load() event to each carousel (resizing the carousel to fit all of it's content) you can not bind one more load() event to a carousel because due to the nature of load() event it might be fired too early when not all content of a carousel is loaded.

For the cases like this collective.carousel provides custom Javascript event resized.carousel that you can attach your special handlers to. Moreover each carousel returns it's height that can be accessed in resized.carousel event.

Here is a simple code snippet of how to adjust the heights of carousels with JQuery:

$("#my-container .carousel").bind('resized.carousel', function(event, newheight) {
    $("#my-container .carousel").each(function() {
        if ($(this).height() < newheight) $(this).height(newheight);

Developed by Jarn AS

Development sponsored by the Bergen Public Library


collective.carouselbehaviour provides Dexterity-based ( content types support.