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Developer documentation

Tiles for the collective.cover package provide 3 different views:

This is the view that will be rendered for anyone that has View permission. It will render all fields defined in the schema of the tile, based on their configuration, as set in the configuration view.

This view is a common edit view, where all fields from the schema definition of the tile will be rendered in an "edit" mode. Data entered here will persist in the tile itself.

All fields from the schema will get rendered, irrespective of their setting in the configuration view.

This view is accessed through the "Compose" view of the cover. You should see an "edit" button for each tile.

If you don't want your tile to be editable, you should override the is_editable attribute of your tile base class and set it to False

This view is similar to the edit one, except it is intended for configuring different aspects of the tile. From here you can specify which fields get rendered when viewing the tile, or the order in which they show up.

In addition, each field widget can provide specific configuration options. For instance, an ITextLinesWidget will provide an extra configuration option, "HTML tag", which allows to specify the HTML tag to be used when rendering data saved in this field.

This view is accessed through the "Layout" view of the cover. You should see a "configuration" button for each tile.

If you don't want your tile to be configurable, you should override the is_configurable attribute of your tile base class and set it to False

The configuration view uses z3c.form to automatically render a form based on the tile's schema definition. For that, it renders widgets in a "configure" mode. You can see how existing ones are defined, checking the configure.zcml file under tiles/configuration_widgets

Follow instructions in David Glick's Using tiles to provide more flexible Plone layouts to understand how to develop tiles, and how they work.

Instead of inheriting from zope.interface.Interface, the tile data interface class should inherit from collective.cover.tile.base.IPersistentCoverTile

Instead of inheriting from plone.tiles.PersistentTile, the tile must inherit from collective.cover.tile.base.PersistentCoverTile.

Register your tile on the registry using the "" record:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <record name="">
    <value purge="false">

There are a couple of methods defined in this base class that provide additional functionality expected by the cover object, that you may need to override in your class, if your use case requires it:

It takes a Plone content object as parameter, and it will store the content information into the tile. Make sure to call this method to check for permissions before adding content to the tile. Check the code of existing tiles for examples of use.
It removes the persistent data created for the tile.
It returns a list of valid content types that this tile will accept, or None in case it doesn't accept any.
It returns the stored configuration options for this tile.

Data and configuration for tiles are stored in an annotation of the context where the tile is being shown.

You can see how this works by looking into and under the tiles directory.

In order to visualize the tile's content, you need to write a view that will render it. For that, you need to take a few things into consideration.

  1. The view will always be rendered, so you need to add conditions to show specific content based on what information the tile has, if any.

  2. You need to render content based on the configuration of the tile fields. For that, there's a helper method provided with every tile called get_configured_fields. This will iterate over all fields, and will get the configuration and data for each, in the order that they should be rendered. If the field has no data stored, then it will not be included among the returned values.

    You can override this, in case you need a different behavior, check under the tiles directory and under the tiles/templates directory for an example.

  3. The tile template must include an HTML element with the tile-content CSS class name. This way, after configuration or edition, the tile will be automatically reloaded via AJAX. If you don't include this, edition and configuration will missbehave. Here's and example:

 <div class="my-custom-tile tile-content">
     Some really cool stuff just your tile is able to do

Check `this package tile templates to see more examples.`_

For additional hints on how to create a template for your tile and make it work, check all tiles provided by this package, under the tiles directory.

To add an image field to your tile:

image = NamedImage(

Then, you have several ways of using image scales in your tile templates.

  1. You can pass width and height to the scale method explicitly:
<img tal:define="scales view/@@images;
                 thumbnail python: scales.scale('image', width=64, height=64);"
    tal:attributes="src thumbnail/url;
                    width thumbnail/width;
                    height thumbnail/height;
                    class position;
                    alt view/data/title"
  1. Or you can use Plone predefined scales:
<img tal:define="scales view/@@images;
                 thumbnail python: scales.scale('image', scale=scale);"
     tal:attributes="src thumbnail/url;
                     width thumbnail/width;
                     height thumbnail/height;
                     class position;
                     alt view/data/title" />


Use the scale saved from the configuration. Check tile templates to get the idea.

Cover tiles supports external images too, that means than if you drop a content with an image into a cover tile than implements an image field, cover will honor the image and scales in the original object. This way the image data isn't duplicated and products than allow scales modifications are supported.

The content of new tiles is not searchable by default. To enable that functionality you need to register a new adapter for the ISearchableText interface. It is as simple as copying the code provided for plone.tiles.BasicTile and adding a new ZCML registration.

class SearchableBasicTile(object):


    def __init__(self, context):
        self.context = context

    def SearchableText(self):
        context = self.context
        return u'{0} {1}'.format(
  ['title'] or '',['description'] or '')

By default collective.cover uses 16-column Deco grid, and ships with support for 12-column Bootstrap 2 and Bootstrap 3 grids.

If your theme provides a CSS framework with a different grid system (such as Zurb Foundation) you can use that instead of the default one. To do so, your theme package should provide a new grid system class which implements the collective.cover.interfaces.IGridSystem interface:

from collective.cover.interfaces import IGridSystem
from collective.cover.grids import BaseGrid
from zope.interface import implementer

class MyGrid(BaseGrid):

    """Bootstrap 3 grid system for small devices (12 columns)."""

    ncolumns = 12
    title = _(u'MyGrid')

    def columns_formatter(self, columns):
        prefix = 'col-sm-'
        for column in columns:
            width = column.get('column-size', 1)
            column['class'] = self.column_class + ' ' + (prefix + str(width))
            if 'css-class' in column:
                column['class'] += ' {0}'.format(
        return columns

Don't forget to register the utility in your configure.zcml:

<utility name="mygrid" factory="my.package.MyGrid" />

Once registered you can select your grid system on the Cover Settings control panel configlet.


Switching the grid system will apply to all new and existing covers. If you already made layouts for a 16-column grid and switch to e.g. a 12-column grid, you will have to manually update all existing covers (their layout is not recalculated automatically).


In collective.cover 1.0a11 the data structure for the columns was changed. If you already implemented your own custom grid, check the example above and fix the retrieval of 'column-size' and addition of the css-class attribute.


collective.cover does not provide any CSS for the grid system it ships with, it only changes the HTML output. You will therefore need to make sure your theme has all the necessary styles for the grid system you choose. For example if you want to enable the Bootstrap 2 or 3 Grids mentioned above you will probably want to include the appropriate version of the collective.js.bootstrap product.

collective.cover supports saving layout designs by exporting them to a JSON/Python dictionary which are stored in the Plone registry. You always start a new cover by selecting one of these layout designs on the Add Cover page.


collective.cover inserts a few of these saved preset layouts upon installation. Check registry.xml in the source of the package.

If you switch from the default 16-column Deco grid to another grid with a different number of columns, these saved layouts will still contain a 16-column width and this can mock up your design in small ways. In that case, make sure you clear the default cover layouts and/or save your own layout with the correct number of columns.

In case you want to create custom cover views, you can find the existing ones under browser/ Note that from version 1.0a12 collective.cover uses 2.0.0, which means that a cover view (or any view that includes tiles), must implement (using @zope.interface.implementer()) within it's view class. Without this the resulting HTML would only contain tile placeholders, not the tiles themselves.