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Dexterity is a content-type development tool for Plone. It supports Through-The-Web and filesystem development of new content types for Plone.

zopeskel.dexterity provides a mechanism to quickly create Dexterity add on skeletons. It also makes it easy to add new content types to an existing skeleton. New content types built with this tool will support round-trip elaboration with Dexterity's TTW schema editor.

This is a development tool. You should be familiar with Plone and buildout to use it. You should have already installed Dexterity in your Plone development instance and be ready to start learning to use it.


zopeskel.dexterity is meant for use with the ZopeSkel 2.x series. It is not compatible with ZopeSkel > 3.0dev (aka Templer). For Dexterity templates for use with Templer, use templer.dexterity.

zopeskel.dexterity 1.5+ is meant for use with Plone 4.3+. If you're using an earlier version of Plone, pick the latest zopeskel.dexterity 1.4.x.

Add these lines into buildout:

parts =

recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs =
   ZopeSkel < 3.0dev

And run the buildout


Creating a dexterity content package, typically done in your buildout's src directory:

../bin/zopeskel dexterity

Adding a content-type skeleton to an existing package:

cd yourbuildout/src/your-product
../../bin/paster addcontent dexterity_content

Adding a behavior skeleton:

cd yourbuildout/src/your-product
../../bin/paster addcontent dexterity_behavior


Egg Directories

In order to support local commands, ZopeSkel/Paster will create Paste, PasteDeploy and PasteScript eggs inside your product. These are only needed for development. You can and should remove them from your add-on distribution.


If you hit and error like this:

pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: Not Found for: my.product (did you run python develop?)

when attempting to run paster addcontent, then you need to ensure that Paster knows about all the relevant eggs from your buildout.

Add ${instance:eggs} to your paster section in your buildout, thusly:

recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs =
entry-points = paster=paste.script.command:run

where instance is the name of your plone.recipe.zope2instance section. Re-run the buildout and the issue should be resolved.