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Data Visualization Project (COM-480)

This repository contains all Milestones for our Data Visualization project. Our webpage is hosted by GitHub Pages. It was implemented using JavaScript, d3 and leaflet.js.

Repository structure

├── docs                    # Files for the webpage 
├──                # Original data
├── eda.ipynb               # EDA on the original data
├── milestone1.pdf          # Report for 1st milestone
├── milestone2.pdf          # Report for 2nd milestone
├── processbook.pdf         # Process Book of final delivery
├── .gitignore

Milestone 1 (08.04.)

Our documentation for the first milestone can be found in the milestone1.pdf document.
The plots in our report and our exact preprocessing pipeline can be found in eda.ipynb.

Milestone 2 (06.05.)

Our documentation for the second milestone can be found in the milestone2.pdf document.
The code for our skeleton website can be found in docs.
Our website is reachable here.

Milestone 3 (03.06.)

The process book of the final delivery can be found in the milestone3_processbook.pdf. The code for our website can be found in docs. Our website is reachable here.

Using our webpage

For the easy usage of the website, you can watch our screen cast or read the instructions on the webpage.


Repo for the project of the Data Visualization class at EPFL.






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