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Vesting Contract

This contract provides vesting account feature for cw20 and native tokens.

Execute Operations

  • RegisterVestingAccount - Register a new vesting account

      RegisterVestingAccount {
          master_address: Option<String>,
          address: String,
          vesting_schedule: VestingSchedule,
    • When creating a new vesting account, the user needs to specify a master address (master_address), which enables deregister feature. The recipient of the vested amount is specified using the address parameter. One of two vesting schedules is specified using vesting_schedule.
    • For a given address and token (OSMO, CMDX, etc) pair, only a single vesting account is allowed.
  • DeregisterVestingAccount - Deregister vesting account

      DeregisterVestingAccount {
          denom: Denom,
          vested_token_recipient: Option<String>,
    • During a deregister operation, there is a possibility that the account has unclaimed vested amount (claimable_amount) and any remaining vesting amount (left_vesting_amount). The unclaimed vested amount is transferred to the recipient specified in the msg parameters (vested_token_recipient) or to the original recipient for whom the account was created in the first place.
    • Amount which is yet to be vested is transferred to the master address.
  • Claim - Claim vested (unlocked) tokens.

      Claim {
          denoms: Vec<Denom>,
          recipient: Option<String>,
    • Allows a user to claim vested tokens for the given denomination(s) (denoms).
    • The vested tokens may be optionally sent to another recipient specified through the recipient parameter.

NOTE: Amount which can be claimed by the user, that is the unlocked amount in accordance with the vesting schedule, is referred to as the vested amount. Amount which is yet to be unlocked is referred to as vesting amount.

Vesting schedules

There are two vesting options to choose from when registering a new vesting account.

  • Linear Vesting - Tokens vest every second and are available to withdraw.

    LinearVesting {
        start_time: u64,
        end_time: u64,
        vesting_amount: Uint128,

    The following formula is used to calculate the vested amount, where current duration refers to the duration since RegisterVestingAccount was executed, total duration refers to the total duration over which the tokens will vest, vesting amount refers to the initial deposit of tokens and vested tokens refers to the amount that has vested till now.

    current duration = current time - start time of vesting.
    total duration = end time of vesting - start time of vesting.
    vested tokens = (vesting amount * current duration) / total duration

  • Periodic Vesting - Tokens vest at preset intervals defined during the RegisterVestingAccount execution.

    PeriodicVesting {
        start_time: u64,
        end_time: u64,
        vesting_interval: u64,
        amount: Uint128,

    The following formula is used to calculate the vested amount, where start time and end time are same as above, vesting interval is the preset inteval length and amount is the initial deposit of tokens.

    intervals = (current time - start time) / vesting interval
    vested tokens = intervals * amount

Query Operations

  • VestingAccount - Query current vesting accounts present for the given address.

      VestingAccount {
          address: String,
          start_after: Option<Denom>,
          limit: Option<u32>,
    • For a given user (address), query the vesting accounts.
    • This query also implements pagination, given by the optional start_after and limit parameters. The former represents the starting point of pagination and the latter specifies the number of tokens to include in the reponse.
    • Response of the above query includes the user (address) for whom the above query was run and the vesting data for each token. Refer to VestingAccountResponse for more details.

    NOTE: The default limit is set to 10 and the maximum limit is set to 30.

  • VestedTokens - Query amount of vested tokens for the given denomination.

      VestedTokens {
          denom: String,
    • Quries the contract for vesting account details of a single denomination (denom) associated with the sender.
    • Response contains the total amount of vested tokens.

Query Responses

  • VestingAccountResponse - Response type of the VestingAccount query.

      pub struct VestingAccountResponse {
          pub address: String,
          pub vestings: Vec<VestingData>,
    • address represents the user for whom the contract was queried.

    • vestings consists of an array of vesting details for each queried token.

    • VestingData - Struct that holds the vesting details.

        pub struct VestingData {
            pub master_address: String,
            pub vesting_denom: String,
            pub vesting_amount: Uint128,
            pub vested_amount: Uint128,
            pub vesting_schedule: VestingSchedule,
            pub claimable_amount: Uint128,
      • master_address - master address for the vesting tokens. If the vesting account is deregistered prior to all tokens being vested, then the remaining vesting tokens are transferred to the master address.
      • vesting_denom - denomination of the vesting tokens.
      • vesting_amount - amount of tokens that were deposited for vesting.
      • vested_amount - amount that has already vested and may be claimed.
      • vesting_schedule - the schedule of the vesting tokens.
      • claimable_amount - amount of tokens which may be claimed.

Deployed Contract Info


data bombay-12 columbus-5
code_id 35340 N/A
contract_addr terra15uc49grd8h0xxj3jvmcx9yswvw8v0ypy32pe8m N/A