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The following is a write-up for the CSAW-2021 word_games challenge. This is a standard heap note-taking challenge that is linked to, which implements heap safe-linking. Inspiration for the challenge is attributed to the House of Io safe-link bypass strategy created by Awarau and Eyal.


glibc-2.32+, released in December 2020, implements a new heap protection feature called safe-linking. Safe-linking attempts to protect against typical heap exploitation strategies such as corruption of a tcache or fastbins fw or bk pointer to gain arbitrary pointer allocation (which can then be used in conjunction with a __malloc_hook or other overwrite to hijack execution flow). The process involves bit shifting the linked-list pointer so that ASLR-randomized bits are xor-d with the metadata pointer.

safe-linking overview

Source: Check Point Research

Safe-linking's goal is to prevent attackers from leaking heap addresses and arbitrarily overwriting linked-list metadata. While effective against a number of previously exploitable vulnerabilities, the following challenge demonstrates that the mitigation can be completely bypassed in specific scenarios.

Challenge Overview

The challenge requests words from the user and logs them in a linked list (yours). The program also contains a secondary linked list (mine) which is only populated when an input contains the string fun. The user has the choice of suggesting a word, deleting their list, or reading the program's favorite word at that point in time. The favorite word is the longest word suggested which contains fun. Finally, the program deletes the mine list when four fun words are suggested, but interaction with the binary continues.

The Vuln

There are two key vulnerabilities which allow bypassing of the safe-linking mitigation. The first vulnerability is a UAF which allows access to the value of mine->fav even after the linked list is deleted. The second vulnerability is an out-of-order free() sequence which incorrectly frees a structure before its data. The vulnerability is shown at the end of the following code snippet where mine is freed before mine->fav.

struct LL {
  struct node* head;
  char* fav;

struct LL* mine;


void delete_list(struct node* head) {
  struct node* tail = get_tail(head);
  struct node* tmp;
  while (tail->prev != NULL) {
    tmp = tail;
    tail = tail->prev;
    if (tmp->str) free(tmp->str);
    if (tmp != head) free(tmp);
  if (head == yours) {
    yours->next = NULL;
  else {
    if (mine)       free(mine);
    if (mine->fav)  free(mine->fav);
    mine->head = NULL;

mine->fav is populated by the pointer to tcache_perthread_struct when mine is freed because it resides at &mine + 0x8. The subsequent code line then frees tcache_perthread_struct, an unintended consequence of a simple programming mistake. Access to overwriting tcache_perthread_struct puts the attacker in a powerful position because tcache data is not protected by safe-linking. This means no heap leak is required to return an arbitrary pointer from tcache if the structure itself is modified. Furthermore, tcache return pointers are not checked for a valid size, meaning both __malloc_hook and __free_hook are available to attack.


The following exploit achieves arbitrary execution without a heap leak and does not require any interaction with masked safe-link pointers.

First, the 0x290 tcache is filled so that the incorrect freeing of tcache_perthread_struct pushes it into the unsorted bins. Next, four fun words are suggested to trigger the out-of-order free sequence. Then the UAF is used to read mine->fav which will print the value of tcache_perthread_struct->fw: a libc address in main arena. Easy calculation using offsets from the provided libc yields the addresses needed for the rest of the exploit. Any subsequent suggestion that is not satisfied by fastbins or tcache allocates from the beginning of tcache_perthread_struct because it resides in an unsorted bin. Next, a payload is sent in to clear tcache except for a single 0x40 chunk which points just above __free_hook, as shown below:

0x563236b3a010:	0x0000000100000000	0x0000000000000000
0x563236b3a020:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x563236b3a030:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x563236b3a040:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x563236b3a050:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x563236b3a060:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x563236b3a070:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
<tcache_perthread_struct + 0x80> 
0x563236b3a080:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x563236b3a090:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x563236b3a0a0:	0x00007fe827528c60	0x0000000000000000 < ptr to just above __free_hook
0x563236b3a0b0:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x563236b3a0c0:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000

The next request fulfilled by a 0x40 allocation is returned a pointer just above __free_hook and simultaneously corrupts tcache for that size. Overwriting __free_hook to the address of system() pops a shell when the string /bin/sh is suggested and subsequently freed.


CSAW-2021 word_game write up






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