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A custom directive that make <img> tag to have their own lazy loading feature. It uses only one IntersectionObserver to observe all lazy images (even $route changes).


<img v-lazy-src="entry.image">

When the img tag intersects within viewport (default threshold: 0.1), it starts load the value of directive as img's src.

For static url, you should use additional quotes within value, or use data-lazy-src property.

<img v-lazy-src="''" />
<!-- or -->
<img v-lazy-src data-lazy-src="" />


npm i v-lazy-src
import Vue from 'vue'
import VLazySrcPlugin from 'v-lazy-src'


the plugin accepts two options:

  • threshold: which amount of element intersects within root element (default: 0.1)
  • placeholder: url of placeholder image src that loaded before img tag should be shown (default: empty transparent gif)
Vue.use(VLazySrcPlugin, {threshold: 0.5, placeholder: '/path/to/empty.png'})

will show /path/to/empty.png unless half of img element's rect is intersects with viewport, then loads lazy src.

Or just setup directive for each component:

import { VLazySrc } from 'v-lazy-src'

export default {
  name: 'YourComponent',
  directives: {
    lazySrc: VLazySrc({threshould: 0})
  template: `<div>
    <img v-lazy-src="..." />