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Country lists

A small module that exports country lists used by Comic Relief's frontend components. Country data comes from the popular npm country-list package.


npm i @comicrelief/country-lists
# or
yarn add @comicrelief/country-lists

This package currently comes with 2 country lists


Includes every country as provided by the popular npm package country-list.


Includes the United Kingdom and its Crown Dependencies: the Isle of Man, Jersey, and Guernsey.

Each list includes these functions

  • .getSelectItems(): returns the required { value, displayValue } objects for the current <Select> component from our repo.

  • .getLegacySelectItems(): returns the required { label, value } objects for the legacy SelectField component from our repo.

  • .getNames(): returns a plain list of country names.

Example usage in React using comicrelief/component-library:

import { Select } from "@comicrelief/component-library";
import { ALL_COUNTRIES } from '@comicrelief/country-lists'

  description="Please choose your country"
  options={ ALL_COUNTRIES.getSelectItems() }

Example usage in React using legacy comicrelief/storybook component library

import { SelectField } from '@comicrelief/storybook';
import { ALL_COUNTRIES } from '@comicrelief/country-lists';

// Adding a Label to the imported country list package
const selectLabel = { label: 'Please choose your country', selected: true };
const countryDataWithLabel = ALL_COUNTRIES.getLegacySelectItems();

  options={ countryDataWithLabel }