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JF2602 edited this page Apr 11, 2022 · 1 revision

Bill of Materials

This is the Software Bill of Materials for the project ReleaseFab. It lists the used materials, where to find them and under which open-source license they are used. Hereby attribution is given to the copyright holders of resources licensed under Creative Commons.


Library License Source
JDOM Apache-style license with the acknowledgement clause removed License FAQ, License, Source Code
SLF4J MIT License License, Source Code
Logback Classic Eclipse Public License v1.0 || GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 License, Source Code
Logback Core Eclipse Public License v1.0 || GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 License, Source Code
Eclipse SWT Eclipse Public License v2.0 License, Source Code
Eclipse JGit Eclipse EDL License v1.0 License, Binaries
Adoptium JDK Apache License, Version 2.0 License, Source Code
JUnit 5 Eclipse Public License v2.0 License, Source Code
XMLUnit Apache License, Version 2.0 License, Source Code


Names of the original authors, the licenses and license information can be found on the following pages.

Icons which are not listed in this section are licensed together with this project.