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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 14, 2023. It is now read-only.


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Custom Objects Manager

This Merchant Center custom applications is for managing custom objects.

Start the development server

Run the following command to start the development server and launch the application:

$ yarn start

Run tests

Run the following command to run the tests:

$ yarn test
$ yarn test:watch

Build the production bundles

Run the following command to build the production bundles with webpack:

$ yarn build


The custom application includes configuration for both AWS (S3 & CloudFront) and Firebase serverless deployments built with mc-script compile-html.

Linting, formatting, and so on

Formatting code

Run the following command to format JS, CSS, JSON and GraphQL files

$ yarn format

Git Hooks

Git hooks are configured using Husky. The root workspace runs all workspace hooks using Lerna (example repository). The hooks are configured as follows:

  • Pre-commit: JS, CSS, and GraphQL files are linted (ESLint/Stylelint) and formatted (Prettier). Fixes are automatically added to Git.
  • Commit Message: Commit messages are linted against the conventional commit format using commitlint

Linting GraphQL Queries

A pre-requisite for linting GraphQL queries is generating a schema.graphql file, which contains the Types exposed by CTP API. Every time that the API introduces new Types, Queries or Mutations, the local schema.graphql must be updated.

Generating GraphQL schema

  1. If you haven't done so already, create an API client under Settings -> Developer Settings in Merchant Center for your project
  2. Generate an access token using the Client Credentials flow
  3. Export both your Merchant Center project key and generated access token as environment variables
  4. Retrieve schema with graphql-cli
$ export PROJECT_KEY={project_key}
$ export AUTH_TOKEN={access_token}
$ npx graphql-cli get-schema


Development accelerator for creating and managing custom objects on the commercetools platform.







No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
