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EPB Authentication and Authorisation Tools

This RubyGem provides a set of tools to use along with communitiesuk/epb-auth-server. There are two primary components: middleware for validating JWTs in sinatra apps, and a HTTP client that provides a mechanism for making authenticated requests.

Getting set up


To install all required libs and other info, run make install.


To test the gem, run make test.

Syntax Cleanup

To ensure that all your code looks nice and conforms to the repo standards, run make format.

Sinatra Conditional Routing

The epb-auth-tools module has a sinatra conditional routing helper class.

To use this simply require epb-auth-tools and define the following in your application class.

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'sinatra'
require 'epb-auth-tools'

class AppService < Sinatra::Base
  set(:jwt_auth) do
    condition do
      Auth::Sinatra::Conditional.process_request env
    rescue Auth::Errors::Error => e
      content_type :json
      halt 401, { error: e }.to_json

  get '/', jwt_auth: [] do
    content_type :json
    status 200
    { message: 'authenticated' }.to_json