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Yet another php xmlrpc decoder/encoder.

This is the development branch, please do not use it in production

Main features:

  • support for nil and ex:nil
  • implements true, XML compliant, HTML numeric entities conversion
  • support for CDATA values


  • Using Composer

    Install composer, then:

    composer require comodojo/xmlrpc


  • Create an encoder instance:

    // create an encoder instance
    $encoder = new \Comodojo\Xmlrpc\XmlrpcEncoder();
    // (optional) set character encoding
    // (optional) use ex:nil instead of nil
    // (optional) declare special types in $data
    $encoder->setValueType($data['a_value'], "base64");
    $encoder->setValueType($data['b_value'], "datetime");
    $encoder->setValueType($data['c_value'], "cdata");
    // Wrap actions in a try/catch block (see below)
    try {
        /* encoder actions */
    } catch (\Comodojo\Exception\XmlrpcException $xe) {
        /* someting goes wrong during encoding */
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        /* generic error */
  • single call:

    $call = $encoder->encodeCall("my.method", array("user"=>"john", "pass" => "doe")) ;
  • multicall:

    $multicall = $encoder->encodeMulticall( array (
        "my.method" => array( "user"=>"john", "pass" => "doe" ),
        "another.method" => array( "value"=>"foo", "param" => "doe" ),

    Alternate syntax (duplicated-methods safe):

    $multicall = $encoder->encodeMulticall( array (
        array( "my.method", array( "user"=>"john", "pass" => "doe" ) ),
        array( "another.method", array( "value"=>"foo", "param" => "doe" ) )
  • single call success response

    $response = $encoder->encodeResponse( array("success"=>true) );
  • single call error response

    $error = $encoder->encodeError( 300, "Invalid parameters" );
  • multicall success/error (faultString and faultCode should be explicitly declared in $data)

    $values = $encoder->encodeResponse( array(
        array("faultCode"=>300, "faultString"=>"Invalid parameters")


  • create a decoder instance:

    // create a decoder instance
    $decoder = new \Comodojo\Xmlrpc\XmlrpcDecoder();
    // Wrap actions in a try/catch block (see below)
    try {
        /* decoder actions */
    } catch (\Comodojo\Exception\XmlrpcException $xe) {
        /* someting goes wrong during decoding */
  • decode single or multicall

    $incoming_call = $decoder->decodeCall( $xml_data );

    In case of single request, method will return an array like:

    array (
        0 => "my.method",
        1 =>  array(
            "param_1" => "value_1",
            "param_2" => "value_2",

    In case of multicall:

    array (
        0 => array (
            0 => "my.method",
            1 =>  array(
                "param_1" => "value_1",
                "param_2" => "value_2",
        1 => array (
            0 => "my.otherMethod",
            1 =>  array(
                "param_a" => "value_a",
                "param_b" => "value_b",
  • decode response

    $returned_data = $decoder->decodeResponse( $xml_response_data );



Contributions are welcome and will be fully credited. Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


comodojo/xmlrpc is released under the MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Copyright (c) 2018 Marco Giovinazzi

For more information, visit