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Research Paper Presentation

Ramesh Balasekaran edited this page Mar 8, 2016 · 24 revisions

##For 779V students only!##

Instructions. Please sign up to read, present, and lead a discussion on one of the following research papers in class. You should make your selection by Feb. 8th. Further below you'll find a list of available dates where you should list your name and the paper you're going to cover on that date.

You'll have about 25 minutes. Because the rest of the class won't have read the paper you'll be responsible for summarizing and presenting the main findings of that paper as well as developing a conversation with the class based on findings and interesting questions that emerge.

Be sure to cover the following points:

  • What's the motivation for the paper? Why is it important?
  • What question is the paper trying to answer? Explain what the researchers did to study that question, including the methods used.
  • What did the paper contribute, what new insights or ideas did it introduce that caught your eye or surprised you?
  • What aspects of the paper are worth debating? What questions can you pose to the class to develop a conversation about the paper?


  • Jacob Ørmen. Googling the news: Opportunities and challenges in studying news events through Google Search. Digital Journalism. Article
  • C. Klimar-Silver et al. Location, Location, Location: The Impact of Geolocation on Web Search Personalization. Proc. Internet Measurement Conference (IMC). 2015. PDF
  • H. Kwak, et al. What is Twitter, a social network or a news media?. Proc. conference on World wide web (WWW). 2010. PDF
  • A. Arif, et al. How Information Snowballs: Exploring the Role of Exposure in Online Rumor Propagation. Proc. Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Media (CSCW). 2016. PDF
  • C. Castillo, Marcelo Mendoza, and Barbara Poblete. 2011. Information credibility on twitter. Proc. conference on World wide web (WWW). 2011. PDF
  • J. Kulshrestha, et al. Characterizing Information Diets of Social Media Users. Proc. International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM). 2015. PDF
  • M. Eslami, et al. "I always assumed that I wasn't really that close to [her]": Reasoning about Invisible Algorithms in News Feeds. Proc. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). 2015. PDF
  • S. Savage, A. Monroy-Hernandez, and T. Hollerer. Botivist: Calling Volunteers to Action using Online Bots. Proc. CSCW. 2016. PDF
  • J. Cheng, C. Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, J. Leskovec. Antisocial Behavior in Online Discussion Communities. Proc. ICWSM 2015. PDF
  • M. Broussard. Artificial Intelligence for Investigative Reporting: Using an Expert System to Enhance Journalists’ Ability to Discover Original Public Affairs Stories. Digital Journalism. 2014. Article
  • N. Hassan, C. Li, and M. Tremayne. Detecting Check-worthy Factual Claims in Presidential Debates. Proc. International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM). 2015. PDF

Open Dates (sign up here by clicking "edit" in the upper right corner)

  • March 7th
    • Jacob Ørmen. Googling the news: Opportunities and challenges in studying news events through Google Search. Digital Journalism.
  • March 21st
    • Ramesh Balasekaran, A. Arif, et al. How Information Snowballs: Exploring the Role of Exposure in Online Rumor Propagation. Proc. Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Media (CSCW). 2016.
  • March 28th
    • Deon Crasto - M. Broussard. Artificial Intelligence for Investigative Reporting: Using an Expert System to Enhance Journalists’ Ability to Discover Original Public Affairs Stories. Digital Journalism. 2014
  • April 11th (slot 1)
    • Joohee Choi, S. Savage, A. Monroy-Hernandez, and T. Hollerer. Botivist: Calling Volunteers to Action using Online Bots. Proc. CSCW. 2016. PDF
  • April 11th (slot 2)
    • Shivika Khare C. Klimar-Silver et al. Location, Location, Location: The Impact of Geolocation on Web Search Personalization. Proc. Internet Measurement Conference (IMC). 2015. PDF
  • April 11th (slot 3)
    • Karthik Abinav: C. Castillo, Marcelo Mendoza, and Barbara Poblete. 2011. Information credibility on twitter. Proc. conference on World wide web (WWW). 2011
  • April 18th
    • Gavish Gulati, H. Kwak, et al. What is Twitter, a social network or a news media?. Proc. conference on World wide web (WWW). 2010.
  • April 25th
    • Soheil Ehsani, N. Hassan, C. Li, and M. Tremayne. Detecting Check-worthy Factual Claims in Presidential Debates. Proc. International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM). 2015. PDF
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