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Project Snapshot 1

Past due by over 1 year 22% complete

Use Git team assignment to track your progress.
-Create a read me file in your repository that describes the project.
-This document should include project title, name and email for all team members
-Project description
-Project components
-Special notes as needed (this may be added to throughout the semester)
Either upload or use the Wiki to create a pro…

Use Git team assignment to track your progress.
-Create a read me file in your repository that describes the project.
-This document should include project title, name and email for all team members
-Project description
-Project components
-Special notes as needed (this may be added to throughout the semester)
Either upload or use the Wiki to create a project plan
-Review Gant Chart project methodology to an external site.
-You can use what ever tool you want to create the Gantt chart.
Use the Git Wiki to create a page for each snapshot.
-Identify completed activities.
-List activities behind schedule
-Specify tasks to be completed for next snapshot
-List challenges, concerns, blockers impeding the project from moving forward.
Weekly Stand Up Meetings with Professor
Project artifacts - This should be checked into Git files
-Source code
-Requirements Documents
-Design Documents
-Test plans and results
