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Snapshot 3

Mansoor Haidari edited this page Apr 29, 2023 · 14 revisions

Project Snapshot 3

Completed Activities

  • Created Gantt Chart

22 33

  • Gantt Chart: Link

  • Every Thursday Starts: 6:00 PM (Meeting will via discord)

  • Every Sunday Starts: 1:00 PM (zoom Link:

  • Updated README File and Repository Link

  • Added Project artifacts in the Repository Link

  • Web Application

image image1 image2

Visual Representation Application

  • Currently in the process should be operational by snapshoot 4 team is working to get it up to speed. (Note: Professor Canniff input were taken into consideration, and it will be implemented by snapshot 4 due date)

Visual Representation of the dataset

Figure_2 Figure_3 Figure_4 Figure_5 Figure_6 Figure_7 Figure_9 Figure_10 Figure_11 Figure_12 Figure_13 Figure_14 Figure_1

Activities Behind Schedule

  • Machine learning (Progress are being made since snapshoot 2, Teams has been actively working to achieve the project goal. It will be ready by snapshot 4)

Weekly Meeting Schedule

Weekly Stand-Up Meeting with Professor

  • Every Friday at 1:00 PM Via Zoom

Task to be Completed for the next snapshot.

  • Senior Project Poster Due on Apr 14, 2023
  • Senior Project Poster Submission
  • Update README File and Repository
  • Data Encoding - If the dataset has categorical features, like gender or type of disease, you should turn them into numbers that the model can use.
  • Data Features - Choose the most important features for the machine learning model and get rid of any features that are redundant or don't matter.
  • Train-Test Split - Break up the data into sets for training, validating, and testing.

Project artifacts - This should be checked into Git files

  • Source code
  • Requirements Documents
  • Design Documents
  • Test plans and results

Challenges, Concerns, Obstacle

  • "Deployment" Project is still being plan.