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Bundle Server Launcher

Bundle Server Launcher (formerly Woven Server Launcher) is a single-jar server bootstrapper for Fabric loader, which does not require an installer for users to use.

The build task (gradlew build) will make:

  • A complete bundle-fabric jar with all dependencies and configuration bundled, which can be distributed to users
    • Configure what Fabric Loader and Minecraft versions to use in
  • A -base jar containing only the compiled Bundle Server Launcher code, which you can merge yourself with the dependencies (Fabric loader, it's dependencies as listed in except for guava, and intermediary mappings), replacing the jimfs META-INF/services/java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider file with the one provided, and a file with appropriate values for launch.mainClass, serverJarUrl and serverJarHash.

The buildMulti task makes JARs for several different Minecraft versions - used for CI

Use the run task to directly run the complete jar.