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brclient: add content filter commands
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miki committed Jul 26, 2023
1 parent 36a1a61 commit a490bb5
Showing 1 changed file with 342 additions and 0 deletions.
342 changes: 342 additions & 0 deletions brclient/commands.go
Expand Up @@ -2536,6 +2536,335 @@ var pagesCommands = []tuicmd{

var filterCommands = []tuicmd{
cmd: "list",
usableOffline: true,
aliases: []string{"ls"},
descr: "Lists content-based filters",
handler: func(args []string, as *appState) error {
filters := as.c.ListContentFilters()
if len(filters) == 0 {
as.cwHelpMsg("Client has no content-based filters")
return nil

as.cwHelpMsgs(func(pf printf) {
pf("Content filters (%d total)", len(filters))
for _, cf := range filters {
var s string
if !cf.SkipPMs {
s += "PMs, "
if !cf.SkipGCMs {
s += "GCMs "
if cf.GC != nil && !cf.GC.IsEmpty() {
gc, _ := as.c.GetGCAlias(*cf.GC)
s += fmt.Sprintf("gc=%s", strescape.Nick(gc))
s += ", "

if !cf.SkipPosts {
s += "posts, "
if !cf.SkipPostComments {
s += "post comments, "
if cf.UID != nil {
nick, _ := as.c.UserNick(*cf.UID)
s += fmt.Sprintf("user=%s, ", strescape.Nick(nick))

s += fmt.Sprintf("regexp=\"%s\"", cf.Regexp)
pf("%08d - %s", cf.ID, s)

return nil
}, {
cmd: "add",
usableOffline: true,
descr: "Add a simple, case-insensitive content filter",
usage: "[filter]",
long: []string{
"Adding a filter through this command filters content from ",
"all users on all contexts. Use the 'addrule' command for ",
"specifying more complex rules.",
rawHandler: func(rawCmd string, args []string, as *appState) error {
_, expr := popNArgs(rawCmd, 2) // cmd+subcmd
if len(expr) == 0 {
return usageError{"filter expression cannot be empty"}

// Add the case-insensitive flag.
expr = "(?i)" + regexp.QuoteMeta(expr)

cf := &clientdb.ContentFilter{Regexp: expr}
err := as.c.StoreContentFilter(cf)
if err != nil {
return err
as.cwHelpMsg("Added content filter rule %d", cf.ID)
return nil
}, {
cmd: "addrule",
usableOffline: true,
descr: "Add a content-based filter",
usage: "[user=<user>] [gc=<gc> | noGC] [noPost] [noPC] [noPM] [--] [regexp]",
long: []string{
"Content-based filters drop received messages before they are ",
"presented to the user.",
"If an incoming message matches any of the existing filters, ",
"the message is dropped.",
"By default, filters apply to all messages, received from any ",
"user and on all contexts (PMs, GCMs, posts and post comments). ",
"Some attributes allow refining when the filter applies: ",
" - user=<user>: only test filter if the message is from a specific user",
" - gc=<gc>: only test filter if GCM is in a specific GC",
" - noGC: do not apply filter for messages in GCs",
" - noPost: do not apply filter for post conent",
" - noPC: do not apply filter for post comments",
" - noPM: do not apply filter for PMs",
"Everything after the last valid option or after a literal '--'",
"is considered part of the regexp.",
"The regexp follows Go's regexp package rules. As a reminder, ",
"it is case-sensitive by default, unless it is started with ",
"the '(?i)' flag.",
"Examples of filters:",
"- Filter all posts and post comments from user foo that contain ",
"the string 'barbaz':",
" /filter addrule user=foo nogc nopm -- barbaz",
"- Filter all messages in GC 'testgc' that contain the string 'barbaz':",
" /filter addrule gc=testgc nopm nopost nopc -- barbaz",
"- Filter any message that begins with the case insensitive string 'barbaz':",
" /filter addrule (?i)^barbaz",
"Use the /filter test* commands to test if the setup filters work as ",
rawHandler: func(rawCmd string, args []string, as *appState) error {
if len(args) < 1 {
return usageError{msg: "filter cannot be empty"}

var cf clientdb.ContentFilter
nargs := 2 // cmd+subcmd
for i, arg := range args {
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "user="):
nick := arg[5:]
uid, err := as.c.UIDByNick(nick)
if err != nil {
return err
cf.UID = &uid

case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "gc="):
name := arg[3:]
gc, err := as.c.GCIDByName(name)
if err != nil {
return err
cf.GC = &gc

case strings.EqualFold(arg, "noPost"):
cf.SkipPosts = true

case strings.EqualFold(arg, "noPC"):
cf.SkipPostComments = true

case strings.EqualFold(arg, "noGC"):
cf.SkipGCMs = true

case strings.EqualFold(arg, "noPM"):
cf.SkipPMs = true

case arg == "--":
nargs += i + 1
break loopArgs

nargs += i
break loopArgs

_, cf.Regexp = popNArgs(rawCmd, nargs)
if cf.Regexp == "" {
return usageError{msg: "regexp cannot be empty"}

err := as.c.StoreContentFilter(&cf)
if err != nil {
return err

as.cwHelpMsg("Added content filter rule %d", cf.ID)
return nil
}, {
cmd: "del",
aliases: []string{"delete", "remove", "rem"},
descr: "Remove a filter rule",
usage: "[id]",
handler: func(args []string, as *appState) error {
if len(args) < 1 {
return usageError{msg: "rule number cannot be empty"}

id, err := strconv.ParseUint(args[0], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err

if err := as.c.RemoveContentFilter(id); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to remove rule %d: %v", id, err)

as.cwHelpMsg("Removed content filter rule %d", id)
return nil
}, {
cmd: "testpm",
usableOffline: true,
descr: "Test if a PM would be filtered",
usage: "<user> <pm>",
rawHandler: func(rawCmd string, args []string, as *appState) error {
if len(args) < 1 {
return usageError{msg: "user cannot be empty"}

uid, err := as.c.UIDByNick(args[0])
if err != nil {
return err

_, pm := popNArgs(rawCmd, 3) // cmd+subcmd+user
filter, id := as.c.FilterPM(uid, pm)
as.cwHelpMsgs(func(pf printf) {
pf("Test message: %q", pm)
if !filter {
pf("Message would NOT be filtered")
} else {
pf("Message would be filtered by rule %d", id)
return nil
}, {
cmd: "testgcm",
usableOffline: true,
descr: "Test if a GC message would be filtered",
usage: "<user> <gc> <pm>",
rawHandler: func(rawCmd string, args []string, as *appState) error {
if len(args) < 1 {
return usageError{msg: "user cannot be empty"}
if len(args) < 2 {
return usageError{msg: "gc cannot be empty"}

uid, err := as.c.UIDByNick(args[0])
if err != nil {
return err
gc, err := as.c.GCIDByName(args[1])
if err != nil {
return err

_, gcm := popNArgs(rawCmd, 4) // cmd+subcmd+user+gc
filter, id := as.c.FilterGCM(uid, gc, gcm)
as.cwHelpMsgs(func(pf printf) {
pf("Test message: %q", gcm)
if !filter {
pf("Message would NOT be filtered")
} else {
pf("Message would be filtered by rule %d", id)
return nil
}, {
cmd: "testpost",
usableOffline: true,
descr: "Test if a post would be filtered",
usage: "<user> <post>",
rawHandler: func(rawCmd string, args []string, as *appState) error {
if len(args) < 1 {
return usageError{msg: "user cannot be empty"}

uid, err := as.c.UIDByNick(args[0])
if err != nil {
return err

_, post := popNArgs(rawCmd, 3) // cmd+subcmd+user
filter, id := as.c.FilterPost(uid, clientintf.PostID{}, post)
as.cwHelpMsgs(func(pf printf) {
pf("Test post: %q", post)
if !filter {
pf("Post would NOT be filtered")
} else {
pf("Post would be filtered by rule %d", id)
return nil
}, {
cmd: "testpostcomment",
usableOffline: true,
descr: "Test if a post comment would be filtered",
usage: "<user> <post>",
rawHandler: func(rawCmd string, args []string, as *appState) error {
if len(args) < 1 {
return usageError{msg: "user cannot be empty"}

uid, err := as.c.UIDByNick(args[0])
if err != nil {
return err

_, comment := popNArgs(rawCmd, 3) // cmd+subcmd+user
postFrom, pid := clientintf.UserID{0: 0x01}, clientintf.UserID{0: 0x02}
filter, id := as.c.FilterPostComment(uid, postFrom, pid, comment)
as.cwHelpMsgs(func(pf printf) {
pf("Test comment: %q", comment)
if !filter {
pf("Comment would NOT be filtered")
} else {
pf("Comment would be filtered by rule %d", id)
return nil

var commands = []tuicmd{
cmd: "backup",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3198,6 +3527,19 @@ var commands = []tuicmd{
return nil
handler: subcmdNeededHandler,
}, {
cmd: "filters",
usableOffline: true,
usage: "[sub]",
descr: "Content filter commands",
sub: filterCommands,
completer: func(args []string, arg string, as *appState) []string {
if len(args) == 0 {
return cmdCompleter(filterCommands, arg, false)
return nil
handler: subcmdNeededHandler,
}, {
cmd: "rreset",
aliases: []string{"rr", "ratchetreset"},
Expand Down

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