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Merge pull request #1664 from compdemocracy/heroku-deploy-resurrection
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Heroku deploy resurrection
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xeeg committed Apr 17, 2023
2 parents 77dcafd + d005827 commit 15dcbf7
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Showing 4 changed files with 77 additions and 265 deletions.
184 changes: 64 additions & 120 deletions bin/deploy-static-assets.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,22 +1,38 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bb

;; To use this script, you will need to install babashka:
;; If you have homebrew/linuxbrew installed, you can use:
;; brew install borkdude/brew/babashka
;; Before deploying, use `make PROD start-rebuild` to get the system running, then from another shell, run
;; docker cp polis-prod-file-server-1:/app/build build
;; to copy over all of the static assets from the container to local directory.
;; Next you will have to make sure that you have the AWS environment variables set.
;; Then you should be able to run:
;; ./bin/deploy-static-assets.clj --bucket --dist-path build
;; This deploys to the `` bucket.
;; To deploy to the production `` bucket, use instead `--bucket`.

(require '[babashka.pods :as pods]
'[babashka.deps :as deps]
'[babashka.process :as process]
'[clojure.core.async :as async]
'[clojure.pprint :as pp]
'[ :as cli]
'[ :as io]
'[clojure.string :as string])
'[clojure.string :as string]
'[cheshire.core :as json])

(pods/load-pod 'org.babashka/postgresql "0.0.7")
(pods/load-pod 'org.babashka/aws "0.0.6")
(deps/add-deps '{:deps {honeysql/honeysql {:mvn/version "1.0.444"}}})

(require '[pod.babashka.postgresql :as pg]
'[honeysql.core :as hsql]
'[honeysql.helpers :as hsqlh]
'[ :as aws]
(require '[ :as aws]
'[ :as aws-creds])

;; Should move this to arg parsing if and when available
Expand All @@ -41,7 +57,11 @@

;; basic listing contents example
;(aws/invoke s3-client {:op :ListObjects :request {:Bucket ""}})
;(aws/invoke s3-client {:op :ListObjects :request {:Bucket ""}})
;(->> (:Contents (aws/invoke s3-client {:op :ListObjects :request {:Bucket ""}}))
;(map :Key)
;(filter #(re-matches #".*\.headersJson" %)))
;(->> (:Contents (aws/invoke s3-client {:op :ListObjects :request {:Bucket ""}}))
;(filter #(re-matches #".*/fonts/.*" (:Key %))))

(defn file-extension [file]
(keyword (second (re-find #"\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$" (str file)))))
Expand All @@ -54,13 +74,24 @@
:otf "application/x-font-opentype"
:svg "image/svg+xml"
:eot "application/"
;; technically don't need these since being explicitly set for everything but the fonts files, but doesn't
;; hurt as a backup
:html "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
:js "application/javascript"
:css "text/css; charset=UTF-8"})

(def cache-buster-seconds 31536000);
(def cache-buster (format "no-transform,public,max-age=%s,s-maxage=%s" cache-buster-seconds cache-buster-seconds))

;(json/decode (slurp (io/file "build/embed.html.headersJson"))
;(comp keyword #(clojure.string/replace % #"-" "")))

(defn headers-json-data
(let [data (json/decode (slurp file)
(comp keyword #(clojure.string/replace % #"-" "")))]
(select-keys data [:ContentType :CacheControl :ContentEncoding])))

(defn relative-path
"Return the relative path of file file to the base path"
[path-base file]
Expand All @@ -69,115 +100,29 @@
full-path (str file)]
(string/replace full-path path-base "")))

;(relative-path "cached/blobs" "cached/blobs/stuff/yeah")

(defn file-upload-request
"Return an aws s3 upload request given bucket name, deploy spec, and file"
[bucket {:as spec :keys [path cached-path ContentEncoding]} file]
{:Bucket bucket
:Body (io/input-stream (io/file file))
:Key (str (when cached-path "cached/")
(relative-path (or path cached-path) file))
:ACL "public-read"
:ContentType (-> file file-extension ext->content-type)
:CacheControl (if cached-path cache-buster "no-cache")}
(when ContentEncoding
{:ContentEncoding ContentEncoding})))

;{:path "dist/"
;:pattern #".*\.html"}
;(io/file "dist/404.html"))

(defn try-int [s]
(Long/parseLong s)
(catch Throwable t

;(mapv try-int (string/split "2021_3_20_4_32_16" #"_"))

(defn latest-version [cache-dir]
(->> (.listFiles (io/file cache-dir))
(sort-by #(mapv try-int (string/split (str %) #"_")))

;(latest-version "participation-client/dist/cached")

(defn spec-requests
[bucket {:as spec :keys [path cached-path pattern ContentEncoding]}]
(let [file (io/file (or path cached-path))]
(->> (latest-version file)
(filter #(and (.isFile %) ;; exclude subdirectories
(or (not pattern) (re-matches pattern (str %))))) ;; apply pattern if present
(map (partial file-upload-request bucket spec)))
(and path (.isDirectory file))
(->> (file-seq file)
(filter #(and (.isFile %) ;; exclude subdirectories
(or (not pattern) (re-matches pattern (str %))))) ;; apply pattern if present
(map (partial file-upload-request bucket spec)))
(and path (.isFile file))
[(file-upload-request bucket spec file)])))

;(spec-requests ""
;{:cached-path "client-admin/dist/cached"
;:pattern #".*\.js"
;:ContentEncoding "gzip"})

;(spec-requests ""
;{:cached-path "client-participation/dist/cached"
;:pattern #".*/css/.*\.css"})

;(spec-requests ""
;{:path "dist/"
;:pattern #".*\.html"})

;(spec-requests ""
;{:cached-path "dist/cached/"
;:ContentEncoding "gzip"})

;(re-matches #".*\.(html|svg)" "test.svg")
(def deploy-specs
;; client admin
{:cached-path "client-admin/dist/cached"
;; <version>/js/* -> cached/<version>/js/**
:pattern #".*\.js"
:ContentEncoding "gzip"}
{:path "client-admin/dist/"
:pattern #".*\.html"}

;; participation client files
{:path "client-participation/dist/"
:pattern #".*\.html"}
{:path "client-participation/dist/"
:pattern #"twitterAuthReturn\.html"
:ContentEncoding "gzip"}
{:path "client-participation/dist/"
:pattern #"embedPreprod\.js"}
{:path "client-participation/dist/"
:pattern #"embed\.js"}
{:cached-path "client-participation/dist/cached"
:pattern #".*/css/.*\.css"}
{:cached-path "client-participation/dist/cached"
:pattern #".*\.(html|svg)"}
{:cached-path "client-participation/dist/cached"
:pattern #".*/js/.*\.js"
:ContentEncoding "gzip"}])

;; client report
;{:path "client-report/dest-root/**/js/**"
;:ContentEncoding "gzip"
;:CacheControl cache-buster
;:subdir cached-subdir}
;{:path "client-report/dest-root/**/*.html"}]

[bucket base-path file]
(let [headers-file (io/file (str file ".headersJson"))]
{:Bucket bucket
:Body (io/input-stream (io/file file))
:Key (relative-path base-path file)
:ACL "public-read"}
(if (.exists headers-file)
(headers-json-data headers-file)
;; This should just be for the fonts files, which are the only that don't have an explicit headersJson
;; file; assuming caching
{:ContentType (-> file file-extension ext->content-type)
:CacheControl cache-buster}))))

;(file-seq (io/file "build"))

(defn upload-requests [bucket path]
(->> (file-seq (io/file path))
(filter #(and (.isFile %) ;; exclude subdirectories
(not (re-matches #".*\.headersJson" (str %))))) ;; omit, headersJson, since processed separately
(map (partial file-upload-request bucket path))))

; Inspect how this parses to AWS S3 requests
Expand All @@ -198,7 +143,7 @@
(defn process-deploy
"Execute AWS S3 request, and return result"
(println "processing request" (pr-str request))
(println "Processing request:" request)
[request (aws/invoke s3-client {:op :PutObject :request request})])

;(doseq [request (mapcat (partial spec-requests "") deploy-specs)]
Expand All @@ -218,9 +163,8 @@
("preprod" "edge") ""

(defn responses [bucket]
(let [requests (mapcat (partial spec-requests bucket)
(defn responses [bucket path]
(let [requests (upload-requests bucket path)
output-chan (async/chan concurrent-requests)]
(async/pipeline-blocking concurrent-requests
Expand All @@ -232,10 +176,10 @@
(remove (comp :ETag second)

(defn -main [& {:as opts-map :strs [--bucket]}]
(defn -main [& {:as opts-map :strs [--bucket --dist-path]}]
(let [bucket (get-bucket --bucket)
_ (println "Deploying static assets to bucket:" bucket)
responses (responses bucket)
responses (responses bucket (or --dist-path "build"))
errors (errors responses)]
(if (not-empty errors)
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions heroku.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ build:
# math worker container
worker: math/Dockerfile
# build and release static assets (js, index.html, etc)
release: Dockerfile
#release: Dockerfile

image: release
- ./bin/deploy-static-assets.clj --bucket $STATIC_ASSET_DEPLOY_BUCKET
#image: release
#- ./bin/deploy-static-assets.clj --bucket $STATIC_ASSET_DEPLOY_BUCKET

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion server/src/config.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ const devHostname = process.env.API_DEV_HOSTNAME || "localhost:5000";
const devMode = isTrue(process.env.DEV_MODE) as boolean;
const domainOverride = process.env.DOMAIN_OVERRIDE || null as string | null;
const prodHostname = process.env.API_PROD_HOSTNAME || "";
const serverPort = parseInt(process.env.API_SERVER_PORT || "5000", 10) as number;
const serverPort = parseInt(process.env.API_SERVER_PORT || process.env.PORT || "5000", 10) as number;
const shouldUseTranslationAPI = isTrue(process.env.SHOULD_USE_TRANSLATION_API) as boolean;

export default {
Expand Down

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