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CLI to encode, decode, and validate JWTs


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CLI to encode, decode, and validate JWTs

Uses and inspired by jwt-cli.


$> jwt encode --iss Me -c custom=value -a RS512 -s @/path/to/private/key
$> cat ./path/to/jwt | jwt decode - -o "{{.payload.custom}}"
$> jwt validate eyJh...sw5c -a RS512 --iss Me -s @/path/to/public/key


Binary Downloads

You can download the latest release for your OS and place the binary in your path. jwt is a standalone binary and requires no external dependencies.


On mac, you can install via homebrew.

$> brew tap compiledpanda/jwt
$> brew install jwt
$> jwt



Create and sign a jwt.

jwt encode [options]

Header Options

  • --cty - Set the content type in the header
  • --kid - Set the key id in the header

Payload Options

  • --iss - Issuer claim
  • --sub - Subject claim
  • --aud - Audience claim
  • --exp - Expiration Time claim
  • --nbf - Not Before claim
  • --iat - Issued At claim
  • --jti - JWT ID claim
  • -c, --claim - Claim key/value pairs (a=b string, a=- string from stdin, a=@file.json string from file). Will try to parse string as json, and use string as fallback
  • -p, --payload - The entire payload body in json format (string, @file, or - to read from stdin)

Signature Options

  • -a, --algorithm - (Required) The algorithm to use for signing. Possible Values are: HS256, HS384,HS512,RS256,RS384,RS512,ES256,ES384,ES512,PS256,PS384,PS512,EdDSA
  • -s, --secret - (Required) The secret or private key (string, @file, or - to read from stdin)


Decode jwt (string, @file, or - to read from stdin) and Prettyprint.

jwt decode [options] <jwt>


--json - Output as json { "header": {...}, "payload": {...} } -o, --output - Go template string to format the output


Validate the jwt (string, @file, or - to read from stdin). Will return an error code if JWT is invalid or fails a validation step

jwt validate [options] <jwt>


  • --iss - Fails if Issuer claim does not match
  • --sub - Fails if Subject claim does not match
  • --aud - Fails if Audience claim does not match
  • --exp - Fails if Expiration Time claim is before this value
  • --nbf - Fails of Not Before claim is after this value
  • --iat - Fails if Issued At claim is after this value
  • --jti - Fails if JWT ID claim does not match
  • -a, --algorithm - The algorithm to validate against. Fails on mismatch
  • -s, --secret - The secret or public key (string, @file, or - to read from stdin). Fails if signature is invalid

Public/Private Key Formats

The following formats are supported:

  • RSA Private Keys
    • PKCS1 in PEM or DER format (-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----)
    • PKCS8 in PEM or DER format (-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----)
    • OPENSSH in PEM format (-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----)
  • RSA Public Keys
    • PKCS1 in PEM or DER format (-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----)
    • x509 in PEM or DER format (-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----)
    • OPENSSH authorized key format (ssh-rsa ...)
  • ECDSA Private Keys
    • EC in PEM or DER format (-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----)
    • PKCS8 in PEM or DER format (-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----)
  • ECDSA Public Keys
    • x509 in PEM or DER format (-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----)