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Single-end sequencing

This tutorial describes a standard micca pipeline for the analysis of single-end amplicon data. This pipeline is intended for different platforms, such as Roche 454, Illumina MiSeq/HiSeq and Ion Torrent. Although this tutorial explains how to apply the pipeline to 16S rRNA amplicons, it can be adapted to others markers gene/spacers, e.g. Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS), 18S or 28S.

The dataset used in this tutorial is taken from the Barelli et al. paper Habitat fragmentation is associated to gut microbiota diversity of an endangered primate: implications for conservation ( The dataset contains only a subset of the entire study (Mwanihana samples only) for a total of 15 samples (in FASTQ format) and 235179 16S rRNA amplicon reads (V1-V3 hypervariable regions, 27F 5'-AGAGTTTGATCMTGGCTCAG, 533R 5'-TTACCGCGGCTGCTGGCAC). The 454 pyrosequencing was carried out on the GS FLX+ system using the XL+ chemistry.

Open a terminal, download the data and prepare the working directory:

tar -zxvf mwanihana.tar.gz
cd mwanihana

Now the FASTQ files must be merged in a single file. This operation can be performed with the :doc:`/commands/merge` command. Sample names will be included into the sequence indentifiers.

micca merge -i fastq/*.fastq -o merged.fastq


The :doc:`/commands/merge` command works with FASTQ or FASTA files. If your sequences are in a different format (e.g. SFF or FASTA+QUAL) use :doc:`/commands/convert` to convert them.


In the case of multiplexed reads (with 5' barcode sequences) use :doc:`/commands/split` instead of :doc:`/commands/merge`. This command will perform demultiplexing and merging at the same time.


In the case of overlapping paired-end reads go to :doc:`/pairedend_97` or :doc:`/denoising_illumina`.

Segments which match PCR primers should be now removed. Typical Roche 454 reads start with a sequence key (e.g. TCAG) followed by the barcode (if it was not previously removed) and the forward primer. For these types of data (and in general, for single-end sequencing) we recommend to trim both forward reverse primers and discard reads that do not contain the forward primer. Moreover, sequence preceding (for the forward) or succeding (for the reverse, if found) primers should be removed:


These operations can be performed with the :doc:`/commands/trim` command:

micca trim -i merged.fastq -o trimmed.fastq -w AGAGTTTGATCMTGGCTCAG -r GTGCCAGCAGCCGCGGTAA -W

The option -W/--duforward ensures that reads that do not contain the forward primer will be discarded.


Do not use the -R/--dureverse with single-end reads.


The :doc:`/commands/trim` command supports IUPAC nucleotide codes and multiple primers. With the option -c/--searchrc the command searches reverse complement primers too. :doc:`/commands/trim` works with FASTQ or FASTA files.

Producing high-quality OTUs requires high-quality reads. The :doc:`/commands/filter` command filters sequences according to the maximum allowed expected error (EE) rate %. We recommend values <=1%. Moreover, to obtain good results in clustering (see :doc:`/commands/otu`), reads should be truncated at the same length when they cover partial amplicons or if quality deteriorates towards the end (common when you have long amplicons in 454 or Illumina single-end sequencing).


Parameters for the :doc:`/commands/filter` command should be chosen using the command :doc:`/commands/filterstats`.

The command :doc:`/commands/filterstats` reports the fraction of reads that would pass for each specified maximum expected error (EE) rate %:

micca filterstats -i trimmed.fastq -o filterstats

Open the PNG file filterstats/stats_plot.png:


In this case we are interested in the plot below (minimum length filtering + truncation). A truncation length of 350 and a maximum error rate of 0.5% seems to be a good compromise between read read length, expected error rate and number of reads remaining. Inspecting the file filterstats/trunclen_stats.txt, you can see that more than 92% reads will pass the filter:

L       0.25    0.5     0.75    1.0     1.25    1.5
349     78.905  92.472  97.425  99.135  99.705  99.897
350     78.639  92.385  97.389  99.126  99.704  99.896
351     78.369  92.300  97.357  99.116  99.700  99.892


To obtain general sequencing statistics, run :doc:`/commands/stats`.

Now we can run the :doc:`/commands/filter` command with the selected parameters:

micca filter -i trimmed.fastq -o filtered.fasta -e 0.5 -m 350 -t


The maximum number of allowed Ns after truncation can be also specified in :doc:`/commands/filterstats` and in :doc:`/commands/filter`.

To characterize the taxonomic structure of the samples, the sequences are now organized into Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) at varying levels of identity. An identity of 97% represent the common working definition of bacterial species. The :doc:`/commands/otu` command implements several state-of-the-art approaches for OTU clustering, but in this tutorial we will focus on the de novo greedy clustering (see :doc:`/otu`):

micca otu -i filtered.fasta -o denovo_greedy_otus -d 0.97 -c -t 4

The :doc:`/commands/otu` command returns several files in the output directory, including the OTU table (otutable.txt) and a FASTA file containing the representative sequences (otus.fasta).