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Andrew Krizhanovsky edited this page Jun 4, 2015 · 4 revisions


This guide helps you map Wiktionary parsed database (MySQL) to RDF database by D2RQ. D2RQ platform enables applications to access a RDF-view on a non-RDF database via the SPARQL Protocol.


Download the latest parsed Wiktionary database (e.g. file enwikt20101030_parsed.7z in the section Downloads). Upload it to your local MySQL database:

mysql> CREATE DATABASE enwikt20101030_parsed;
mysql> USE enwikt20101030_parsed;
mysql> SOURCE c:\enwikt20101030_parsed.sql

Create MySQL user and provide access to the parsed Wiktionary database:

mysql> CREATE USER rdfmapper;
mysql> GRANT SELECT ON enwikt20101030_parsed.* TO rdfmapper@'%';

Download and install D2RQ.

Generate .n3 mapping file by the scheme of MySQL database:

cd C:\w\d2r-server-0.7\
generate-mapping -o mapping-wikt_parsed.n3 -u rdfmapper jdbc:mysql://localhost/enwikt20101030_parsed

You can find an example of .n3 file in the section Downloads (file mapping-enwikt20101030_parsed_en.7z).

Change the following lines in the .n3 mapping file:

  • delete lines with (outdated);
  • change vocab to wikpa (WIktionary PArsed database):
  • add lines:
map:Configuration a d2rq:Configuration;
    d2rq:resultSizeLimit 33;

Run server:

cd C:\w\d2r-server-0.7\
d2r-server mapping-wikt_parsed.n3

Open web browser:


SPARQL endpoint

You can test SPARQL examples presented below.

WikPaSPARQL - Java project with SPARQL examples

The small Java project was developed in Eclipse. This project contains SPARQL requests addressed to Wiktionary parsed database. Download WikPaSPARQL_20110618.7z.

SPARQL examples

Get definition (meaning) by word and language

Let's find all definitions for the English word "dog":

Open URL: http://localhost:2020/snorql/

Paste SPARQL request:

SELECT ?langId ?pageId ?langPosId ?meaningId ?wikiTextIdDef ?definition
    ?lang wikpa:lang_code "en";
          wikpa:lang_id ?langId.

    ?page wikpa:page_page_title "dog";
          wikpa:page_id ?pageId.

    ?lang_pos wikpa:lang_pos_page_id ?pageId;
              wikpa:lang_pos_lang_id ?langId;
              wikpa:lang_pos_id ?langPosId.

    ?meaning wikpa:meaning_id ?meaningId;
             wikpa:meaning_lang_pos_id ?langPosId;
             wikpa:meaning_wiki_text_id ?wikiTextIdDef.

    ?wiki_text wikpa:wiki_text_id ?wikiTextIdDef;
             wikpa:wiki_text_text ?definition.

You can access these data from Java code by using Jena:

package wikpasparql;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecutionFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QuerySolution;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSet;

import de.fuberlin.wiwiss.d2rq.ModelD2RQ;

public class SPARQLExample {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
        ModelD2RQ m = new ModelD2RQ("file:mapping-wikt_parsed.n3");
        String sparql = 
            "PREFIX wikpa: <http://localhost:2020/wikpa/resource/>" +
            "SELECT ?langId ?pageId ?wikiText WHERE {" +
            "   ?lang wikpa:lang_code \"en\"; " +
            "         wikpa:lang_id ?langId. " +
            "   ?page wikpa:page_page_title \"dog\"; " +
            "         wikpa:page_id ?pageId." +
            "   ?lang_pos wikpa:lang_pos_page_id ?pageId; " +
            "         wikpa:lang_pos_lang_id ?langId; " +
            "         wikpa:lang_pos_id ?langPosId. " +

            "   ?meaning wikpa:meaning_lang_pos_id ?langPosId; " +
            "         wikpa:meaning_wiki_text_id ?wikiTextId. " +

            "   ?wiki_text wikpa:wiki_text_id ?wikiTextId; " +
            "         wikpa:wiki_text_text ?wikiText. " +
		Query q = QueryFactory.create(sparql); 
		ResultSet rs = QueryExecutionFactory.create(q, m).execSelect();
		while (rs.hasNext()) {
			QuerySolution row = rs.nextSolution();
			System.out.println("langID: " + row.getLiteral("langId").getString());
			System.out.println("pageId: " + row.getLiteral("pageId").getString());
			System.out.println("wikiText: " + row.getLiteral("wikiText").getString());

Get list of synonyms

There are two ways to find synonyms in the database of the parsed English Wiktionary:

  • direct way - from entry to words, which are listed in the section Synonyms;
  • reverse way - from synonyms to entries, i.e. a list of entries which contain this word as a synonym in the section Synonyms;

1. From entry to synonyms

Let's get a synonym for the Swedish (sv code) word ordbok.

SPARQL request:

SELECT ?langId ?pageId ?langPosId ?meaningId ?relationTypeId ?wikiTextIdRel ?relationWord
    ?lang wikpa:lang_code "sv";
          wikpa:lang_id ?langId.

    ?page wikpa:page_page_title "ordbok";
          wikpa:page_id ?pageId.

    ?lang_pos wikpa:lang_pos_page_id ?pageId;
              wikpa:lang_pos_lang_id ?langId;
              wikpa:lang_pos_id ?langPosId.

    ?meaning wikpa:meaning_id ?meaningId;
             wikpa:meaning_lang_pos_id ?langPosId.

    ?relation_type wikpa:relation_type_name "synonyms";
                   wikpa:relation_type_id ?relationTypeId.

    ?relation wikpa:relation_meaning_id ?meaningId;
              wikpa:relation_relation_type_id ?relationTypeId;
              wikpa:relation_wiki_text_id ?wikiTextIdRel.

    ?wiki_text wikpa:wiki_text_id ?wikiTextIdRel;
              wikpa:wiki_text_text ?relationWord.

2. From synonym to entries

Let's get a list of entries which contain a word (e.g. English phrase computer language) in the section Synonyms.

SPARQL request:

SELECT ?langId ?pageId ?langPosId ?meaningId ?relationTypeId ?wikiTextIdRel ?entry
    ?lang wikpa:lang_code "en";
          wikpa:lang_id ?langId.

    ?page wikpa:page_page_title ?entry;
          wikpa:page_id ?pageId.

    ?lang_pos wikpa:lang_pos_page_id ?pageId;
              wikpa:lang_pos_lang_id ?langId;
              wikpa:lang_pos_id ?langPosId.

    ?meaning wikpa:meaning_id ?meaningId;
             wikpa:meaning_lang_pos_id ?langPosId.

    ?relation_type wikpa:relation_type_name "synonyms";
                   wikpa:relation_type_id ?relationTypeId.

    ?relation wikpa:relation_meaning_id ?meaningId;
              wikpa:relation_relation_type_id ?relationTypeId;
              wikpa:relation_wiki_text_id ?wikiTextIdRel.

    ?wiki_text wikpa:wiki_text_id ?wikiTextIdRel;
              wikpa:wiki_text_text "computer language".


entry=programming language

Translate word from one language to another

There are three ways to find translation in the database of the parsed English Wiktionary:

  • English entries:
    • direct translation - from English word to words in other languages, which are listed in the section Translation of the entry;
    • reverse translation - from the non-English word in the section Translation to the English title (header) of the entry;
  • non-English entries:
    • from the non-English word (entry title) to the definition in English of this entry;

Let's find translation of the English (en code) phrase rain cats and dogs into all languages by the first way (direct translation).

SPARQL request:

SELECT ?langId ?pageId ?langPosId ?meaningId ?translationId ?translationEntryId ?wikiTextIdTrans ?translationWord
    ?lang wikpa:lang_code "en";
          wikpa:lang_id ?langId.

    ?page wikpa:page_page_title "rain cats and dogs";
          wikpa:page_id ?pageId.

    ?lang_pos wikpa:lang_pos_page_id ?pageId;
              wikpa:lang_pos_lang_id ?langId;
              wikpa:lang_pos_id ?langPosId.

    ?meaning wikpa:meaning_id ?meaningId;
             wikpa:meaning_lang_pos_id ?langPosId.

    ?translation wikpa:translation_id ?translationId;
                 wikpa:translation_lang_pos_id ?langPosId;
                 wikpa:translation_meaning_id ?meaningId.

    ?translation_entry wikpa:translation_entry_id ?translationEntryId;
                       wikpa:translation_entry_translation_id ?translationId;
                       wikpa:translation_entry_wiki_text_id ?wikiTextIdTrans.

    ?wiki_text wikpa:wiki_text_id ?wikiTextIdTrans;
              wikpa:wiki_text_text ?translationWord.

Let's find translation of the English (en code) word dog into French by the first way (direct translation).

SELECT ?langIdDest ?langIdSource ?pageId ?langPosId ?meaningId ?translationId ?translationEntryId ?wikiTextIdTrans ?translationWord
    ?langDest wikpa:lang_code "en";
          wikpa:lang_id ?langIdDest.

    ?page wikpa:page_page_title "book";
          wikpa:page_id ?pageId.

    ?lang_pos wikpa:lang_pos_page_id ?pageId;
              wikpa:lang_pos_lang_id ?langIdDest;
              wikpa:lang_pos_id ?langPosId.

    ?meaning wikpa:meaning_id ?meaningId;
             wikpa:meaning_lang_pos_id ?langPosId.

    ?translation wikpa:translation_id ?translationId;
                 wikpa:translation_lang_pos_id ?langPosId;
                 wikpa:translation_meaning_id ?meaningId.

    ?langSource wikpa:lang_code "fr";
          wikpa:lang_id ?langIdSource.

    ?translation_entry wikpa:translation_entry_id ?translationEntryId;
                       wikpa:translation_entry_translation_id ?translationId;
                       wikpa:translation_entry_lang_id ?langIdSource;
                       wikpa:translation_entry_wiki_text_id ?wikiTextIdTrans.

    ?wiki_text wikpa:wiki_text_id ?wikiTextIdTrans;
              wikpa:wiki_text_text ?translationWord.

Let's find translations of the French (fr code) word livre into English by the second way (reverse translation).

As I understand, the system founds translations in the data extracted from translation sections of the following Wiktionary pages: pound and book.

SPARQL request:

SELECT ?langIdDest ?englishWord ?langIdSource ?pageId ?langPosId ?meaningId ?translationId ?translationEntryId ?wikiTextIdTrans ?translationWord
    ?langDest wikpa:lang_code "en";
          wikpa:lang_id ?langIdDest.

    ?page wikpa:page_page_title ?englishWord;
          wikpa:page_id ?pageId.

    ?lang_pos wikpa:lang_pos_page_id ?pageId;
              wikpa:lang_pos_lang_id ?langIdDest;
              wikpa:lang_pos_id ?langPosId.

    ?meaning wikpa:meaning_id ?meaningId;
             wikpa:meaning_lang_pos_id ?langPosId.

    ?translation wikpa:translation_id ?translationId;
                 wikpa:translation_lang_pos_id ?langPosId;
                 wikpa:translation_meaning_id ?meaningId.

    ?langSource wikpa:lang_code "fr";
          wikpa:lang_id ?langIdSource.

    ?translation_entry wikpa:translation_entry_id ?translationEntryId;
                       wikpa:translation_entry_translation_id ?translationId;
                       wikpa:translation_entry_lang_id ?langIdSource;
                       wikpa:translation_entry_wiki_text_id ?wikiTextIdTrans.

    ?wiki_text wikpa:wiki_text_id ?wikiTextIdTrans;
              wikpa:wiki_text_text "livre".

Problems and question

  • How to track and stop very long queries?

See also

  • [SQL examples](SQL examples)