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priority: high 🫡
priority: high 🫡
priority: low 😴
priority: low :sleeping:
priority: medium 🤔
priority: medium :thinking:
status: done 😎
status: done :sunglasses:
status: in progress 🏗️
status: in progress :building_construction:
status: not started 🥱
status: not started :yawning_face:
status: ready 📦
status: ready :package:
type: backend ⚙️
type: backend :gear:
Related to database or other backend services
type: bug 🐛
type: bug :bug:
Identifies or fixes something that's not working as intended
type: design 🎨
type: design :art:
Related to visuals, branding, etc.
type: documentation 📄
type: documentation :page_facing_up:
Improvements or additions to documentation
type: feature 🌟
type: feature :star2:
Related to new feature(s) or improvement(s)