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React hook for handling logics of actions.

Background actions is a way to describe the capability to perform an action and how that capability can be exercised. Performing the action contains multiple steps:

  1. Picks properties from the action and creates a request object
  2. Validates the request against the defined input constraints
  3. Picks named properties from the action and creates a list of variables for variable expansion (as described in RFC 6570 URI Template)
  4. Marks the action as in-progress
  5. Performs the action
  6. Marks the action as completed
  7. Validates the response against the defined output constraints
  8. Merges the response into the action

This package wraps all these steps as a React hook.


Click here for our live demo.

How to use

The useSchemaOrgAction hook is very similar to React useState hook with extra functionality to expose the business logics of an action .

To install this package, run npm install use-schema-org-action or visit our package on NPM.

import { useSchemaOrgAction } from 'use-schema-org-action';

function submitVote(request, variables) {
  // Request is created from action properties which has an input constraint.
  console.log(request); // { actionOption: 'upvote' };

  // Variables is a Map created from action properties which has a named input constraint and can be used in RFC 6570 URI Template for variable expansion.
  console.log(variables.get('action')); // 'upvote';

function VoteButton() {
  const [action, setAction, performAction, isValid] = useSchemaOrgAction(
      actionOption: 'upvote',
      'actionOption-input': {
        valueName: 'action'

  // Action exclude all input/output constraints, and include "actionStatus" property.
  console.log(action); // { actionOption: 'upvote', actionStatus: 'PotentialActionStatus' };

  // To modify the action.
  useEffect(() => setAction({ actionOption: 'downvote' }), [setAction]);

  return <button disabled={!isValid} onClick={performAction}>Vote</button>;


For complete API reference, please refer to TypeScript definition files.

function useSchemaOrgAction<Action, Request, Response>(
  initialAction: Action,
  handler: (request: Request, variables: Map<string, unknown>) => Promise<Response>
): [
  Action & { actionStatus: ActionStatusType },
  () => Promise<void>,


Communicate with actionStatus and leave other properties open

Except actionStatus, other properties are not controlled.

Initially, actionStatus is set to "PotentialActionStatus". When performAction() is called, it will set actionStatus accordingly:

  • When performAction() is being called, actionStatus will become "ActiveActionStatus"
  • When performAction() is being resolved, actionStatus will become "CompletedActionStatus"
  • When performAction() is being rejected, actionStatus will become "FailedActionStatus"

In special circumstances:

  • If actionStatus is set in initialAction, its value will be used, replacing "PotentialActionStatus"
  • If actionStatus-output is set in initialAction, after performAction() is resolved, actionStatus from the response will be used, replacing "CompletedActionStatus"

Request/response are based on input/output constraints

Properties of action that would participate in a request must have their input constraints defined (*-input). Similarly, properties of response that would merge into action must have their output constraints defined (*-output).

All constraints must be defined in initialAction and cannot be modified later.


Some properties are not passed to the handler

Properties of action that should be participated in the request must have input constraints defined (*-input).

Only properties with input constraints will become part of the request.

Some results are not reflected in the updated action

Properties of response that should be merged into the action must have output constraints defined (*-output).

After an action is performed, properties marked with output constraints will be merged into the action.

After the action is performed, how can I propagate the action status to the updated action?

Marks the action with actionStatus-output. In the handler, returns actionStatus with a supported value. It will be merged into the action.

If the handler did not respond with actionStatus or output constraints is not defined, it will set actionStatus to "CompletedActionStatus" for resolutions, or "FailedActionStatus" for rejections.

Why the performAction function is being invalidated on every re-render?

The handler function (passed as second argument) should be memoized via useCallback.

When a different handler function is passed, the performAction will be invalidated.


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React hook for handling logics of actions.







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