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Welcome to the repository of PolySTest developed at the Protein Research Group
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Southern Denmark


When using PolySTest, please cite our paper:
Veit Schwämmle, Christina E Hagensen, Adelina Rogowska-Wrzesinska, and Ole N. Jensen, doi:

PolySTest can be run as shiny app on our server or using the docker version of the tool to avoid installation issues and computational bottlenecks.

A command-line version is available to run PolySTest as workflow component (see below).

Shiny app

Web service

You can use our web server

Be aware that the tool does allow only one user to run the background R calculations at a time. Therefore the app might become temporarily irresponsive. However, multiple sessions are separated and your data won't be shared between sessions or overwritten.

Implementation on own computer

The easiest option is to use the docker image or as bioconda package.


docker pull veitveit/polystest

docker run -t -i -p 3838:3838 veitveit/polystest

and access the shiny app through http://localhost:3838


Install the package

conda install -c bioconda polystest

and access the shiny app through http://localhost:3838


Download the files from this repository

Install the following R libraries in R: library(BiocManager) BiocManager::install(c('matrixStats','fdrtool','parallel','qvalue','circlize','DT','UpSetR','heatmaply','gplots','shinyBS','shinydashboard','limma'),ask=F)

You can run the shiny app from the server.R or ui.R files using Rstudio or run the app on a shiny-server

Alternatively, just (in Linux) call the script and access the app through http://localhost:3838

Be aware that you need to have all files and all necessary R libraries described in the Installation

Build and use Docker image

A Dockerfile has been created on the basis of an OpenSuse distribution. Copy the repository to a folder and carry out the following command to build the images (takes a while)

docker build -t veitveit/polystest .

You can run the image by

docker run -t -i -p 3838:3838 veitveit/polystest

and access the server through http://localhost:3838

Command-line version

You can run PolySTest via the file runPolySTestCLI.R. You need to specify a parameter file (yaml) to set parameters and the input file. See polystest.yml for an example and extensive description of the parameters


The command-line version comes with all version of PolySTest.


For software issues and general questions, please submit an issue.


GPL-2 or higher