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What and why

This repository contains a query-testing ontology which enables you to write test-manifests which can be used to test query-engines such as the comunica-query engines (based on the comunica query engine platform) over TPF-, SPARQL-, File-, HDT, RDFJS-linked data sources.


The ontology can be found here and what follows is a short summary of the ontology.

LdfQueryEvaluationTest (Class)

A class representing a test of a test-manifest.

LinkedDataFragment (Class)

A linked data resource that the query-engine should use to query the data.

The ontology contains the following LinkedDataFragments:

  • TPF
  • File
  • HDT

These LinkedDataFragments can be used to declare the sourceType of a specific source.

dataSources (Property)

The dataSources property can be used for a LdfQueryEvaluationTest to define it's datasources. This can be done as a list of blank nodes with the source- and sourceType- properties.

sourceType (Property)

The sourceType property can be used to give information about a source's sort of LinkedDataFragment (a list of LinkedDataFragment's is listed above).

mockFolder (Property)

The mockFolder property is (only) necessary when including tests concerning TPF- and/ or SPARQL- sources. The mockFolder property describes a literal which represents the folder where mocking-files for TPF- and/ or SPARQL- endpoints can be found. More information about these mocking-files can be found in the ldf-recorder repository which creates mock-files that can be used in the rdf-test-suite-ldf.js testing-suite.


This ontology builds further upon the Manifest vocabulary for test cases and the Vocabulary for query test cases both written by Andy Seaborne . Tests consist of: mf:name, mf:action, qt:query, mf:result. With mf and qt representing prefixes for ontologies named above.


An example manifest can be found here:

@prefix rdf:    <> .
@prefix rdfs:	<> .
@prefix mf:     <> .
@prefix qt:     <> .
@prefix et:     <> .
@prefix :       <> .

<>  rdf:type mf:Manifest ;
  rdfs:label "SELECT" ;
  ) .

:selectwhere01 rdf:type et:LdfQueryEvaluationTest ;
  mf:name    "selectwhere01 - SELECT WHERE" ;
  rdfs:comment "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p <>. ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 5" ;
        [ qt:query  <selectwhere01.rq> ;
          et:mockFolder <selectwhere01> ] ;
  et:dataSources (
    [ et:source <> ;
      et:sourceType et:TPF ]
    [ et:source <> ;
      et:sourceType et:SPARQL ] ) ;
  mf:result  <selectwhere01/result.srj> .


<>  rdf:type mf:Manifest ;
  rdfs:label "SELECT" ;
  ) .

Every manifest is given a label and has entries. These entries are the tests (e.g.LdfQueryEvaluationTest). When adding new tests to the manifest, an entry should be added to mf:entries too.

:selectwhere01 rdf:type et:LdfQueryEvaluationTest ;
  mf:name    "selectwhere01 - SELECT WHERE" ;
  rdfs:comment "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p <>. ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 5" ;
        [ qt:query  <selectwhere01.rq> ;
          et:mockFolder <selectwhere01> ] ;
  et:dataSources (
    [ et:source <> ;
      et:sourceType et:TPF ]
    [ et:source <> ;
      et:sourceType et:SPARQL ] ) ;
  mf:result  <selectwhere01/result.srj> .

Every test is given a unique name (here: selectwhere01) and has the LdfQueryEvaluationTest-type. A mf:name and rdfs:comment property should give some extra explanation about the test.

The mf:action contains the qt:query a .rq-file containing the SPARQL-query the test sould execute. When testing TPF- and/ or SPARQL- endpoints, a mockFolder should be given (cfr. explanation above and the recorder).

The et:dataSources gives a list of dataSources that supply the query-engine with data. This list contains blank nodes containing et:source- and et:sourceType-properties describing the source.

The mf:result property defines the file where the expected result of the test can be found. This file will be used to compare with the received result to check wether or not the query-engine did it's job correctly.

More information

More information about usage of this ontology and the creation of mockFolder folders can be found here: and here:


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