A talk given at the Silicon Valley Haskell meetup, August 31, 2016.
- Slides (PDF) (updated September 18, 2016)
- Video
The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is a fundamentally important algorithm that reduces the cost of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) from Functor
and Traversable
The definition of DFT (which is the specification for FFT) in the talk was wrong, building from the
The talk shows FFT for top-down and bottom-up perfect binary leaf trees trees (right- and left-associated Pair
compositions). Later, I tried out a different data type---a sort of balanced counterpart to left- and right-associated composition:
type family Bush n where
Bush Z = Pair
Bush (S n) = Bush n ∘ Bush n
The work and "depth" (ideal parallel time) improves on both bottom-up and top-down binary trees (the classic decimation-in-time and decimation-in-frequency algorithms).
To do: coalesce the accidentally distinct constants (different numeric approximations of the same real value), and compare again.
New pictures, statistics, and remarks starting on slide 43.