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blogging apis built with FastAPI and SQLAlchemy.

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FastAPI Blog 🔥



Welcome to the FastAPI Blog 🔥 - a modern, fast (high-performance) blogging platform built with FastAPI and SQLAlchemy. This application provides a robust backend system for blog management, offering features like user authentication, blog creation, updating, deletion, and real-time blog updates.


  • User Authentication: Secure login system to access token-based authentication.
  • Blog Management: Create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) functionalities for blog posts.
  • Real-Time Updates: Leverage FastAPI's capability for real-time communication.
  • Data Validation: Comprehensive validation for user inputs to maintain data integrity.
  • Scalable Architecture: Designed to be easily scalable for future enhancements.


The application exposes several endpoints:

  1. Token:

    • POST /token: User authentication to receive an access token.
  2. Users:

    • POST /users/: Create a new user account.
  3. Blogs:

    • GET /blogs/: Retrieve all blogs.
    • POST /blogs/: Create a new blog post.
    • GET /blogs/{id}: Get a specific blog post.
    • PUT /blogs/{id}: Update a specific blog post.
    • DELETE /blogs/{id}: Delete a specific blog post.
  4. Home:

    • GET /: A simple endpoint to confirm the API is operational.

How to Run

Open in GitHub Codespaces

  1. Prerequisites: Ensure you have Python and pip installed.
  2. Installation: Clone the repository and install dependencies.
    git clone
    cd fast-blog
  3. Run the Application: Start the FastAPI server.
    make run
  4. Access Swagger UI: Navigate to http://localhost:8000/docs to access the Swagger UI for API interaction.

Technology Stack

  • FastAPI: High-performance web framework for building APIs.
  • SQLAlchemy: SQL toolkit and ORM for database interactions.
  • SQLite: Database engine for development.
  • Uvicorn: ASGI server for running FastAPI.


The application uses OAuth2 password flow for secure access. Passwords are hashed and tokens are used for secure API access.

Future Enhancements

  • Adding more interactive features with WebSockets.
  • Implementing advanced user roles and permissions.


Contributions to the FastAPI Blog 🔥 are welcome! Please read the contribution guidelines before making a pull request.


MIT License


For any queries or feedback, please reach out to