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ConceptFusion: Open-set Multimodal 3D Mapping

Code release for our RSS 2023 publication

Project page | Video explainer | arXiv

Krishna Murthy Jatavallabhula, Alihusein Kuwajerwala, Qiao Gu, Mohd Omama, Tao Chen, Alaa Maalouf, Shuang Li, Ganesh Iyer, Soroush Saryazdi, Nikhil Keetha, Ayush Tewari, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Celso Miguel de Melo, Madhava Krishna, Liam Paull, Florian Shkurti, Antonio Torralba

Note: WIP repo with the following key deviations from the ConceptFusion paper

  1. Employ the segment anything model (SAM) opposed to Mask2Former to generate mask proposals
  2. Remove the mask-to-mask similarity term (uniqueness; Eq. 4) -- needed for Mask2Former, but SAM seems to work okay without
  3. (TODO) Add parser and download links for UnCoCo data


We recommend setting up a python virtualenv or conda environment to help manage dependencies. Our code has been tested primarily with Python 3.10 (although this should technically work with Python 3.8 with minimal modifications).

Sample instruction for conda users.

conda create -n conceptfusion python=3.10.8
conda activate conceptfusion

Pytorch: Install PyTorch using an appropriate Python-CUDA-CuDNN config from the pytorch webpage.

gradslam: Install the conceptfusion branch of gradlsam by following these instructions (Note: the main branch does not have the feature fusion functionality, and will therefore, not work).

git clone
cd gradslam
git checkout conceptfusion
pip install -e .

segment-anything: Install segment-anything by following instructions here.

openclip: Install openclip following instructions here.

(Optional) OpenAI CLIP: If interested in using the OpenAI CLIP models, install clip.

pip install git+

Note, however, that our released code isn't set up to use these CLIP models, and may require a few low-effort edits.

Download and extract datasets

Depending on the dataset you would like to use, download and set it up for gradslam. To extend our (general-enough) dataset class to your own dataset, we recommend looking into the gradslam package (again, the conceptfusion branch), particularly gradslam/datasets/ directory. A number of datasets have already been implemented.

ICL dataset

Download it from here.

For the first two "scenes", i.e. living rooms 'lr kt0' and 'lr kt1', we want to download the files from these two links:

  • "TUM RGB-D Compatible PNGs"
  • "Global Poses [R | t]: Global_RT_Trajectory_GT" files.

ScanNet and other datasets


Setup models and download checkpoints

By default, the commandline arguments are setup to run conceptfusion feature extraction (i.e., CLIP features from an openclip model). If you would like to use DINO or LSeg features instead, follow these setup instructions. Else, this section may safely be ignored.

DINO and/or LSeg models

From the dino repo here get the "ViT-B/8 backbone only" checkpoint

From the Lseg-minimal repo here , get the checkpoint from the onedrive link.

Put these files in the checkpoints folder:


Full structure:

├── checkpoints
│   ├── dino_vitbase8_pretrain.pth
│   └── lseg_minimal_e200.ckpt

Also, clone and setup the lseg-minimal and dino-minimal repos -- used in running the pretrained networks for feature extraction. (These can be installed anywhere in your env, and do not have to be within the concept-fusion directory)

cd /path/to/where/you/keep/repos
git clone
cd lseg-minimal
python build develop

Download the pretrained weights for the model(s) used in the lseg-minimal repo (instructions/links in readme)

cd /path/to/where/you/keep/repos
git clone
cd dino-minimal
python build develop

The pretrained weights for DINO will automatically be downloaded by this library when you run it for the first time

Extract ConceptFusion features

To extract pixel-aligned CLIP features from a GradSLAMDataset, run

cd examples

This script can parse any dataset compatible with the GradSLAMDataset format. It extracts mask proposals from SAM, computes CLIP features per-mask (and for the full image), and applies the pixel-aligned feature extraction scheme proposed in the paper (with the caveats at the top of this README).

The extracted features are saved in the saved-feat directory by default (this can be overridden by passing a --feat_dir argument).

(Optional) Extract DINO and/or LSeg features

To extract features from other models like DINO or LSeg, run with --mode extract (and other flags as appropriate; importantly --checkpoint_path).

Fuse extracted features to a 3D map

After extracting features, fuse them to 3D by running


This script fuses the extracted features into a 3D pointcloud map, and saved this by default to the saved-map directory.

Try out the examples (and interactive demos)

Interactive demo - click a point on the scene; visualize self similar points

python --load_path saved-map

This script will load the map saved in the saved-map directory. An Open3D window will pop up, where you can click on a point (SHIFT + LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON). (while you can technically click multiple points, we discard all but the first clicked point). The script will then plot a similarity heatmap indicating all other scene points and their similarities, visualized in a jet colormap (red => higher similarity; blue => lower similarity).

Interactive demo - text query

python --load_path saved-map

This script will load the map saved in the saved-map directory. You may type in a text query on the console (or press q to quit), and a similarity map will be displayed (again, using a jet colormap).


(TODO - add K-means clustering demo)

If interested in running the K-Means clustering demo, you will need to install fast-pytorch-kmeans

pip install fast-pytorch-kmeans

Outdated instructions

The instructions that follow are outdated, but are retained here, to help understand typical commandline arguments for other datasets such as ScanNet.

Examples on use

The fourth step should also work on OpenSeg by setting --model_type ovseg.

# 0. Change these settings to your own path

# 1. Extract feature map for each frame and save them to disk
python --mode extract --model_type lseg --dataconfig_path dataconfigs/scannet/${SCENE_ID}.yaml --dataset_path $SCANNET_ROOT --sequence ${SCENE_ID} --image_height 480 --image_width 640  --frame_start 0 --frame_end 500 --stride 25 --desired_feature_height 240 --desired_feature_width 320 --feat_dir $DIR_FEAT --dir_to_save_map $DIR_SAVE_MAP --checkpoint_path checkpoints/lseg_minimal_e200.ckpt

# 2. Load the saved feature map, fuse them and save the result to disk
python --mode fusion --model_type lseg --dataconfig_path dataconfigs/scannet/${SCENE_ID}.yaml --dataset_path $SCANNET_ROOT --sequence ${SCENE_ID} --image_height 240 --image_width 320  --frame_start 0 --frame_end 500 --stride 25 --desired_feature_height 240 --desired_feature_width 320 --feat_dir $DIR_FEAT --dir_to_save_map $DIR_SAVE_MAP --checkpoint_path checkpoints/lseg_minimal_e200.ckpt

# 3. Fuse the GT semantic labels, get per-point GT classification and save them to disk
python --mode fusion-gt --dataconfig_path dataconfigs/scannet/${SCENE_ID}.yaml --dataset_path $SCANNET_ROOT --sequence ${SCENE_ID} --image_height 240 --image_width 320  --frame_start 0 --frame_end 500 --stride 25 --desired_feature_height 240 --desired_feature_width 320 --feat_dir $DIR_FEAT --dir_to_save_gt $DIR_SAVE_GT --checkpoint_path checkpoints/lseg_minimal_e200.ckpt

# 4. Evaluate the result and compute metrics (4 variants below). Remember to change DIR_SAVE_METRICS to your own path. 

## 4-1. Use the text embeddings as the query features
python --mode metrics --model_type lseg --dataconfig_path dataconfigs/scannet/${SCENE_ID}.yaml --dataset_path $SCANNET_ROOT --sequence ${SCENE_ID} --image_height 240 --image_width 320  --frame_start 0 --frame_end 500 --stride 25 --desired_feature_height 240 --desired_feature_width 320 --feat_dir $DIR_FEAT --dir_to_save_map $DIR_SAVE_MAP --dir_to_save_gt $DIR_SAVE_GT --dir_to_save_metrics $DIR_SAVE_METRICS --checkpoint_path checkpoints/lseg_minimal_e200.ckpt

## 4-2. Use the feature means (Oracle) as the query features
python --mode metrics --model_type lseg --dataconfig_path dataconfigs/scannet/${SCENE_ID}.yaml --dataset_path $SCANNET_ROOT --sequence ${SCENE_ID} --image_height 240 --image_width 320  --frame_start 0 --frame_end 500 --stride 25 --desired_feature_height 240 --desired_feature_width 320 --feat_dir $DIR_FEAT --dir_to_save_map $DIR_SAVE_MAP --dir_to_save_gt $DIR_SAVE_GT --dir_to_save_metrics $DIR_SAVE_METRICS --checkpoint_path checkpoints/lseg_minimal_e200.ckpt --query_feat oracle

## 4-3. Use the feature means of random 1 points as the query features (multiple runs recommended)
python --mode metrics --model_type lseg --dataconfig_path dataconfigs/scannet/${SCENE_ID}.yaml --dataset_path $SCANNET_ROOT --sequence ${SCENE_ID} --image_height 240 --image_width 320  --frame_start 0 --frame_end 500 --stride 25 --desired_feature_height 240 --desired_feature_width 320 --feat_dir $DIR_FEAT --dir_to_save_map $DIR_SAVE_MAP --dir_to_save_gt $DIR_SAVE_GT --dir_to_save_metrics $DIR_SAVE_METRICS --checkpoint_path checkpoints/lseg_minimal_e200.ckpt --query_feat random --n_point_query 1

## 4-4. Use the feature means of random 3 points as the query features (multiple runs recommended)
python --mode metrics --model_type lseg --dataconfig_path dataconfigs/scannet/${SCENE_ID}.yaml --dataset_path $SCANNET_ROOT --sequence ${SCENE_ID} --image_height 240 --image_width 320  --frame_start 0 --frame_end 500 --stride 25 --desired_feature_height 240 --desired_feature_width 320 --feat_dir $DIR_FEAT --dir_to_save_map $DIR_SAVE_MAP --dir_to_save_gt $DIR_SAVE_GT --dir_to_save_metrics $DIR_SAVE_METRICS --checkpoint_path checkpoints/lseg_minimal_e200.ckpt --query_feat random --n_point_query 3

For 4-3 and 4-4, it would be better to run the commands multiple times with different seeds and average the results. For example:


for SEED in {1..10}
python --mode metrics --model_type lseg --dataconfig_path dataconfigs/scannet/${SCENE_ID}.yaml --dataset_path $SCANNET_ROOT --sequence ${SCENE_ID} --image_height 240 --image_width 320  --frame_start 0 --frame_end 500 --stride 25 --desired_feature_height 240 --desired_feature_width 320 --feat_dir $DIR_FEAT --dir_to_save_map $DIR_SAVE_MAP --dir_to_save_gt $DIR_SAVE_GT --dir_to_save_metrics $DIR_SAVE_METRICS --checkpoint_path checkpoints/lseg_minimal_e200.ckpt --query_feat random --n_point_query 3 --seed $SEED


Code release for ConceptFusion [RSS 2023]







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