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Conduit Connector for Adobe Marketo

Marketo source connector for Conduit which pulls and syncs the Leads(People) object from Marketo Engage.


The config passed to Configure can contain the following fields.

name part of description required default value example
clientID source The Client ID for Marketo Instance true NONE 1de3017c-fe42-4f20-8013-798678c956a9
clientSecret source The Client Secret for Marketo Instance true NONE ZZZv0Mev29vNm5vIyMwTa43lioVoBT7N
clientEndpoint source The Endpoint for Marketo Instance true NONE https://<instance>
pollingPeriod source Polling time for CDC mode. Less than 10s is not recommended false 1m 10s, 1m, 5m, 10m, 30m, 1h
snapshotInitialDate source The date from which the snapshot iterator initially starts getting records. false Creation date of the oldest record. 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00
fields source comma seperated fields to fetch from Marketo Leads false id, createdAt, updatedAt, firstName, lastName, email company, jobTitle, phone, personSource etc...

Note: By default id, createdAt, updatedAt is prepended to fields config. So no need to add that explictly. For eg: if you want to request email, company, phone fields, then it will be requested as id, createdAt, updatedAt, email, company, phone


Marketo source connector connects to Marketo instance through the REST API with provided configuration, using clientID and clientSecret. Once connector is started Configure method is called to parse configurations and validate them. After that Open method is called to establish connection to Marketo instance with provided position. Once connection is established Read method is called which calls current iterator's Next method to fetch next record. Teardown is called when connector is stopped.

Snapshot Iterator

Snapshot iterator is used first to extract bulk data from Marketo instance. Bulk Lead Extract API is used with createdAt filter which permits datetime ranges up to 31 days, so we will need to run multiple jobs and combine the results. In order to get started we need to find the oldest lead created in the instance. To know the date querry all folders with maxdepth of 1 which will give us a list of all the top-level folders in the instance. Then collecting createdAt dates, parse them, and find the oldest date. This method works because some default, top-level folders are created with the instance and no leads could be created before then. fields from config also requested along with createdAt filter. To find the available fields for your target instance using the Describe Lead 2 endpoint which return an exhaustive list including both standard and custom fields.

Exporting Job involves 4 APIS

  • Create a Job -> /bulk/v1/leads/export/create.json
  • Enqueue a Job ->/bulk/v1/leads/export/{{exportID}}/enqueue.json
  • Wait for Job to Complete -> /bulk/v1/leads/export/{{exportID}}/status.json
  • Get Your Leads -> /bulk/v1/leads/export/{{exportID}}/file.json

After each cycle, obtained records will be flushed to conduit. Once all cycles(export jobs) are completed, connector switches to CDC mode.

Change Data Capture Iterator

Once Snapshot iterator is completed, connector automatically switches to CDC iterator. CDC events are captured using two REST endpoints, Get Lead Changes, Get Lead by Id. In CDC we are intrested in New Lead (12) and Change Data Value (13) events. Hence once done with Get Lead Changes api, we filter for these activityTypeId 12 and 13. Once we have list of changed leads ID's, we'll query each leads with Get Lead by Id API to get the changed data for leads. Deleted Leads API is used in order to capture the delete events. Output record will have a metadata of "action":"delete" to handle deletions by Conduit destination connector. No metadata is added for other CDC events such as New leads and Update leads. From config pollingPeriod will be used to poll CDC events.

Position Handling

Name type desc
Key string unique id for the record
CreatedAt time.Time UTC time
UpdatedAt time.Time UTC time
Type IteratorType(int) 0=snapshot(default), 1=CDC

To build

Run make build to build the connector.


Run make test to run all the unit tests. Run make test-integration to run the integration tests.

The Docker compose file at test/docker-compose.yml can be used to run the required resource locally.

Known Issues & Limitations

  • In snapshot mode, the total amount of data that you can export from Marketo is limited to 500MB per day unless you have purchased a higher data limit. This 500MB limit resets daily at 12:00AM CST. Once the limit is hit pipeline stops with error. In order to pull rest of the records you need to run the pipeline again next day.
  • Concurrency Limit: Maximum of 10 concurrent API calls.
  • Rate Limit: API access per instance limited to 100 calls per 20 seconds.
  • Daily Quota: Subscriptions are allocated 50,000 API calls per day (which resets daily at 12:00AM CST). You can increase your daily quota through your account manager.
  • The connector is able to send record's Key as sdk.RawData only.