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Power Control

A web interface to remotely control/schedule 433MHz power switches, a PIR sensor alarm, and record from foscam IP cameras all through a Raspberry Pi. At the very least it needs IP cameras and of course a Raspberry Pi to function.

Check this article for instructions and screenshots.


All configuration is handle in the file: config.ini

i) Configure your cameras in the appropriate sections [camera1], [camera2]

ii) Enable the camera module "use_camera_module=" in section [config]. Switches d, e handle 
    the recording for the cameras

iii) Configure a save directory in the [config] section, "save_to_dir=" 

iii) Alter the crontab so user www-data can modify crontabs under the user pi
www-data ALL=(pi) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/crontab

iv) Install ffmpeg (See below)


  1. Install lighttpd and php5 from

    i) sudo apt-get install lighttpd mysql-server php5-common php5-cgi php5 php5-mysql php5-cli

    ii) Tell lighttpd to use fastcgi-php and reload the server: sudo lighty-enable-mod fastcgi-php sudo service lighttpd force-reload

    iii) Set permissions for the pi-user:

     sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www
     sudo chmod 775 /var/www
     sudo usermod -a -G www-data pi

    iv) sudo chmod -vR g+w /var/www/mypihc sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/mypihc

  2. Install Crontab Manager

    i) install composer: echo "" | php > composer.phar sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/composer

    ii) composer require tiben/crontab-manager ~1.0

  3. Required Linux binaries

    i) sudo apt-get install wget

    ii) ffmpeg (needs to be compiled for latest release)

     git clone git:// ffmpeg
     cd ffmpeg
     sudo make install
  4. If you want to use a 433Mhz TX/RX module (OPTIONAL) (Cheap transmitter/receiver:

    i) Follow the instructions to install the wiringpi library. After that you can compile the example programs by executing make. Install WiringPi from

    ii) git clone git://

    iii) cd 433Kit/RPi_utils

    iv) Change line "mySwitch.send(code, 26);" in codesend.cpp (I had to do this in my case as my codes were longer), execute make all

    v) Copy codesend to {PATH_TO_WWW}/mypihc/bin

    vi) NOTE You will need to use RFSniffer to get your specific codes and then enter them in the config.ini in the appropriate section. Switches a, b in the config file handle this.

    vii) Enable the module "use_433mhz_module=" in section [config]

    viii) For the 433mhz emitter if using it www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: {PATH_TO_WWW}/mypihc/bin/codesend

  5. If you want to use a PIR Sensor (OPTIONAL)

    i) PIR setup instructions

    ii) Enable the module "use_pir_module=" in section [config]. Switch c handles this.

    iii) Configure the options in the [pir] section

     - "email_on_motion": will email you provided you fill out the [email] section
     - "record_on_motion": kicks off a recording from a give camera when motion is triggered (record_with_camera1)
     - "arm_camera": turns on the camera's built-in email images feature (of course you need to configure the camera appropriately)
     - "send_sms": sends an email to your phone (to the email set in "email_sms" configured in [email] section)

    iv) Grant sudo access www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /{PATH_TO_WWW}/mypihc/bin/pir/

  6. If you want to use the DHT22 temperature and humdity sensor (OPTIONAL) (Watch for more info:

    i) Pinout on the DHT22 PIN 1 --> VCC, PIN 2 --> GPIO 4, PIN 3 --> NOT USED, PIN 4 --> GROUND

    ii) Voltage divider need to protect GPIO pin

    For DHT22 5V operation connect pin 1 to 5V and pin 4 to ground.

    The following pin 2 connection works for me. Use at YOUR OWN RISK.

     DHT22 pin 2 -----+
     gpio ------------+

    iii) Compile instructions: cd ~ git clone cd Adafruit_Python_DHT sudo python install

    iv) Enable the module "use_dht22_module=" in section [config]

    v) Grant sudo access www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /{PATH_TO_WWW}/mypihc/bin/dht22/