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=== WP GoToWebinar===
Contributors: northernbeacheswebsites
Donate link:
Tags: gotowebinar, widget, shortcode, citrix, webinar registration, webinars, upcoming webinars, visual composer, mailchimp, constant contact
Requires at least: 3.0.1
Tested up to: 4.7.5
Stable tag: 9.1
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

WP GoToWebinar displays a listing or calendar of upcoming webinars using a shortcode or widget which can link to a registration form on your website.

== Description ==

WP GoToWebinar is a totally free plugin used to display a listing of upcoming webinars from your GoToWebinar account. The listing can be displayed on any post or page using the simple shortcode: [gotowebinar] or you can add the GoToWebinar widget to your sidebar. You can even display your webinars using a calendar view using the shortcode: [gotowebinar-calendar]. There's also a range of filters that can be used including:

1. Show webinars from a particular timezone
2. If the title contains particular text
3. If the title doesn't contain particular text
4. Show webinars within the next X days

You can also hide a word or phrase in the title from showing using the hide shortcode parameter. The shortcode listing displays:

1. The title of the webinar
2. A description of the webinar which is shown when clicking on the info icon
3. The date (and applicable timezone) of the webinar
4. The start time of the webinar
5. The duration of the webinar
6. A registration link of the webinar

As well as displaying webinars, users can also register for webinars from your website! You can also show a registration form for a specific webinar using the [gotowebinar-reg key="YOUR WEBINAR KEY"] shortcode or you can show a registration form for you next upcoming webinar with this shortcode: [gotowebinar-reg key="upcoming"]. 

In the plugin settings you can choose the date format, disable tool tips as well as change the colors of links, tooltips and buttons. You can also allow users to convert the times and dates into their local timezone. You can even override the registration form fields with your custom text making it translatable as well.

WP GoToWebinar is mobile friendly, secure with reCaptcha support, implements API request caching to make things super fast and it is also unobtrusive so it should adapt fairly well to your themes existing styles. It also includes Visual Composer elements so if you're using Visual Composer adding webinars or registration forms is really fast and easy.

Watch a full walkthrough of all these features in this video here:


= Want to sell webinars and add webinar registrants to your MailChimp or Constant Contact list? Upgrade to WP GoToWebinar Pro =

Learn more here: or watch the below video:


Please show your support for this plugin by donating what you can via the plugin settings page as your support will contribute to support and new features!

== Installation ==

There are a few options for installing and setting up this plugin.

= Upload Manually =

1. Download and unzip the plugin
2. Upload the 'wp-gotowebinar' folder into the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
3. Go to the Plugins admin page and activate the plugin

= Install via the Admin Area =

1. In the admin area go to Plugins > Add New and search for "WP GoToWebinar"
2. Click install and then click activate

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= To setup the plugin =

1. In the WordPress admin area go to Settings > WP GoToWebinar
2. Click the "Click here to get Auth and Key" button to connect the plugin to your GoToWebinar account

= How to use the Upcoming Webinar shortcode =

1. Navigate to the post or page you would like to add the webinars to
2. Enter in the shortcode [gotowebinar]
3. You can also add filters to the shortcode like: [gotowebinar include="Training" exclude="Introduction" hide="Training" timezone="Australia/Sydney" days="10"]

= How to use the Register Webinar shortcode to display a registration form for a single webinar =

1. Navigate to the post or page you would like to add the webinars to
2. Enter in the shortcode [gotowebinar-reg key="YOUR WEBINAR KEY"] < this can be found on the GoToWebinar website
3. You can also add a hide parameter to the shortcode to hide parts of the title showing like: [gotowebinar key="YOUR WEBINAR KEY" hide="Training"]

= How do I enable users to signup on a form on my website =

1. Add the shortcode [gotowebinar-reg] on your newly created or existing registration page
2. In the plugin setting (Settings > WP GoToWebinar) select your registration page from the Custom Registration Page dropdown setting
3. That's it! Now when people click register from the Upcoming Webinars Shortcode or Widget instead of going to the GoToWebinar website they are taken to your registration page

= How to Use the Widget =

1. Go to Appearance > Widgets and drag the 'GoToWebinar' widget to your sidebar
2. Enter in a Title to appear above the webinar listing e.g. "Upcoming Webinars"
3. The same filters that apply to the shortcode are also available here

Please see a full list of FAQ's on the plugin settings page for a comprehensive list. 

== Screenshots ==

1. Once you have installed the plugin, navigate to Settings > WP GoToWebinar in the admin area
2. Insert a shortcode into a page
3. Add the widget to a sidebar
4. View the table on your website
5. View the widget on your website
6. View the registration form on your website
7. Adding a webinar using Visual Composer
8. Calendar view of upcoming webinars
9. Calendar view list of upcoming webinars

== Changelog ==

= 9.1 =
* New video showcasing all the features of WP GoToWebinar
* Nicer display of times in calendar

= 9.0 =
* An all new way to display webinars with a new calendar view! Just use the new shortcode [gotowebinar-calendar]. Please check out the plugin FAQ to learn more
* Localised scripts and css files to improve page loading times

= 8.12 =
* Now you can use the additional parameters: 'include','exclude' and 'timezone' to show a registration form for the most upcoming webinar which meets those parameters. Thanks Marcin for the suggestion.
* Fixed visual composer general registration shortcode from not displaying in grid

= 8.11 =
* Now in the translation tab you can set a custom required message for registration form fields

= 8.10 =
* Fixed PHP error on one of the Visual Composer file

= 8.9 =
* Resolved missing instances in version 8.8 update

= 8.8 =
* Hopefully should fix retrieving body from ajax request on old versions of PHP

= 8.7 =
* Loaded jQueryUI to fix for older versions of WordPress

= 8.6 =
* Opened up the 'Support' tab for the free version of the plugin. And provided more strict guidelines before posting to the WordPress forum to allow me to better diagnose issues and help people.

= 8.5 =
* Implementation support for new pro feature - integration with ActiveCampaign

= 8.4 =
* Removed unnecessary jQuery Validation script from plugin

= 8.3 =
* Updated translation of minutes for German language. Thanks Gernot!

= 8.2 =
* Tested with WordPress 4.7.5
* Added new setting option to display a custom error message if the attendee limit is reached

= 8.1 =
* Now if a user is logged in the registration form will be autocompleted with the logged in users first name, last name and email address

= 8.0 =
* Updated base URL of API calls to new address so the plugin will continue to work in 2018 and beyond
* Improved logic for showing a certain amount of webinars for widget when a webinar is a sequence or series webinar
* Fixed issue with previous webinars showing in the widget if they are part of a series or sequence webinar and they have passed
* Fixed PHP bug which could show if you have nominated not to show time conversion
* Tested with WordPress version 4.7.4

= 7.10 =
* Pro version update makes creating webinars not show unnecessary error messages

= 7.9 =
* Pro version update which includes new option to not make past webinar products draft

= 7.8 =
* Pro version updates and compatibility

= 7.7 =
* Removes error message caused by code which disables updates

= 7.6 =
* Bug fix of code in previous release 7.5 which prevented error message of timezone comparison not show

= 7.5 =
* If the location of a user can't be detected via their IP address it will now show a custom error message which can be set in the settings
* Fixed jQuery bug for time and date picker

= 7.4 =
* Updated German translation of register link
* Minor updates of settings user interface
* Gave registration form messages unique class names

= 7.3 =
* Fixes break caused by previous new setting in case it is not set

= 7.2 =
* Added 24 hour time format support with new setting

= 7.1 =
* Updated default success message of registration form so the URL is now working correctly

= 7.0 =
* Tested with Wordpress 4.7
* Major refactoring of code for upcoming webinars to reduce code and make updates easier
* You can now display a registration form of your next webinar using a new shortcode parameter
* Updated registration form spinner so it only runs on the form submit and not the time conversion 
* You can now have more than one registration form work successfuly on a single page 

= 6.10 =
* Minor update to prevent pro users receiving updates from

= 6.9 =
* You can now put Google reCAPTCHA on your registration form, a new setting can be found in the General Options tab

= 6.8 =
* Bug fix from previous update as the timezone conversion feature will now work in HTTPS

= 6.7 =
* Bug fix from previous update as the timezone conversion feature will now work in HTTPS

= 6.6 =
* Timezone conversion now works on Firefox and some other browsers
* Timezone conversion now uses IP detection  to identify users location rather than the users browser clock which means timezone conversion works on proxy servers

= 6.5 =
* Better cache management of registration page information so only successful calls are cached
* Added new error message management in translation settings so you can add a custom error message if a webinar has been cancelled or an incorrect webinar ID has been specified

= 6.4 =
* Added quickstart guide with permanently dismissable notice
* Custom theme files can now be placed in the child theme if available
* Fixed display of settings tab for people on older versions of Wordpress

= 6.3 =
* Prevents clear cache action from occuring twice
* Improved security
* Simplification of javascript code when submitting registration form

= 6.2 =
* Loads external Jquery UI script via HTTPS, before this ui features might not work on HTTPS sites on the settings page

= 6.1 =
* Minor re-arrangement of code
* Complete re-organisation of settings page into tabs which makes it more digestible and better displays pro version features

= 6.0 =
* New announcement and compatibility with WP GoToWebinar Pro which provides the easiest way to sell webinars
* Adds a template file for widgets so you can modify the widget code and still enjoy plugin updates
* Minor bug fixes
* better compatibility with webinars with multiple dates

= 5.11 =
* Allows for theme templates of shortcode files

= 5.10 =
* Additional update to version 5.7 with time conversion not working on single registration pages

= 5.9 =
* Minor bug fix for users on PHP 5.3

= 5.8 =
* Made it easier to selectively hide upcoming webinars columns using CSS

= 5.7 =
* Fixes issue with time conversion not working due to browser updates.

= 5.6 =
* Minor bug fixes for display of single webinar registration forms.

= 5.5 =
* Better error handling for the registration page.

= 5.4 =
* Better error handling if the API call to GoToWebinar doesn't succeed. Also fixed the clear cache button which broke from a previous update.

= 5.3 =
* Fixed more minor PHP errors and an issue whereby mailing list signup was showing for non-pro users

= 5.2 =
* Fixed minor PHP error due to 5.1 release

= 5.1 =
* This update is just an administration update. A lot of the code has been re-organised to allow for easier editing and updating in the future, particularly for the pro version. It also includes testing with Wordpress 4.6

= 5.0 =
* Now users can convert times and dates by clicking the timezone conversion link which can be enabled in the settings

= 4.8 =
* Minor styling changes to help customisations

= 4.7 =
* Minor styling changes - mainly so that webinar description formatting and better compatibility on mobile

= 4.6 =
* Minor styling changes - mainly so that webinar description formatting will display more like what it's on in GoToWebinar

= 4.5 =
* Added new custom thank you page option after successful registration instead of default options

= 4.4 =
* Added settings and other shortcuts on the plugin page
* Added last name to dynamic field for custom messages

= 4.3 =
* You can now have custom success, error and already registered messages via the settings page

= 4.2 =
* Missing timezone conversion which was causing issues for some users

= 4.1 =
* Added translation of Submit button on registration form which can be changed on the main plugin settings page

= 4.0 =
* The upcoming webinars table or widget is now translated based on the users Wordpress language setting
* The registration fields are now manually translatable via a new options panel in the settings
* Minor bug fix with Visual Composer settings not working for one of the elements

= 3.5 =
* Fixed a bug that was occuring for people using a verison of PHP less than 5.4 which doesn't support bigintasstring

= 3.4 =
* Various PHP bug fixes for users who have PHP errors turned on
* When registering for a webinar it now checks whether you have already registered for the webinar and displays an appropriate error message
* Attempted fix for users whose upcoming webinar table might not have worked
* Added diagnostic information on settings page

= 3.3 =
* Minor bug fix with registration URL's not going to the correct address on some systems.

= 3.2 =
* Updated display of successful registration
* Fixed loading icon
* Launch of WP GoToWebinar Pro

= 3.1 =
* Minor bug fix with Visual Composer display
* Wording changes

= 3.0 =
* Now the registration form is an exact mirror of your GoToWebianr form. So you can now edit your form fields in GoToWebinar and it will appear in WP GoToWebinar
* Fixed terminology so if a webinar is exactly 1 hour it will show "hour" and not "hours"
* Updated documentation
* Added new tooltip which shows what day of the week the webinar belongs to

= 2.2 =
* Added Visual Composer Support
* Updated some wording on documentation

= 2.1 =
* Added a new caching system for getting upcoming webinars and webinar details which significantly improves loading times and also reduces api requests to GoToWebinar
* Remove debug mode setting and replaced it with clear cache option
* Added new days filter to get a particular amount of webinars in the future
* Replaced CDN of external script to an HTTPS script to make things more secure for those using HTTPS

= 2.0 =
* You can now register for GoToWebinar's using a shortcode to display the registration details of one webinar or there's a setting which enables you to turn all register links in the upcoming webinars display to go to a new registration page on your site. 
* New debug mode to reduce API requests for development

= 1.1 =
* Added better documentation including this Wordpress plugin page and in the plugins settings page
* Added new super simple authentication method to connect the plugin to a users GoToWebinar account
* Added color options so a user can now set the color of icons and the tooltip
* Added a new hide parameter in the shortcode and a hide option in the widget to hide words/phrases from the title of the webinar

= 1.0 =
* Initial launch of the plugin

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 9.1 =
* New video showcasing all the features of WP GoToWebinar
* Nicer display of times in calendar

= 9.0 =
* An all new way to display webinars with a new calendar view! Just use the new shortcode [gotowebinar-calendar]. Please check out the plugin FAQ to learn more
* Localised scripts and css files to improve page loading times

= 8.12 =
* Now you can use the additional parameters: 'include','exclude' and 'timezone' to show a registration form for the most upcoming webinar which meets those parameters. Thanks Marcin for the suggestion.
* Fixed visual composer general registration shortcode from not displaying in grid

= 8.11 =
* Now in the translation tab you can set a custom required message for registration form fields

= 8.10 =
* Fixed PHP error on one of the Visual Composer file

= 8.9 =
* Resolved missing instances in version 8.8 update

= 8.8 =
* Hopefully should fix retrieving body from ajax request on old versions of PHP

= 8.7 =
* Loaded jQueryUI to fix for older versions of WordPress

= 8.6 =
* Opened up the 'Support' tab for the free version of the plugin. And provided more strict guidelines before posting to the WordPress forum to allow me to better diagnose issues and help people.

= 8.5 =
* Implementation support for new pro feature - integration with ActiveCampaign

= 8.4 =
* Removed unnecessary jQuery Validation script from plugin

= 8.3 =
* Updated translation of minutes for German language. Thanks Gernot!

= 8.2 =
* Tested with WordPress 4.7.5
* Added new setting option to display a custom error message if the attendee limit is reached

= 8.1 =
* Now if a user is logged in the registration form will be autocompleted with the logged in users first name, last name and email address

= 8.0 =
* Updated base URL of API calls to new address so the plugin will continue to work in 2018 and beyond
* Improved logic for showing a certain amount of webinars for widget when a webinar is a sequence or series webinar
* Fixed issue with previous webinars showing in the widget if they are part of a series or sequence webinar and they have passed
* Fixed PHP bug which could show if you have nominated not to show time conversion
* Tested with WordPress version 4.7.4

= 7.10 =
* Pro version update makes creating webinars not show unnecessary error messages

= 7.9 =
* Pro version update which includes new option to not make past webinar products draft

= 7.8 =
* Pro version updates and compatibility

= 7.7 =
* Removes error message caused by code which disables updates

= 7.6 =
* Bug fix of code in previous release 7.5 which prevented error message of timezone comparison not show

= 7.5 =
* If the location of a user can't be detected via their IP address it will now show a custom error message which can be set in the settings
* Fixed jQuery bug for time and date picker

= 7.4 =
* Updated German translation of register link
* Minor updates of settings user interface
* Gave registration form messages unique class names

= 7.3 =
* Fixes break caused by previous new setting in case it is not set

= 7.2 =
* Added 24 hour time format support with new setting

= 7.1 =
* Updated default success message of registration form so the URL is now working correctly

= 7.0 =
* Tested with Wordpress 4.7
* Major refactoring of code for upcoming webinars to reduce code and make updates easier
* You can now display a registration form of your next webinar using a new shortcode parameter
* Updated registration form spinner so it only runs on the form submit and not the time conversion 
* You can now have more than one registration form work successfuly on a single page 

= 6.10 =
* Minor update to prevent pro users receiving updates from

= 6.9 =
* You can now put Google reCAPTCHA on your registration form, a new setting can be found in the General Options tab

= 6.8 =
* Bug fix from previous update as the timezone conversion feature will now work in HTTPS

= 6.7 =
* Bug fix from previous update as the timezone conversion feature will now work in HTTPS

= 6.6 =
* Timezone conversion now works on Firefox and some other browsers
* Timezone conversion now uses IP detection  to identify users location rather than the users browser clock which means timezone conversion works on proxy servers

= 6.5 =
* Better cache management of registration page information so only successful calls are cached
* Added new error message management in translation settings so you can add a custom error message if a webinar has been cancelled or an incorrect webinar ID has been specified

= 6.4 =
* Added quickstart guide with permanently dismissable notice
* Custom theme files can now be placed in the child theme if available
* Fixed display of settings tab for people on older versions of Wordpress

= 6.3 =
* Prevents clear cache action from occuring twice
* Improved security
* Simplification of javascript code when submitting registration form

= 6.2 =
* Loads external Jquery UI script via HTTPS, before this ui features might not work on HTTPS sites on the settings page

= 6.1 =
* Minor re-arrangement of code
* Complete re-organisation of settings page into tabs which makes it more digestible and better displays pro version features

= 6.0 =
* Announcement and compatibility with new WP GoToWebinar Pro - the easiest way to sell webinars!

= 5.11 =
* Allows for theme templates of shortcode files

= 5.10 =
* Additional update to version 5.7 with time conversion not working on single registration pages

= 5.9 =
* Minor bug fix for users on PHP 5.3

= 5.8 =
* Made it easier to selectively hide upcoming webinars columns using CSS

= 5.7 =
* Fixes issue with time conversion not working due to browser updates.

= 5.6 =
* Minor bug fixes for display of single webinar registration forms.

= 5.5 =
* Better error handling for the registration page.

= 5.4 =
* Better error handling if the API call to GoToWebinar doesn't succeed. Also fixed the clear cache button which broke from a previous update.

= 5.2 =
* Fixed minor PHP error due to 5.1 release

= 5.1 =
* This update is just an administration update. A lot of the code has been re-organised to allow for easier editing and updating in the future, particularly for the pro version. It also includes testing with Wordpress 4.6

= 5.0 =
* Now users can convert times and dates by clicking the timezone conversion link which can be enabled in the settings

= 4.6 =
* Minor styling changes - mainly so that webinar description formatting will display more like what it's on in GoToWebinar

= 4.5 =
* Added new custom thank you page option after successful registration to use instead of the default or customised thank you message. You can still use the default/customised message - and this is great because it is fast. But I realised that some people want to put tracking/conversion code on thank you pages after a successful registration so this thank you page selection caters for this better.

= 4.3 =
* You can now have custom success, error and already registered messages via the settings page.

= 3.5 =
* This and similar version 3 releases addresses a lot of bugs experienced by some users.

= 2.0 =
* Customers can now register GoToWebinar's on your website! Please see Settings > WP GoToWebinar for details.

= 1.1 =
* Added better documentation and better authorisation to GoToWebinar.

= 1.0 =
* This is the first version of the plugin. No updates available yet.


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


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  • PHP 71.9%
  • JavaScript 23.5%
  • CSS 4.6%