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Migration guide 1.x.x -> 2.0.x

API changes


Before (1.1.x)

let bookingManager = CNIBookingManager(
    username: "<username>",
    password: "<password>",
    consumerKey: "<consumerKey>",
    environment: "staging")

After (2.0.x)

let bookingManager = CNIBookingManager(
    environment: .staging,
    apiToken: token,
    isTesting: true)

The apiToken for each environment will be provided separately.

Get bookings

Before (1.1.x)

      guestId: "1234",
      success: { (itineraries: [CNIBooking]) in

      failure: { (error: Error) in  


After (2.0.x)

let source = "CYTRIC_MOBILE"
let travelerId = "1234"
let partnerId = "5678"

      source: source,
      travelerID: travelerId,
      partnerPrimaryId: partnerId,
      partnerSecondaryIds: nil,
      success: {
        (response: CNIResponse<[CNIBooking]>) in

      failure: {
        (response: CNIResponse<CNIStatus>) in


(!) IMPORTANT: source argument tells the API where does the booking come from. This argument is present for cases such as when a library client sends us bookings from different sources.
For instance, Cytric should use "CYTRIC_MOBILE" for all their bookings as stated in the example above.

Create a booking

Before (1.1.x)

let guest: CNIGuest = ...
let hotel: CNIHotel = ...
let stay: CNIStay = ...
let data = ["guest": guest.deserialize(),
            "hotel": hotel.deserialize(),
            "stay": stay.deserialize()]

      data: data,         
      success: { (result: Bool) in

      failure: { (error: Error) in


After (2.0.x)

let booking: CNIBooking = ...
let source = "CYTRIC_MOBILE"

      source: source,
      booking: booking,
      completion: { (response: CNIResponse<CNIStatus>) in


(!) IMPORTANT: source argument tells the API where does the booking come from. This argument is present for cases such as when a library client sends us bookings from different sources.
For instance, Cytric should use "CYTRIC_MOBILE" for all their bookings as stated in the example above.

Delete a booking

Before (1.1.x)

let guestId = "1234"
let reservationNumber = "EU-1337"

      guestId: guestId,
      reservationNumber: reservationNumber,
      success: { (result: Bool) in

      failure: { (error: Error) in


After (2.0.x)

let travelerId = "1234"
let partnerId = "5678"
let reservationNumber = "EU-1337"
let source = "CYTRIC_MOBILE"

      source: source,
      travelerId: travelerId,
      reservationNumber: reservationNumber,
      partnerPrimaryId: partnerId,
      partnerSecondaryIds: nil,
      completion: { (response: CNIResponse<CNIStatus>) in


(!) IMPORTANT: source argument tells the API where does the booking come from. This argument is present for cases such as when a library client sends us bookings from different sources.
For instance, Cytric should use "CYTRIC_MOBILE" for all their bookings as stated in the example above.

General info

API response

Every request to Itineraries API returns CNIResponse<CNIStatus>.
You can check if the request was successful by checking CNIResponse.isSuccessful. It will return false in case if HTTP status code of the response is different from 2XX.

To obtain detailed information with the backend API response, you can use CNIStatus

let response: CNIResponse<CNIStatus> = ...
let status: CNIStatus = response.result

In case the request has failed (CNIResponse.isSuccessful == false) - check CNIStatus.reason for more detailed information.