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Simple OC/K8s POC


Bash scripts that will setup a DAP cluster w/ k8s authentication:

  • 1_master: stands up DAP Master, Follower & CLI in Linux VM
  • 2_follower: initializes auth-k8s for DAP Follower and deploys Followers in k8s/ocp cluster
  • 3_apps: deploys apps in K8s/OCP cluster, retrieves secrets from k8s or ext follower


  1. Docker
  2. Kubernetes or OpenShift
  3. Access to DAP appliance, CLI, authenticator, seed-fetcher:dappoc and test-app images.



  • User RBAC is only enforced for Openshift
  • All $XXX references refer to env vars set in $DAP_HOME/config/*.config files.
  1. cd to cluster/
    • edit dap.config
    • edit either per environment:
      • kubernetes.config or openshift.config
  2. cd to 1_master
    • run start
  3. cd to 2_follower
      • run ./, to initialize cyberark namespace
      • load $SEED_FETCHER_IMAGE, be sure to load the tarfile w/ "dappoc" in filename.
      • run ./, to push images to registry
      • run ./start, to deploy follower.
  4. cd to 3_apps
      • run ./, to initialize testapps namespace
      • run ./, to push images to registry
      • run ./start, to deploy apps.

General usage notes:

  • The scripts work with either OpenShift or Kubernetes.
  • Scripts tested with:
    • OCP 3.11 (minishift 1.3.4)
    • K8s 1.11.1 (minikube 1.5.2)
    • K8s 1.12 (Docker desktop)
  • Scripts are driven by environment variables set in ./config/*.config files.
  • Pay careful attention when editing the values in the ./config directory.
  • The DAP Master & Follower running on the Linux host are initialized for authn-k8s.
  • All policies are loaded via REST.
  • All variables are initialized via REST.
  • Scripts in 1_master directory:
    • must be run on the DAP Master host.
    • do not use kubectl/oc CLI programs, do not need k8s/ocp cluster access.
  • Scripts in 2_follower & 3_apps directories:
    • require cluster access with kubectl/oc CLIs.
    • do not need "docker exec" access to the DAP Master or external Follower containers.
    • assume the external Follower already has authn-k8s enabled & configured.

Follower deployment notes:

  • By default CONJUR_SEED_FILE_URL is NOT set, and the Follower seedfile is pulled from a configmap by a container instance of the seed-fetcher:dappoc image, and placed in a shared volume.
  • If CONJUR_SEED_FILE_URL is set, e.g. to $CONJUR_MASTER_URL/configuration/$CONJUR_ACCOUNT/seed/follower, the seed-fetcher will pull the seedfile from the Master.
  • Followers running in or outside of the k8s cluster can support authn-k8s for apps in the cluster.
  • If CONJUR_FOLLOWERS_IN_CLUSTER is true, a Follower will be deployed in the K8s cluster, and apps are directed to that follower for authentication & secrets access.
  • If CONJUR_FOLLOWERS_IN_CLUSTER is false, apps are directed to the Follower deployed on the Conjur Master host listening on port 444 for authentication & secrets access.