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Releases: connected-digital-energy-meter/connected-digital-energy-meter

v1.5 - Updated diagram

22 Nov 15:08
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This release incorporates the functionality for the new emucs diagram sent out by the P1 port.

Bigger buffer and more whitelisted values for the CDEM device to send.

v1.4 - MQTT Username Password

03 Jun 12:08
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Allow username and password to be set to connect to MQTT broker with.


28 Nov 06:47
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Improved configuration of the device:

  • Nicer boot page
  • Factory default option


25 Oct 20:23
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Fix captive portal and provide nicer booting page.


25 Oct 15:45
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Fix PCB definition and remove some pragma messages.

v1.1 - Stats

18 Jun 06:11
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This release focuses on providing some basic system stats, also published via MQTT. Some system info is also published om system startup. Some small refactors have also been made to cleanup the code a bit.

Major Fixes:

  • MQTT publisher not reconnecting when connection fails at some point

v1.0 - Standalone CDEM

04 Jun 08:02
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This major release targets the new PCB from v4.0 and up which is based on the ESP12s instead of the ESP32, allowing for a standalone system that does not require an external power source. The PCB draws its power directly from the digital meter.

The schematic and PCB can be found as a KiCad project at CDEM - Hardware.

The firmware has also been refactored to make use of this new library.

The configuration of the system has been modified to be more user-friendly by using a captive portal webpage which is available for a limited time at boot.