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Thread Control Block (TCB):

The TCB is defined in our header file containing thefollowing attributes:

● A unique thread identifier which we called tid

● An integer named state that will switch between RUNNING(0), SCHEDULED (1), and BLOCKED (2)

● A ucontext_t named context that is used to store thethread’s context

● A void pointer to the threads stack, named stack

● An integer named priority that will distinguish whichqueue this thread belongs to when running MLFQ.

● A TCB pointer named joined that allows us to trackwhich thread has called join on this thread.

● An integer j used to distinguish if this thread hascalled rpthread_join on another thread and is waiting for it to finish.

● A TCB pointer next that is used to form a linkedlist of nodes that will represent the queue.

All of these values are set in our methods tcb_create and rpthread_create. The reason for creating two different functions for creating a threadis to allow our main thread to be created in a manner that allows for more control of its attributes.

Thread Context:

Our thread context uses a size of SIGSTKSZ for it’sstack. We set up our thread context in rpthread_create for normal threads, and in initMain for the main thread. Normal threads have their uc_link pointed to our global term context,which points the thread to rpthread_exit to allow all threads that finish their jobs to exit.Our main thread does not have a uc_link, because once this thread finishes the program will end andit’s uc_link will be ignored. A global scheduler context is created in initSched which pointsto our scheduler function.


We have multiple runqueues in our program. They areeach outfitted with three attributes. A pointer front to the first thread in the list, a pointer rear to the last thread in the list, and an integer qsize to tell us how many threads are currentlyin the queue.

Thread Yield:

Our rpthread_yield function begins by disabling thetimer for the current thread, so that it is not interrupted while yielding. The state is then changedto SCHEDULED and the thread is enqueued back into the runqueue. Once this has finishedthe context is swapped from the current thread’s context to the scheduler context.

Thread Exit:

Our rpthread_exit function begins by disabling thetimer for the current thread, so that it is not interrupted while exiting. We have a global integerarray called finished , and once a thread reaches rpthread_exit we change it’s index in thisarray to 1 so that we know the thread is finished. We then free the thread’s stack and if thethread has been joined by another we change the other thread’s j value from 1 to 0 and changeits state to SCHEDULED. We can now free the thread itself , set our current thread pointerto NULL and return to the scheduler context.

Thread Join:

Our rpthread_join function begins by checking if thepassed thread has already finished (by checking our finished array ), in which case we canjust return and allow the current thread to continue running. If this is not the case, then wesearch through the queue(s) for the thread who’s tid is passed to join. If the thread is not found,we exit the program with the error “Thread not found”. If the thread is found, we set the found thread’s joined attribute to point to our current thread, which will wait for it to finish, and setour current thread’s j attribute to 1 as well as changing its state to BLOCKED. While the passed threadis still running our current thread’s j value will not be changed, so we enter a while loopwaiting for the value to become 0 again. While this value is not 0 we enqueue the current threadand swapcontext to the scheduler. The j value and state will change once the passed threadreaches exit.

Thread Synchronization:

Mutex Initialization:

Our mutex contains two attributes. The first attributebeing a TCB pointer to the current owner of the mutex. The second attribute being an integer flag that will alternate between 0 and 1. When the flag attribute is set to 0 the mutex is unlockedand when it is set to 1 it is locked. Our rpthread_mutex_init function takes in a pointerto a mutex. It begins by disabling the timer so that nothing is interrupted throughout the function.The owner attribute is set to NULL and the flag attribute is set to 0.

Mutex Lock:

Our rpthread_mutex_lock function begins by savingthe context of the current running thread so we can come back to it later. The timer is then disabledto allow this function to finish without being interrupted. We then enter a while loop, usingour TestAndSet function to attempt to lock the mutex. If it fails, the context is switched tothe scheduler and once this thread begins running again it will pick up at the beginning of the functionwhere we saved our context. If the TestAndSet function is successful the function willcontinue past the while loop and the owner of the mutex will be set to the current thread. Thetimer will start again and the function will return.

Mutex Unlock:

Our rpthread_mutex_unlock function begins by disablingthe timer so that the function cannot be interrupted. The function will check if the threadattempting to unlock the mutex is the owner , if it is not it will print an error message and exit.If the current thread is the owner then the owner attribute will be set to NULL and the flag attributewill be set to 0.

Mutex Destroy:

Our rpthread_mutex_destroy function sets the owner attribute to NULL and unlocks the mutex by setting the flag attribute to 0. No memory deallocationis necessary because our mutex does not allocate any memory.


Round Robin:

Our Round Robin scheduler begins by checking if thecurrent qsize is greater than 0. If it is, we begin by popping off the first thread in the queue.If the state of the thread is BLOCKED then we enqueue the thread and restart the scheduler functionby using setcontext. If the thread is not blocked we change its state from SCHEDULED to RUNNING ,begin our timer by calling startTimer , and setcontext to the current popped thread’scontext. Once a thread has finished its job it will switch to its uc_link context. Thisis defined as a global term context which links to rpthread_exit. Inside of rpthread_exit the threadis deallocated and the context returns back to the scheduler. Once the entire queue is empty, includingthe main thread, the scheduler will continue past the if condition and free the schedulerstack, the term stack, the main stack, and the main TCB pointer.


Our MLFQ scheduler works by checking if the highestpriority qsize is greater than 0, if it is it runs all of the threads in that priority level roundrobin style as described above. If the thread uses all of the allocated time slice our handler functionis invoked and sets the priority of the thread down a level and re-enqueues the thread init’s proper priority level. If the thread is at the bottom level it’s priority is then set back to thehighest level then re-enqueued. If the highest priority level has a qsize of 0 we then check thenext highest priority level’s qsize and repeat the round robin style of scheduling for that prioritylevel.

Benchmark Results

Round Robin:

● External_cal

○ ./external_cal 100
■ Runtime: 41463 microseconds
○ ./external_cal 50
■ Runtime: 42064 microseconds
○ ./external_cal 10
■ Runtime: 42400 microseconds
○ ./external_cal 1
■ Runtime: 42277 microseconds
● Parallel_cal
○ ./parallel_cal 100
■ Runtime: 2796 microseconds
○ ./parallel_cal 50
■ Runtime: 3012 microseconds
○ ./parallel_cal 10
■ Runtime: 2784 microseconds
○ ./parallel_cal 1
■ Runtime: 2744 microseconds
● Vector_multiply
○ ./vector_multiply 100
■ Runtime: 10141 microseconds
○ ./vector_multiply 50
■ Runtime: 10401 microseconds
○ ./vector_multiply 10
■ Runtime: 9969 microseconds
○ ./vector_multiply 1
■ Runtime: 10151 microseconds


● External_cal

○ ./external_cal 100
■ Runtime: 42485 microseconds
○ ./external_cal 50
■ Runtime: 41961 microseconds
○ ./external_cal 10
■ Runtime: 41893 microseconds
○ ./external_cal 1
■ Runtime: 42189 microseconds
● Parallel_cal
○ ./parallel_cal 100
■ Runtime: 2767 microseconds
○ ./parallel_cal 50
■ Runtime: 2786 microseconds
○ ./parallel_cal 10
■ Runtime: 2771 microseconds
○ ./parallel_cal 1
■ Runtime: 2763 microseconds
● Vector_multiply
○ ./vector_multiply 100
■ Runtime: 10130 microseconds
○ ./vector_multiply 50
■ Runtime: 10411 microseconds
○ ./vector_multiply 10
■ Runtime: 9898 microseconds
○ ./vector_multiply 1
■ Runtime: 10023 microseconds

Pthread Library:

● External_cal

○ ./external_cal 100
■ Runtime: 6142 microseconds
○ ./external_cal 50
■ Runtime: 6401 microseconds
○ ./external_cal 10
■ Runtime: 4693 microseconds
○ ./external_cal 1
■ Runtime: 7612 microseconds
● Parallel_cal
○ ./parallel_cal 100
■ Runtime: 171 microseconds
○ ./parallel_cal 50
■ Runtime: 183 microseconds
○ ./parallel_cal 10
■ Runtime: 327 microseconds
○ ./parallel_cal 1
■ Runtime: 3219 microseconds
● Vector_multiply
○ ./vector_multiply 100
■ Runtime: 636 microseconds
○ ./vector_multiply 50
■ Runtime: 435 microseconds
○ ./vector_multiply 10
■ Runtime: 260 microseconds
○ ./vector_multiply 1
■ Runtime: 62 microseconds


Mini thread library written in C







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