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go-search reference

Implementation of search algorithms in golang.

Inspired by go-astar but with the goal of adding more algorithms and flexibility.

CLI Usage

$ go run ./cmd/go-search --on <environment> --with <algorithm>

For example, with the maze environment


  • x: impassable
  • .: passable
  • : path):
$ go run ./cmd/go-search --on maze with 'a*'
Found node (29,9) in 135 iterations.
Steps (61): start, right, right, right, down, right, right, right, up, right, right, right, right, right, right, down, down, down, down, down, right, right, right, up, up, right, right, right, down, right, right, down, right, right, right, up, up, left, up, up, right, right, down, right, right, up, up, right, right, right, down, down, down, left, down, down, right, down, down, down, down
Total cost of solution: 61

Package Usage

Basic usage, using premade algorithms and environments:

package main

import (


func main() {
    algorithm, err := algorithms.GetAlgorithm("a*")
    if err != nil {

    // You can also make your own environments.
    // See the godoc for the details on the interface.
    env, err := environments.GetEnvironment("maze")
    if err != nil {

    result, err := algorithm.Run(env)
    if err != nil {

    result.Print() // print statistics out

However, you can also implement your own algorithms and environments.

See the environments.Environment interface and the algorithms.Algorithm interface for details.

Provided Search Algorithms


  • Heuristic: Estimated 'distance' to the goal
  • Cost: The cost of traversing to that node. The goal is to minimize this cost.

Uninformed Search Algorithms

These algorithms don't use a heuristic to find the goal.


  • Breadth First (key: breadth_first): Searches horizontally
  • Depth First (key: depth_first): Searches vertically
  • Depth Limited (key: depth_limited, params: depth_limit): Searches vertically up to a maximum depth
  • Iterative Deepening (key: iterative_deepening): Runs depth_limited with an iteratively higher maximum depth until it finds the goal
  • Uniform Cost (key: uniform_cost): Searches based upon the lowest cost node until it finds the goal node

Informed Search Algorithms

These algorithms use a heuristic to find the goal. How well these algorithms perform depends heavily upon how good of an estimate the heuristic provides.

  • Greedy Best First Search (key: greedy_best_first): Searches based upon the lowest heuristic
  • A* (key: a*): Searches based upon the lowest heuristic and cost
  • RBFS/Recursive Best First Search (key: rbfs): Recursively searches based upon the cost and heuristic, but with only linear memory requirements and higher time requirements than A*

Local Search Algorithms

These algorithms should be used when the path to the goal doesn't matter, just that it's found. They don't guarantee finding the optimal solution, but can be more efficient.

  • TODO

Provided Environments

Some of the environments are defined by loading in JSON files. See assets/environments for the files that define the pre-made environments if you wish to make your own.


Here's an example definition of a grid environment:



  • *: Start
  • !: End
  • .: Passable, cost 1
  • ,: Passable, cost 2
  • #: Passable, cost 3
  • x: Impassable

The heuristic for this environment is the Manhattan Distance to the goal node.

Pre-made Grid environments:

  • corners: Simply has to traverse to the corner
  • maze: Basic maze


A state environment is an environment where every state can be loaded into memory.

In other words, the states can be enumerated like so:

"arad": {
    "heuristic": 366,
    "children": { // key = name, val = cost to node
        "zerind": 75, 
        "timisoara": 118,
        "sibiu": 140
"zerind": {
    "heuristic": 374,
    "children": {
        "oradea": 71,
        "arad": 75

Pre-made State environments:

  • bucharest: From the 3rd Edition of AI: A Modern Approach by Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig


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