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We propose an ensemble Siamese networks (ESiamFC) for tracking. In detail, firestly, we map the training dataset ILSVRC2015 into embedded space. Secondly, we use balanced k-means to cluster the video features. Thirdly, in each cluster we apply transfer learning into SiamFC to obtain k base trackers with their own preferences. Lastly, we propose a Cluster Fusion module, which can automatically assign fusion weights to base trackers according the semantic information of the tracking object.

Run ESiamFC


Download model

Download the pretrained model at key akhk. Put the pretrained model into the "./models" folder. Put the video sequence with OTB format into "./video" folder.

Create enviroment

Create conda enviroment and install the packages listed on the enviroment list "env.txt"

Run ESiamFC

Run "" in ".\bin" folder. Impermanent detail and experiments are conducted on the subsequent sections.

Impermanent detail

Train SiamFC

1.Download dataset

We use ILSVRC2015 as our training dataset you you can download it at If you are in China you can download it at baidu netdisk: key 6pot.

2.Create training samples

Run "" in ".\bin" to crop video sequences. This program crops video sequences into training samples for subsequent training process.

3.Create lmdb file

Run "" in ".\bin" to create lmdb file In order to read image pairs from hard disk fastly especially for HDD since cv2.imread is too slow. (this will take about 50GB storage we strongly recommend you to create this lmdb file on SSD for faster training process)

4.Train SiamFC

Run "" in ".\bin" to train SiamFC. During the training process the generated model will be stored in ".\models" directory. you can use tensorboard toolbox to observe the train loss and valid loss.

5.Select model with got10k toolbox

Run "" in "./got10k/trackers" to teset the trained models and select the one with best performance as the baseline for the netx step. The performance of SiamFC trained with Pytorch toolbox on pycharm will be slightly lower than that trained on Matlab (with same hyperparameter).

Generate dataset clusters

If you only intersted in PIk-means. We give out the generated video features on key djdw. You can directly download the generated video features and skip the video feature generate process. jump to step4: "cluster the video features"

1.Map the training dataset into embedding sapce

Run "" in "./bin". this program maps the training dataset ILSVRC2015 into embedding space. It should note that, there may be more thant one target objects in one video sequence. We treat these target objects on one video sequences as individual samples for the subsequent clustering process.

2.Generate video features

Run "" in "./bin" to generate video features. We use a covariance matrix to screen these contaminated feature maps with occlusion, motion blur and so on. These contaminated feature maps will significant decrease the reliability of video features.

(note:the after part of this section opearated on matlab environment!!!)

3.Acquire video features and use pca to generate 3 dimension video features for debugging.


Run "get_data.m" in "./feature_cluster" to load video features into RAM. Run "feature_pca.m" in "./feature_cluster" to get pca data for debug. This process will take about 8GB RAM. best operated on 16GB RAM computer. We strongly recommend you to restorage the generated data to ".mat" file this will shorten the data loading process for the next time. Rename the generated "score" matrix to "features_pca". The "features_pca" will be used to visuallize the clustered result on 3D plot. if you are RAM comsume you can only keep the first 3 dim of "features_pca".

4.Cluster the video features


Run "data_cluster.m" in "./feature_cluster" to acquire traditional k-means cluster result. Run "data_cluster_balanced.m" in "./feature_cluster" to acquire PIk-means cluster result. You can use "gpuArray" in matlab to accelerate the cluster process. It will be 10 times faster on GTX1070 GPU than that on E52697v3 (ES) CPU.

5.Generate result for futher process to train base trackers


Run "create_result.m" in "./feature_cluster" to acurire "result_index.txt" and "result_root.txt" files. "result_index.txt" indecate which cluster each video sequence belongs to. "result_root.txt" stores the path of each video sequence, which correspond to "result_index.txt"

Train base trackers

1.Generate meta data for base trackers.

Run "" in "./bin" to generate meta data. The generated meta datas will be stored in the training dataset folder. these meta datas contain indexes of each cluster, which indicate each base tracker's training dataset.

2.Train base trackers

Run "" in "./bin" to train each base tracker. Then 6 base trackers will be trained according to these meta datas generated in aforementioned process. the base tracker's model will be stored in "./models" folder named "siamfc_cluster*.pth"

Train CW module

1.Train cw module

Run "" in ".\bin" to train the CW module. The trained model will be stored in "./model" named "siamfc_mix_cw.pth". Evaluate the model of each epoch and choose the one with the best performance as the final CW model.


Impermanent detail

All experiments of the proposed ESiamFC is conducted with the got10k toolbox. For the baseline SiamFC we use the source code developed on pytorch from The model of SiamFC is downloaded from which is trained on matlab with matconvnet toolbox. And we transformed the matconvnet model to pytorch model with "" in ".\bin" folder. Benchmark results of TColor128 and DTB70 with got10k toolbox is slightly different from the results on matlab with same hyperparameters. SiamFC developed on pytorch is used as the baseline of ESiamFC, and take the results of SiamFC on got10k toolbox for comparison. We use the official results of LaSOT on since it takes a lot of time to evaluate trackers on 1400 video sequences.

Evaluate ESiamFC on different banchmarks

Run "" in ".\got10k\trackers" to get results of ESiamFC on multiple benchmarks. You can use multiprocessing toolbox to simultaneously run multiple models to save the evaluate time.


Ensemble Siamese Networks







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