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A company game, matching pictures of employees to names.

Demo (with some special colleagues) :


  • Elixir
  • Postgresql
  • Node / Npm
  • ImageMagick

Install project

  1. Configure app_config.exs & ENV.secret.exs in /config based on .dist templates (dev) or env vars (prod)
  2. Adapt the datasources read about datasources

Init project

  1. mix deps.get
  2. cd assets && npm install && node node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --mode development
  3. mix ecto.create
  4. mix ecto.migrate
  5. add at least one entry in the space table


To start your Phoenix server:

iex -S mix phx.server or mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.


In an iex session:

  • Updating people: NameGuess.Update.people()
  • Updating pictures:
  • Clean way to stop the server: :init.stop()

Tests: mix test


Datasources are modules in /lib/nameguess/datasource, implementing the NameGuess.DataSource behaviour.

Three datasource are included, BambooHR, Wikipedia POTUS (demo) and Local. Local uses a json file to import people, an example is included in /priv/data, pictures should go in /priv/pics_local and use the jpeg format.

Datasources are updated by default every night, pictures are updated once a week. These tasks schedule is defined in /config/config.exs.